Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"HI" considered spam on Couch Surfing (CS)?

Dear Allie, why is saying the word 

"HI" considered spam?

Dear Couch Surfing, 

why did you delete my 

ONE AND ONLY Couch Surfing Account?

Allie is mistaken.

Couch Surfing (CS) is wrong.

CS deleted my account for no reasons.

CS is wrong and mistaken about these things.

Dear CS:

You are mistaken. 

Your logic is deteriorating. 

Your evidence is inconclusive. 

Your argument is invalid. 

You do not 

understand these situations 

completely enough to 

make complete responses to them, 

as of now, for the moment.

Hi is not spam.
Hi is hello.
Hi is a greeting. 

You never tell people this.

You tell people not to spam.

But that is too generic.

You don't say it.

You don't say what spam is.

You make it an open-interpretation.

You do not say that being friendly is illegal.

Saying hello is called being friendly.

Humanity has done this foe centuries.

It is the most common way of starting a conversation.

CS does not give any warnings against this.

I am writing this in my blog.

Dear readers,

Couch Surfing CS is bad.

It is not to be trusted.

CS does not warn you thoroughly enough.

CS makes generic explanations that don't farther resolve conflicts.

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 29 16:17 (PDT)
Hello Joey,

Thank you for your response.

We have evidence 

in our system 
that you have created 
duplicate profiles 
and sent spam messages 
to members. 
repeated contact to members is considered spam. 

Sending messages 
that only say 

"hi" is considered spam.

[Couchsurfing Announcements] Re: My Account Was Deleted

Couchsurfing Announcements
May 29
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from
## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Your request (#49595) has been updated. Reply to this email or click the link below:

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 28 14:04 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for contacting us.
The reason your original profile was deleted was because many of your messages were reported to us as spam. We sent you a warning about this, and explained this to you several times. As you continued to send unsolicited messages to members, your account was deleted.
Since this time, you have created several duplicate profiles. This is also against our Terms of Use.
Based on your responses to our previous emails, it seems that you do not understand why your account was deleted.
Spamming is against our Terms of Use:
4.2 Member Conduct. By accessing or using the Services, you agree to act responsibly, exercise good judgment and comply with the Community Guidelines. In addition, you agree not to:
(d) use our Services in connection with the distribution of spam (which we define as unsolicited bulk e-mail or any other unsolicited messages of a commercial, religious, romantic or political or other nature not within the intended purposes of the Services);
We can consider reinstating your profile, but we ask that you agree that you will not participate in the following activities were the cause of your profile removal.
Please review this list and agree that you will NOT do the following:
-send unsolicited messages to members (including messages saying "hi")
-link to your blog or other sites unless another member requests this information
-create additional profiles
Please respond to this email to let us know that you are aware of why your profile was deleted and to agree to the aforementioned Terms.
Warm regards,
Trust and Safety Team

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 28 05:21 (PDT)
This is a follow-up to your previous request #24178 "My Account Was Deleted"
Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my (Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal) account
for no real reason. I have emailed CS many times this year. CS confessed to
illegally deleting my account a few times in this year of 2013 alone. CS
restored my account & profile on CS a few times but then kept on
deactivating & removing my CS without telling me what I did wrong. I did
not do anything wrong. CS is being illegal.
I am sharing these things on my blog at I am
sharing these emails on my blog. CS needs to restore my account or suffer
the consequences. CS is making a huge mistake. CS is abusing me. CS is
hurting me. CS is killing me, as an American traveller in Ho Chi Minh City
(HCM), Vietnam (VN) as an English Teacher long-term. My skin is white. I
was born Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter
Pickett Pickell Smith 1985 February 11th. Call me the Cool Kid. I was born
& raised in Forest Grove, Oregon (OR), United States of northern America
(USA). Born a Baptist Christian. Saved when I was 5 years old in 1990.
Baptized when I was 13 years old in 1998. I was homeschooled. Went to high
school. Went to the Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI of WOL) in
Pottersville, New York (NY) USA. Attended Appalachian Bible College (ABC)
in Bradley, West Virginia (WV), USA. Was a missionary in Idaho, Quebec, &
in Hawaii with The Salvation Army. Was a camp counselor for 5 summers &
some winters in Oregon, New York, California, Hawaii. I have been many
places helping others. With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
Watch my videos to see what I mean:
CS will be hearing from my lawyers & attorneys. I am fighting this with
everything that I have. These actions cannot be tolerated. CS is starting
to look worse than communism & socialism combined. Politically, I am
preparing for the day when the Vietnamese government chooses to arrest me.
Vietnam cannot stop the cries for freedom of capitalism and republic
democracy of ONE Nation under God.

CS must restore my CS account or else. My one & only CS is the following
blue hyperlink as follows:

Many people are spreading lies about me. That cannot be permitted. Those
people do not know me well enough to make such judgement. They are
inaccurately accounting for the things that have been happening. I will be
writing a book about these things. I will continue to blog & share these
social injustices with the world. I will not stop doing these things. You
cannot stop me. CS cannot stop me. I will do what is right and what is
best. CS must remedy these problems by giving me what I want. I want
immunity to these illegal conflicts that people are throwing at me.
CS needs to stop doing illegal things.

Email me at:

Please add me on Facebook (FB) at

Like me on Facebook at

My website is at
My Weebly is

My BlogSpot is
My Twitter is
My Tagged is
This email is a service from Couchsurfing Announcements. Delivered by Zendesk.
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
May 29
to Couchsurfing
The messages I wrote were not spam. I am from the United States. I am in vietnam. I was trying to make some friends. I am not allowed to make friends on Couch Surfing? I am not allowed to find couches in Vietnam because I am American? My messages were not spam. It does not matter if people say that my emails were not wanted. If they do not like what I write, they can ignore it. I did not do anything wrong. You did not tell me about these things before. What you are saying is irrelevant. what you are saying is not true. I did not spam. I am not spam. You are very wrong for accusing me of things that I do not do. You have to understand what spam means. Spam is a type of advertisement. I am not an ad. I am a person in need of friends. I joined Couch Surfing for the ability to network, to learn, but the experience is destroying the reputation of Couch Surfing (CS). This is Joey Arnold, & I am very disappointed with your inability to be more like Facebook & Youtube. People cannot trust CS because CS is not consistent or reliable. CS stole my money. I consider CS to be more spam than me. CS is losing members due to their inability to get with the program. CS illegally deleted my account. You can call me the Original Oatmeal. CS is breaking their own rules. CS is violating my rights & freedom as a human. CS must stop lying to their customers. I am warning CS. I am telling everybody that CS is not to be trusted. I promise to recant if you can restore my CS. I onlt made one CS account. I did not spam. I do not spam. People are lying about me. Those accusations are hearsay and ludicrous. Please think about this.
Couchsurfing Announcements
May 30 (13 days ago)
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from
## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Your request (#49595) has been updated. Reply to this email or click the link below:
Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 29 16:17 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for your response.
We have evidence in our system that you have created duplicate profiles and sent spam messages to members. Unsolicited, repeated contact to members is considered spam. Sending messages that only say "hi" is considered spam.
As you have not acknowledged the aforementioned violations of our Terms of Use, we can not reinstate your account.
We hope that you find another social travel website that fits your needs.
Trust and Safety Team

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 28 22:42 (PDT)

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 28 14:04 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for contacting us.
The reason your original profile was deleted was because many of your messages were reported to us as spam. We sent you a warning about this, and explained this to you several times. As you continued to send unsolicited messages to members, your account was deleted.
Since this time, you have created several duplicate profiles. This is also against our Terms of Use.
Based on your responses to our previous emails, it seems that you do not understand why your account was deleted.
Spamming is against our Terms of Use:
4.2 Member Conduct. By accessing or using the Services, you agree to act responsibly, exercise good judgment and comply with the Community Guidelines. In addition, you agree not to:
(d) use our Services in connection with the distribution of spam (which we define as unsolicited bulk e-mail or any other unsolicited messages of a commercial, religious, romantic or political or other nature not within the intended purposes of the Services);
We can consider reinstating your profile, but we ask that you agree that you will not participate in the following activities were the cause of your profile removal.
Please review this list and agree that you will NOT do the following:
-send unsolicited messages to members (including messages saying "hi")
-link to your blog or other sites unless another member requests this information
-create additional profiles
Please respond to this email to let us know that you are aware of why your profile was deleted and to agree to the aforementioned Terms.
Warm regards,
Trust and Safety Team
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
May 30 (13 days ago)
to Couchsurfing
Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my account and profile on CS. In emails, CS told me that they terminated my CS by accident. CS reactivated my CS. Again, CS deactivated my Couch Surfing profile by mistake. CS emailed me. CS told me sorry. CS restored my CS again in 2013. This happened a few times. I am having a hard time trusting CS. It is not reliable. I did not nothing wrong. CS keeps on deleting my account. When I ask CS why, CS says that there was no reason. CS tells me that I did nothing wrong. That does not make sense. I want to be on CS but CS will not let me. CS lies to me & CS does not explain the rules to me.
Couchsurfing Announcements
10:54 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from
## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##

Your request (#49595) has been updated. Reply to this email or click the link below:

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 29 21:57 (PDT)
Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my account and profile on CS. In emails, CS told
me that they terminated my CS by accident. CS reactivated my CS. Again, CS
deactivated my Couch Surfing profile by mistake. CS emailed me. CS told me
sorry. CS restored my CS again in 2013. This happened a few times. I am
having a hard time trusting CS. It is not reliable. I did not nothing
wrong. CS keeps on deleting my account. When I ask CS why, CS says that
there was no reason. CS tells me that I did nothing wrong. That does not
make sense. I want to be on CS but CS will not let me. CS lies to me & CS
does not explain the rules to me.

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 29 16:17 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for your response.
We have evidence in our system that you have created duplicate profiles and sent spam messages to members. Unsolicited, repeated contact to members is considered spam. Sending messages that only say "hi" is considered spam.
As you have not acknowledged the aforementioned violations of our Terms of Use, we can not reinstate your account.
We hope that you find another social travel website that fits your needs.
Trust and Safety Team

Jennifer Pableo
Jennifer Pableo
May 29 08:52 (PDT)

chuck capp
chuck capp
May 29 08:44 (PDT)
I think there are beds available at the Hanoi Hilton.
They are free to all americans.
You want everything to be free right?

On May 28, 2013, at 5:21 AM, Original Oatmeal Gmail wrote:

> Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my (Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal) account for no real reason. I have emailed CS many times this year. CS confessed to illegally deleting my account a few times in this year of 2013 alone. CS restored my account & profile on CS a few times but then kept on deactivating & removing my CS without telling me what I did wrong. I did not do anything wrong. CS is being illegal.
> I am sharing these things on my blog at I am sharing these emails on my blog. CS needs to restore my account or suffer the consequences. CS is making a huge mistake. CS is abusing me. CS is hurting me. CS is killing me, as an American traveller in Ho Chi Minh City (HCM), Vietnam (VN) as an English Teacher long-term. My skin is white. I was born Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Pickett Pickell Smith 1985 February 11th. Call me the Cool Kid. I was born & raised in Forest Grove, Oregon (OR), United States of northern America (USA). Born a Baptist Christian. Saved when I was 5 years old in 1990. Baptized when I was 13 years old in 1998. I was homeschooled. Went to high school. Went to the Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI of WOL) in Pottersville, New York (NY) USA. Attended Appalachian Bible College (ABC) in Bradley, West Virginia (WV), USA. Was a missionary in Idaho, Quebec, & in Hawaii with The Salvation Army. Was a camp counselor for 5 summers & some winters in Oregon, New York, California, Hawaii. I have been many places helping others. With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
> Watch my videos to see what I mean:
> CS will be hearing from my lawyers & attorneys. I am fighting this with everything that I have. These actions cannot be tolerated. CS is starting to look worse than communism & socialism combined. Politically, I am preparing for the day when the Vietnamese government chooses to arrest me. Vietnam cannot stop the cries for freedom of capitalism and republic democracy of ONE Nation under God.
> CS must restore my CS account or else. My one & only CS is the following blue hyperlink as follows:
> Many people are spreading lies about me. That cannot be permitted. Those people do not know me well enough to make such judgement. They are inaccurately accounting for the things that have been happening. I will be writing a book about these things. I will continue to blog & share these social injustices with the world. I will not stop doing these things. You cannot stop me. CS cannot stop me. I will do what is right and what is best. CS must remedy these problems by giving me what I want. I want immunity to these illegal conflicts that people are throwing at me.
> CS needs to stop doing illegal things.
> Email me at:
> Please add me on Facebook (FB) at
> Like me on Facebook at
> My website is at
> My Weebly is
> My BlogSpot is
> My Twitter is
> My Tagged is

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 28 22:42 (PDT)
The messages I wrote were not spam. I am from the United States. I am in
vietnam. I was trying to make some friends. I am not allowed to make
friends on Couch Surfing? I am not allowed to find couches in Vietnam
because I am American? My messages were not spam. It does not matter if
people say that my emails were not wanted. If they do not like what I
write, they can ignore it. I did not do anything wrong. You did not tell me
about these things before. What you are saying is irrelevant. what you are
saying is not true. I did not spam. I am not spam. You are very wrong for
accusing me of things that I do not do. You have to understand what spam
means. Spam is a type of advertisement. I am not an ad. I am a person in
need of friends. I joined Couch Surfing for the ability to network, to
learn, but the experience is destroying the reputation of Couch Surfing
(CS). This is Joey Arnold, & I am very disappointed with your inability to
be more like Facebook & Youtube. People cannot trust CS because CS is not
consistent or reliable. CS stole my money. I consider CS to be more spam
than me. CS is losing members due to their inability to get with the
program. CS illegally deleted my account. You can call me the Original
Oatmeal. CS is breaking their own rules. CS is violating my rights &
freedom as a human. CS must stop lying to their customers. I am warning CS.
I am telling everybody that CS is not to be trusted. I promise to recant if
you can restore my CS. I onlt made one CS account. I did not spam. I do not
spam. People are lying about me. Those accusations are hearsay and
ludicrous. Please think about this.

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 28 14:04 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for contacting us.
The reason your original profile was deleted was because many of your messages were reported to us as spam. We sent you a warning about this, and explained this to you several times. As you continued to send unsolicited messages to members, your account was deleted.
Since this time, you have created several duplicate profiles. This is also against our Terms of Use.
Based on your responses to our previous emails, it seems that you do not understand why your account was deleted.
Spamming is against our Terms of Use:
4.2 Member Conduct. By accessing or using the Services, you agree to act responsibly, exercise good judgment and comply with the Community Guidelines. In addition, you agree not to:
(d) use our Services in connection with the distribution of spam (which we define as unsolicited bulk e-mail or any other unsolicited messages of a commercial, religious, romantic or political or other nature not within the intended purposes of the Services);
We can consider reinstating your profile, but we ask that you agree that you will not participate in the following activities were the cause of your profile removal.
Please review this list and agree that you will NOT do the following:
-send unsolicited messages to members (including messages saying "hi")
-link to your blog or other sites unless another member requests this information
-create additional profiles
Please respond to this email to let us know that you are aware of why your profile was deleted and to agree to the aforementioned Terms.
Warm regards,
Trust and Safety Team

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 28 05:21 (PDT)
This is a follow-up to your previous request #24178 "My Account Was Deleted"
Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my (Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal) account
for no real reason. I have emailed CS many times this year. CS confessed to
illegally deleting my account a few times in this year of 2013 alone. CS
restored my account & profile on CS a few times but then kept on
deactivating & removing my CS without telling me what I did wrong. I did
not do anything wrong. CS is being illegal.
I am sharing these things on my blog at I am
sharing these emails on my blog. CS needs to restore my account or suffer
the consequences. CS is making a huge mistake. CS is abusing me. CS is
hurting me. CS is killing me, as an American traveller in Ho Chi Minh City
(HCM), Vietnam (VN) as an English Teacher long-term. My skin is white. I
was born Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter
Pickett Pickell Smith 1985 February 11th. Call me the Cool Kid. I was born
& raised in Forest Grove, Oregon (OR), United States of northern America
(USA). Born a Baptist Christian. Saved when I was 5 years old in 1990.
Baptized when I was 13 years old in 1998. I was homeschooled. Went to high
school. Went to the Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI of WOL) in
Pottersville, New York (NY) USA. Attended Appalachian Bible College (ABC)
in Bradley, West Virginia (WV), USA. Was a missionary in Idaho, Quebec, &
in Hawaii with The Salvation Army. Was a camp counselor for 5 summers &
some winters in Oregon, New York, California, Hawaii. I have been many
places helping others. With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
Watch my videos to see what I mean:
CS will be hearing from my lawyers & attorneys. I am fighting this with
everything that I have. These actions cannot be tolerated. CS is starting
to look worse than communism & socialism combined. Politically, I am
preparing for the day when the Vietnamese government chooses to arrest me.
Vietnam cannot stop the cries for freedom of capitalism and republic
democracy of ONE Nation under God.

CS must restore my CS account or else. My one & only CS is the following
blue hyperlink as follows:

Many people are spreading lies about me. That cannot be permitted. Those
people do not know me well enough to make such judgement. They are
inaccurately accounting for the things that have been happening. I will be
writing a book about these things. I will continue to blog & share these
social injustices with the world. I will not stop doing these things. You
cannot stop me. CS cannot stop me. I will do what is right and what is
best. CS must remedy these problems by giving me what I want. I want
immunity to these illegal conflicts that people are throwing at me.
CS needs to stop doing illegal things.

Email me at:

Please add me on Facebook (FB) at

Like me on Facebook at

My website is at
My Weebly is

My BlogSpot is
My Twitter is
My Tagged is
This email is a service from Couchsurfing Announcements. Delivered by Zendesk.
Couchsurfing Announcements (
Couchsurfing Announcements
10:54 AM (3 hours ago)
to me
Images are not displayed. Display images below - Always display images from
## In replies all text above this line is added to the ticket ##
Your request (#49595) has been updated. Reply to this email or click the link below:

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 29 21:57 (PDT)
Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my account and profile on CS. In emails, CS told
me that they terminated my CS by accident. CS reactivated my CS. Again, CS
deactivated my Couch Surfing profile by mistake. CS emailed me. CS told me
sorry. CS restored my CS again in 2013. This happened a few times. I am
having a hard time trusting CS. It is not reliable. I did not nothing
wrong. CS keeps on deleting my account. When I ask CS why, CS says that
there was no reason. CS tells me that I did nothing wrong. That does not
make sense. I want to be on CS but CS will not let me. CS lies to me & CS
does not explain the rules to me.

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 29 16:17 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for your response.
We have evidence in our system that you have created duplicate profiles and sent spam messages to members. Unsolicited, repeated contact to members is considered spam. Sending messages that only say "hi" is considered spam.
As you have not acknowledged the aforementioned violations of our Terms of Use, we can not reinstate your account.
We hope that you find another social travel website that fits your needs.
Trust and Safety Team

Jennifer Pableo
Jennifer Pableo
May 29 08:52 (PDT)

chuck capp
chuck capp
May 29 08:44 (PDT)
I think there are beds available at the Hanoi Hilton.
They are free to all americans.
You want everything to be free right?
On May 28, 2013, at 5:21 AM, Original Oatmeal Gmail wrote:
> Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my (Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal) account for no real reason. I have emailed CS many times this year. CS confessed to illegally deleting my account a few times in this year of 2013 alone. CS restored my account & profile on CS a few times but then kept on deactivating & removing my CS without telling me what I did wrong. I did not do anything wrong. CS is being illegal.
> I am sharing these things on my blog at I am sharing these emails on my blog. CS needs to restore my account or suffer the consequences. CS is making a huge mistake. CS is abusing me. CS is hurting me. CS is killing me, as an American traveller in Ho Chi Minh City (HCM), Vietnam (VN) as an English Teacher long-term. My skin is white. I was born Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Pickett Pickell Smith 1985 February 11th. Call me the Cool Kid. I was born & raised in Forest Grove, Oregon (OR), United States of northern America (USA). Born a Baptist Christian. Saved when I was 5 years old in 1990. Baptized when I was 13 years old in 1998. I was homeschooled. Went to high school. Went to the Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI of WOL) in Pottersville, New York (NY) USA. Attended Appalachian Bible College (ABC) in Bradley, West Virginia (WV), USA. Was a missionary in Idaho, Quebec, & in Hawaii with The Salvation Army. Was a camp counselor for 5 summers & some winters in Oregon, New York, California, Hawaii. I have been many places helping others. With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
> Watch my videos to see what I mean:
> CS will be hearing from my lawyers & attorneys. I am fighting this with everything that I have. These actions cannot be tolerated. CS is starting to look worse than communism & socialism combined. Politically, I am preparing for the day when the Vietnamese government chooses to arrest me. Vietnam cannot stop the cries for freedom of capitalism and republic democracy of ONE Nation under God.
> CS must restore my CS account or else. My one & only CS is the following blue hyperlink as follows:
> Many people are spreading lies about me. That cannot be permitted. Those people do not know me well enough to make such judgement. They are inaccurately accounting for the things that have been happening. I will be writing a book about these things. I will continue to blog & share these social injustices with the world. I will not stop doing these things. You cannot stop me. CS cannot stop me. I will do what is right and what is best. CS must remedy these problems by giving me what I want. I want immunity to these illegal conflicts that people are throwing at me.
> CS needs to stop doing illegal things.
> Email me at:
> Please add me on Facebook (FB) at
> Like me on Facebook at
> My website is at
> My Weebly is
> My BlogSpot is
> My Twitter is
> My Tagged is

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 28 22:42 (PDT)
The messages I wrote were not spam. I am from the United States. I am in
vietnam. I was trying to make some friends. I am not allowed to make
friends on Couch Surfing? I am not allowed to find couches in Vietnam
because I am American? My messages were not spam. It does not matter if
people say that my emails were not wanted. If they do not like what I
write, they can ignore it. I did not do anything wrong. You did not tell me
about these things before. What you are saying is irrelevant. what you are
saying is not true. I did not spam. I am not spam. You are very wrong for
accusing me of things that I do not do. You have to understand what spam
means. Spam is a type of advertisement. I am not an ad. I am a person in
need of friends. I joined Couch Surfing for the ability to network, to
learn, but the experience is destroying the reputation of Couch Surfing
(CS). This is Joey Arnold, & I am very disappointed with your inability to
be more like Facebook & Youtube. People cannot trust CS because CS is not
consistent or reliable. CS stole my money. I consider CS to be more spam
than me. CS is losing members due to their inability to get with the
program. CS illegally deleted my account. You can call me the Original
Oatmeal. CS is breaking their own rules. CS is violating my rights &
freedom as a human. CS must stop lying to their customers. I am warning CS.
I am telling everybody that CS is not to be trusted. I promise to recant if
you can restore my CS. I onlt made one CS account. I did not spam. I do not
spam. People are lying about me. Those accusations are hearsay and
ludicrous. Please think about this.

Allie (Couchsurfing Announcements)
May 28 14:04 (PDT)
Hello Joey,
Thank you for contacting us.
The reason your original profile was deleted was because many of your messages were reported to us as spam. We sent you a warning about this, and explained this to you several times. As you continued to send unsolicited messages to members, your account was deleted.
Since this time, you have created several duplicate profiles. This is also against our Terms of Use.
Based on your responses to our previous emails, it seems that you do not understand why your account was deleted.
Spamming is against our Terms of Use:
4.2 Member Conduct. By accessing or using the Services, you agree to act responsibly, exercise good judgment and comply with the Community Guidelines. In addition, you agree not to:
(d) use our Services in connection with the distribution of spam (which we define as unsolicited bulk e-mail or any other unsolicited messages of a commercial, religious, romantic or political or other nature not within the intended purposes of the Services);
We can consider reinstating your profile, but we ask that you agree that you will not participate in the following activities were the cause of your profile removal.
Please review this list and agree that you will NOT do the following:
-send unsolicited messages to members (including messages saying "hi")
-link to your blog or other sites unless another member requests this information
-create additional profiles
Please respond to this email to let us know that you are aware of why your profile was deleted and to agree to the aforementioned Terms.
Warm regards,
Trust and Safety Team

Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold
May 28 05:21 (PDT)
This is a follow-up to your previous request #24178 "My Account Was Deleted"
Couch Surfing (CS) deleted my (Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal) account
for no real reason. I have emailed CS many times this year. CS confessed to
illegally deleting my account a few times in this year of 2013 alone. CS
restored my account & profile on CS a few times but then kept on
deactivating & removing my CS without telling me what I did wrong. I did
not do anything wrong. CS is being illegal.
I am sharing these things on my blog at I am
sharing these emails on my blog. CS needs to restore my account or suffer
the consequences. CS is making a huge mistake. CS is abusing me. CS is
hurting me. CS is killing me, as an American traveller in Ho Chi Minh City
(HCM), Vietnam (VN) as an English Teacher long-term. My skin is white. I
was born Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter
Pickett Pickell Smith 1985 February 11th. Call me the Cool Kid. I was born
& raised in Forest Grove, Oregon (OR), United States of northern America
(USA). Born a Baptist Christian. Saved when I was 5 years old in 1990.
Baptized when I was 13 years old in 1998. I was homeschooled. Went to high
school. Went to the Word of Life Bible Institute (WOLBI of WOL) in
Pottersville, New York (NY) USA. Attended Appalachian Bible College (ABC)
in Bradley, West Virginia (WV), USA. Was a missionary in Idaho, Quebec, &
in Hawaii with The Salvation Army. Was a camp counselor for 5 summers &
some winters in Oregon, New York, California, Hawaii. I have been many
places helping others. With oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
Watch my videos to see what I mean:
CS will be hearing from my lawyers & attorneys. I am fighting this with
everything that I have. These actions cannot be tolerated. CS is starting
to look worse than communism & socialism combined. Politically, I am
preparing for the day when the Vietnamese government chooses to arrest me.
Vietnam cannot stop the cries for freedom of capitalism and republic
democracy of ONE Nation under God.

CS must restore my CS account or else. My one & only CS is the following
blue hyperlink as follows:

Many people are spreading lies about me. That cannot be permitted. Those
people do not know me well enough to make such judgement. They are
inaccurately accounting for the things that have been happening. I will be
writing a book about these things. I will continue to blog & share these
social injustices with the world. I will not stop doing these things. You
cannot stop me. CS cannot stop me. I will do what is right and what is
best. CS must remedy these problems by giving me what I want. I want
immunity to these illegal conflicts that people are throwing at me.
CS needs to stop doing illegal things.

Email me at:

Please add me on Facebook (FB) at

Like me on Facebook at

My website is at
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My BlogSpot is
My Twitter is
My Tagged is
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