Monday, June 10, 2013

Black List Joey Arnold, Banned on Couch Surfing

Location: People >> CS Black list /Peoples You should avoid
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Hi guys! Please be careful with this guy! He is being a jerk!
Posted May 26th, 2013 - 9:23 pm by  from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (Permalink)
Hi guys,
Today, when you are in saigon, Vietnam, please be careful with this guy named Joey Arnold, Original Oatmeal, Bob Max, Kim Freeman...
He spammed and annoyed us all, and he is a really security threaten to the community. He himself created 4-5 fake profiles and harassing people around.
There are already a few posts about him on Saigon and Ha Noi community.
This is the link of the post of someone on Saigon page.
Please read and be aware!

Right now, he is using Kim Freeman as his account to spam around. And we all tried our best to kick his ass out of here. But like I said, he is being a jerk, so he keeps creating a new fake profiles once after being deleted.
Just some infos for you to know about him here and be careful!

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