Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Uncle Ho is My Brother Man 0002

  • Robert Gonzalez He looks cool for Uncle Ho.
    9 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Antonio Mauryshmelly At risk of starting a shit storm, Alston Prenn, how do you think he could have saved a lot of senseless bloodshed?
    9 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Lars Iver Damn, this group has gone strange. like being back in kindergarten
    9 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
  • Alston Prenn Antonio Mauryshmelly: I know it's a crazy idea, neither of the wars he started was, you know, necessary. Colonialism had run its course after WW2 and was going out of fad quicker than Justin Bieber. Even Great Britain, which was in much stronger position than France, and the lead preacher of "whiteman's burdenism", had to let go of their former holdings within a few years. What Ho did was to get the country into a costly globo- ideological war and set the countries back *decades* if not century by empowering a class of people that had no experience in governing, hence governed by fear, hatred, and xenophobia; and wiped out significant progress western influence did bring to Vietnam.

    In 1945, even 1954, Vietnam was on better course to modernity than, for instance, South Korea. They had better infrastructures laid down by their "colonial masters", better expertise in law and technology from all those French trained technocrats. What had happened since? 

    How is the way Vietnam gained independence better than say the way numerous other former colonial countries gained their independence, but peacefully?
    8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Antonio Mauryshmelly Dude, I'm not sure what kind of colonialism you are talking about but none of it just went away. And I feel like you might not know that much about Ho Chi Minh, though I'm not saying you are dumb, just that there were a lot of specifics that I feel like you aren't acknowledging... Which ones got it peacefully?
  • Alston Prenn Antonio Mauryshmelly On the contrary, I feel that you're being obtuse, if not ignorant of the politics of the world post WW2. India, the middle east, Burma, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, numerous countries in Africa all gained independence without having to fight their former master, need I name more? By the way, in a democratic society, ideas come and go, it may take time for new ideas to push out the old, but they usually do. Even before Ho was somebody, colonialism was under assault from within by people like George Orwell, who did a hell lot more to change people's mind than some self-aggrandized, self-styled revolutionist like Ho. 

    And what made you think you're more an expert of Ho than I am?
    8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
  • Antonio Mauryshmelly I feel like you have a very colonialist mindset, even saying that Orwell, a colonist (albeit a regretful one) did more to stop colonialism than HCM is absurd. 

    When you say "need I name more?" sarcastically, I think it reveals that you know how much more you really do need to say. Colonialism did not simply vanish, as though the colonial powers stopped their "benevolent" occupation when they were finished civilizing the 'natives'. Each anti colonial struggle was a product of its specific material conditions. To imagine the French would just let it go after Truman double crossed Ho Chi Minh and gave the colony back after he assisted with the fight against the Japanese is ridiculous (FDR promised HCM that the french wouldn't be allowed to return). No doubt their would be a protracted anti-colonial war, like Algeria and many others. 

    Furthermore, to equivocate Indonesia and the others and call them free or independent or democratic is outlandish. Did Indonesia not have its genocides? Burma, was that a joke? We can't ignore the ways that 'colonialism' has led into a global capitalist system that retains many of its features. 

    Finally to call HCM a 'self-styled revolutionist' is sadly misinformed and is part of the attitude that leads me to believe that either I know more, or that you are purposefully ignorant, about the incredible work that the man undertook. 

    While I gather that your opinion comes more from a hatred of Marxism-Leninism as a political-economic value than a genuine dislike of the man HCM per se, I think that, as an outsider who is stepping over my bounds and venturing to speak out of turn, that the route Vietnam took had little to do with his vision. 

    The Viet people certainly had the right to self determination, this much I am sure we agree on, but the idea that they should have waited till it was granted to them by their masters is a classic oppressor statement thats been repeated to American blacks, Algerians, Indians, etc. It's just plain fucked up
    7 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Aleksandra Nguen Guys, kindly move your political debates and history lessons out of this thread to somewhere else, please.
    7 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Alston Prenn Alright, Mr. Berkeley, when the Britons voted Labours to oust an old-timer colonialist like Winston Churchill, and it was a decisive indication of a change in mindset of the populace (on many things, not just colonialism), was it because of people like Orwell who had turned the opinions, or was it because of Ho?

    I also never advocated "they should've waited their turn". 

    I'll stop now, as per the wish of the rest of the members.
    7 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Antonio Mauryshmelly Ok, we agree to disagree, I don't think the brits stopped colonialism because of orwell. I don't even think it ever really stopped.
  • Tom Affolter Awesome!
    4 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan To: Ha Ha Luong. Noi that la minh khong hieu moi nguoi nghi gi khi co the su dung ten bac tuy tien nhu the. Ban da giai thich den the va minh cung phan ung den vay khi ho cho rang do la binh thuong. Tham chi trong chinh nguoi Viet con the thi ko noi nguoi nuoc ngoai duoc dau. Cam on ban da cung quan diem. Minh thich tinh than cua nhung nguoi hoi giao ho biet bao ve thanh cua ho truoc nhung tu ngu va hanh dong vo van. Minh thay co cau noi rat hay la: Neu ban khong biet chan trong dat nuoc ban, yeu thuong dong bao ban, biet ban la ai thi ban ko khac gi mot con vat bi nguoi khac so mui va dan di bat cu dau. Minh thay met moi khi doc nhung comment nay.
    4 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Shiro Neko he's not Uncle Ho :)))
  • Alston Prenn You should've stopped at "I don't understand", Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, but let me try to explain it to you. Being born a Vietnamese, or an Engish, or a Chinese, or an American is a random fact. It's not a matter that you had a choice (only when you're an adult, if you're lucky, rich, or talented enough, you might be able to choose what society you want to belong to, but most people, especially from poorer countries, do not have that choice). Beneath all that superficial national identity, you are a human being, of flesh and blood, of neurons, cells, fluids, and DNA, of feelings, lust, love, anger, hatred, obsession, indulgence, flaws, illness or whatever else you can name. We are all people, a continuation in that long chain of humanity. The history of humanity is much longer than those artificial boundaries of nationhood. Why then do you want to imprison your own thoughts within those artificial boundaries? Vietnam can be what that made you Vietnamese, but you is what made you you. You have choices, unless you refuse them.
  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan Hey, Alston Prenn, have you got brain in your head? And your eyes can see or not? Look all comments from me. And you said I should stop? Yes, I stop right now. Don't write any more, ok? I really tired with all words from you. Thanks
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mulan Origin still 'discussing'? and now ab political matters? guys, think it s time to move to sthing brighter, it s hot in here...
  • Ruby Lam A very good sample for the young lazy generation, like me lol
  • Elvis Chan Mr.Ho is either god or devil to some ppl, accept it. 
    You worshiping Ho doesn't mean the others have to follow your superstition.
  • Phạm Thị Quỳnh I'm really in bad mood with each Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan's comment, bcoz she always makes the air of the topic become worst. So sorry if i made you sad, Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan.
  • Quân Trương Nhan is just another harmless fool like joey, so ignore her :))
  • Homi Vns Interesting debate. It reminds me about my primary teachers in the 80s. Believe me, they were really serious talking about important figures, especially Uncle Ho. So I can get Nhan's point. The only one problem here is that she overreact to people who, I guess, already got her point but did not share it with her.
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Homi Vns Well, just keep in mind that sometimes in Vietnam, you should not mess up with important people, just like you will not mess up with Buddhist monks in Thailand or sumo wrestlers in Japan.
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Cường Đn I'd thought all the Vietnamese were atheists until I read Her comments !
  • Kelly Smith She's right. That's not Uncle Ho. He's in my wallet now.
  • Kelly Smith Jokes aside, that's another side of Vietnam for u Westerners: a zealot Vietnam brainwashed by murderous communists. Same to extremist Muslims who say no jokes about Allah.
  • Quân Trương in my wallet, too!!!
    Long live Uncle Hooo!!!
  • Ha Luong Not brainwashed Kelly Smith, I think I have explained enough and we should end it here, don't make it too deep into politic, not fun anymore when you use those words, no need to add any more gas to this fire.
  • Phil Veinott do any of you actually have lives or important things to do? Like work or any responsibility lol...this is hilarious.
  • Kelly Smith But you started this fire! It's actually quite ironic when you referred to Ho Chi Minh, a communist revolutionary who fought to remove the 1000 year Vietnamese monarchy as a "King" that all Vietnamese people revere. He would be turning in his grave for such words!
  • Ha Luong Well, by the look at your profile, I can see you are a Chinese Vietnamese, but use that western name to hide yourself, no wonder why..........
  • Lockie Harris Oh its getting caty now ease up guys , 
    51 minutes ago · Like · 3
  • Quân Trương now it's priceless haha
  • Lockie Harris So is this 
    49 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Erich Dang Stalin killed more than 20 million Russians, more than the Wehrmacht ever did.
  • Lockie Harris And before you all hang me to the cross this is my Vietnamese friend showing me how to do it ok 
    48 minutes ago · Like · 2
  • Alston Prenn Lockie Harris Cross? What do you think we are, Romans? Re-education camp here you go.
    45 minutes ago · Like · 3
  • Ha Luong A simple solution for Lockie Harris, just click block and I won't be bothered by any of your comment any more, cheers! I am doing it RIGHT NOW
  • Lockie Harris Well A few might want to string me up saying I have no respect for Ho Chi Minh , Ha Luong get a Life 
    43 minutes ago · Like · 2
  • Elvis Chan yeah and u should also respect Uncle Kim Il Sung and his kids coz they drove away Americans and brought freedom for N.Korean people and they love them long time.
    41 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 2
  • Lockie Harris Ha Ha she Blocked me What a prune Obviously has no sense of light hearted humor , I'm so much upset ...............
  • Elvis Chan well moral of the stoy: don't touch anyone's uncle.
    39 minutes ago · Like · 2
  • Jase McNguyenski i'd totally order my popcorn when seeing some of the people get arrested. 
  • Quân Trương LoL, she blocked me too :))
  • Thomas Jeppesen This will be a deportation mega party!
  • Tom Affolter Ho Chi Minh was a great man, no doubt. I think he wanted a unified Vietnam and I think if Vietnam's communist government from that time made mistakes (they did), then the blame lies more with others.
    6 minutes ago · Like · 1
  • Ha Luong And he actually didn't want to be preserved and stayed in that cold mausoleum. His will was to be burned and he wanted his ash to be in the ocean but they decided to do it against his wish for a politic reason. Thats why I respected him more when I knew this.

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