Sunday, February 9, 2014

Me & Kathy in Gmail Email Messages 008

ZZ ARCHIVE/Friends/Kathy Friend Thao Duong

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
Ok! Call to your manager to her will ride you to Diamons Plaza floor five.
I will come with my mother.

Just it.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
I will not said anything.
I know who are you J.

You will take a picture and make it to asking more.

Like you do it with my friend Peter and Hny.

I will come with my mother and Us consulate very close this place. Have so much police at this and you come with your manager.
You will shy and will not dare to do a bad thing with me.

It's that i want to do it.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
I don't have much time Joey!

I have to finish my plant.
Come back to job.
And open a new company with my new husband 45 year old is a Australia men


I just want to finish it fast.
And leave away from you.
Can you understand what i really mean Joey?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
You will have the money as you want tomorow.

But you will have a talk with my mom. 
In the public place. 
I will record it with my cell phone 
And your manager will translate it.
I thought you write in your Pr she can talking good a Vietnamese and Enghlish eather.

And i don't know what my mother will talking.
I'm not her. 
So let's see how your manager feeling
We are both don't know yet :) 

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
4 milion for a scrap iron is not yet price than 2 milion is a good deal.
But just 4 milion to explain more about some men i failed in love personalilty.
Though it still be cheap.
Good night.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
Sorry i have to sleep
My new boy friend is tried to touching me. 
He want come out for sex.

I have to finish right now.
See you tomorow
Good night.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 9 (1 day ago)
to me
No? Interest what? My girl friend(new owner) of this bicycle said she and her husband will meeting you and your manager atTuesday night.
Today they go to a charity group.
And tomorow i will meeting them to talking.

You will meeting my old friend and aswer what she asking.


I should finish this sittuation
Not because i'm still loving you Joey.
I change around 4 or 5 men after we broken.
All of them i'm always have sex.
Yup i fuck them same like i fuck with you in the past. It's just can only one way people will do to make they happy and funny.

So, may you are inteligent enough to understand.
If my heart still have you inside.
I'll give any men the change to meeting me. 
Not yet can do the sex.

I just want to fixing a stupid thing about my stupid conection with you

Too many people messenger for me
Special your Vietnamese student.
They said sorry for me. 
To be dating a same person like you in the past.

I though they think like i stupid to be have a relationship with you.

They not talking bad about me.
But saying bad about it make i things i'm not perfect and clean 100%

I'm not in love with you in the present
And never in love with you in the future.
It's about my plan for married

Let's finish it!
See you tuesday night.
You don't have to call for me.

Your manager will be the brigde.

And i though she have a boy friend right now
So she will not because of you to kill her future in this stuck.

Good bye. Now have to wake up.
Do alot of fun yesterday.
Now i should come in bath to take a shower with him.
Warm water is waiting me.

Though i talk enough!
You can read it again.
Ask you manager to translate if you do not understand.

I want to have sex.
Have to go right now.
I will call to your manager tomorow.
Go with my gf husband.

P.Thao Duong

10:27 AM (23 hours ago)
to me
I will call her first to checking her list!
She come with her boy friend or any one else. I don't care.
She should see your real face.
All i want is about it.

P.Thao Duong

10:37 AM (23 hours ago)
to me
I sell you bicycle. Bủ i promise with you i will help you find more money to buy another new bicycle still the time we still stay together.
And yes i did it.

I help you find 18 milion vnd.
Acept all the stress of Hny and Thu calling me all the time dare she will make you failed at job.

And when you have 18 milion vnd.
You didn't buy bicycle first.
You using it to buy a food for two girl.
You not need the bicycle. 
If need why still now is buy? 
Not buy in the close past

You just need some one else feed you free
Ride you free
Sex with you free
And after thar you can crush all her familly to get out of your stress!

You are the men like it

Original Oatmeal Gmail

10:40 AM (23 hours ago)
to P.Thao

P.Thao Duong

10:47 AM (23 hours ago)
to me
Yes you do!

This bike is not deseaevr for 4 milion vnd.
It's just a scrap iron.
Now the electric can not working.
My foster sister have to sell it by 1.000.000 for some one just need a pedal to go.

I called my mother at morning.
And i take all the meeting.
I'm will travel for a new city to work at mid week.
I don't want to lost my healthy to write it, read it, and keep thinking it.
You know we just making the other feel tired!

Wait to take money and get out of my life J
I can have some one else can make me feeling good than you
And i deasearv to do it. With my new mother- in-law

Original Oatmeal Gmail

11:03 AM (23 hours ago)
to P.Thao
Kathy owes Joey money because Kathy stole from Joey.

Joey didn't steal from Kathy because Kathy gave Joey things.

Original Oatmeal Gmail

11:13 AM (22 hours ago)
to P.Thao
Kathy stole from Joey. That is bad. Kathy donated to Joey. That is good.

P.Thao Duong

11:17 AM (22 hours ago)
to me
That's funny joey!
You are can not come inside the fire. So you think i can come?
You are needed more money. So you thing i not need it?

I'm need money to feed.
To buy a shampo.
To find a house.
To fix my father grave.

To ready for my grave?
Why not i don't need it?
Tell me?

P.Thao Duong

11:29 AM (22 hours ago)
to me
You can it my meat Joey.

You are will be always fighting me to get more for your rest.
You will never stop to do it.
Lazy to working.

Your student. She and her girl griend is give you a house for Lunar new year.
She saw what you write in your facebook

And saw what i write in my facebook
She said : i didn't think the girl have a great Job, always have friend to give money for traveler same like you is needed Joey money.

My fostersister buy for me a cell phone iphone 3g. 
She let me and her familly go to take a rest at Nha Trang the beach. 1 week.
20 milion vnd/1 week/7 people.

And she never asking back for me.


I though we are finish. 
I will give you 4 milion vnd like at you want like a divoice compress.

Cos i don't like to dating with a selfish poor men.
And you are.

Just think we devoice like your parent.
Yes! We did it!

P.Thao Duong

11:30 AM (22 hours ago)
to me
I don't know her!
She have a boy friend!
But i don't know him also!

P.Thao Duong

11:40 AM (22 hours ago)
to me
Yes i will! 4 million!
Or how much?
Why keep disturb me?
I have to talking with my Vietnamese men friend living in Porland.

Original Oatmeal Gmail

12:15 PM (21 hours ago)
to P.Thao
Kathy thinks "Kathy no owes Joey," but Kathy owes Joey money.

P.Thao Duong

12:23 PM (21 hours ago)
to me
Hey Joey!
My mother will give me 800.000.000 vnd
I can put it in a bank.
And let them working and pay back money for me 10.000.000/1 month

Everything else about poor Kathy is the past.
And this is the money my parent give for me is not from your help.

Don't worried you will have 4.000.000, 
I will give it for you
Just want 1 things
You shut up your mouth. And get out my life forever!
I using you enough.
Your price is just 4.000.000/1 month
Ok! It's cheap.


P.Thao Duong

12:34 PM (21 hours ago)
to me
Yes why not my gigolos. Haha
I should pay some thing for 1 month we have sex.
And 4.000.000 for 30 night with foreinger 
With another call boy in your country at lady club bar
Is it a normal price
Ok! I'm acepet!

And now sorry i like another. So i just want to pay for him!
Not for you!

P.Thao Duong

1:31 PM (20 hours ago)
to me
I like to buy a new Galaxi tab of my new bf is seller. I would like to using it more than your bike.

I have a moto. 
Not need for a bike! Understand it.
4 million is just for to hide your body is sex one month.
With me. Now you are just that price.
You sex is bag. Your face is urgly. 
And your personal is hell.
I don't want to have any conection with you again.
Finish this 4 milion vnd after that we done!
Understand it?

P.Thao Duong

1:48 PM (20 hours ago)
to me
I didn't understand!
You want a bike?
You want a money?
Or you want both?
Said it!

P.Thao Duong

1:53 PM (20 hours ago)
to me
How much i stole from you? I need a number!
Cos now i not remember anything about of it!

P.Thao Duong

2:19 PM (19 hours ago)
to me
My mother is called her lawyer
 They will call for you and your manager before next week.
Talking with my mom and her lawyer.
Now i didn't have anything to talking with you.

P.Thao Duong

2:28 PM (19 hours ago)
to me
I though you lost your phone right?
But don't have to worried cos i though your manager understand you enough to find the way where you are.

I have alot of 600.000.000 but it for my children future with my new husband.
I will ask him for forget me 4.000.000 to fix my fail in the past.

Now sorry you just can have 4.000.000 
My new children need a food. 
So i have to save my money to help them building they future.

4.000.000! Nothing more or come to at the police officer 
I will come to the jail. You will be also
But my mother money will help me go out faster.
But with your selfish familly.
I worried about it!


P.Thao Duong

2:45 PM (19 hours ago)
to me
May be you think i'm your familly.
Cos now you are just have sex with only me.

But i do not.
That's why with me you are not my familly.

And my mother or sister they know my change alright.

It's not about you are have any girl friend right now or not.
With me, every man is Just Have Only Change.

And you do you turn. And lost.

My mother she will change about you and another men i have a relationship before.
12 vietnammese. 1 half blood.vietnamese - french. 1 italia. 1 turkey. And you and my new bf (devoice his wife before) and have two kids is grown up. 

My familly is on the way to see it.
And they is in choice one.

They know and see about my personlity.
You are not the people can be a same couple good for me.

I didn't have reposiblity for all the men i'm in date.

Did my old boy friend is have cancel. It's reponsibility of his wife and his children.

P.Thao Duong

7:35 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
It's not tuesday right now!
And i'm findding my new lover!
So please don't messenger me every time
I don't want to because of you, i destroy the happiness with my new lover!

Truely, now i look at you like look at the mad men in the mental hospital
Never want to think bad for any person.
But sorried! If i will come true to be your wife
I though with any you do with me
I will be killing our kids. And killing my self after.
Can't take it any more
I promise with you and my father soul if you are tried to close to me 

I not hates you
But now i can't love you also
Can you leave me alone to talking with another men i love?

You fighting me every where in the public
Why have to scare this 4.000.000 vnd will not be come to your bag?

We are now can not respect each other!
Why we have to keep talking to make the other get hurt?

If i late to call for your manager?
It will be interligent you should call her to call me first
Because however i will have to meet her one day.

Sorry Joey
Talking with you just make me remind any thing hurt and bad in my mind and every thing bad you do with my parent to crush them in the hell, to with me to insult me in the public (by talking about the bitch and calling them beautifull than me, feed them and not feed me, after that, when they using all the money i help you findding, now you tried come back to me and ask more?)

I don't want to talking more about it
We are nothing have to talking

Talking bad about your fail is making your hurt ofcouse but me also
It's mean i'm so stupid and not interligent to choice a great men is good for my self

So if you want to get back you money
Pls still now just do twice :
1. Call your manager to tell her ask me fast
2. Keep shut up and wait i and my fostersister's husband will come to meet her and you. You know him in the past. He's a gentlement, not fighting any thing here. 

So pls don't privite anything messenger for me again
This email is the end of privite i messenger for you for all my life

Good bye. 

Your stupid shit

P.Thao Duong

8:58 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
You can not trust and can not waiting for my money also!

Up to you!
I don't have time to talking with you! 

Urgly and bad so much!

Some time i can't belive my self why i choice a men like you to be my boy friend.
That's time my eyes may be in trouble.
And my mind may be in mad.

P.Thao Duong

9:13 AM (52 minutes ago)
to me
Hey Joey!
I talking with my mother yesterday.
She agreed with me she will give me 4.000.000 vnd to give for you tomorow is tuesday.
You will meet me and her also
Like the time you stay in my house.

She know we have sex also
But she don't care about it!
She really want you go!
It's all storied she talking to me yesterday!


And now! I'm online in my iphone.
Internet open 24/24h
And on the email is will be sending to my email like alarm ring.

Very noise with it

Also, my email is not just for only you!

If you don't have any thing to do at this time.
You can posting any else like you talking bad about me in your facebook

Cos now i not fall in love with you.
So now i not care what you think about me. Or your parent think about me
Or your new gf whatever!

Tomorow i will travel 1 week for any beautiful beach in Viet Nam to meeting another handsome single and rich men on the way i'm travel

Still searching in the internet about Nha Trang or Vung Tau the beach,
So leave me alone to talking with my new friend?

You can not make me feel happieness why not want to let me go?
It's called "very selfish"!

P.Thao Duong

9:43 AM (22 minutes ago)
to me
I will contact your manager tonight!
Know i have to talking with my sister to fixing about my job.

I quit job yesterday to planing find another job much a salary more.

My mother, my sister unlike it also cos this city is very far Ho Chi Minh city
They can not control me every time they want to do it.

Now they yelling me also our old relationship and my job also!

They said every thing i'm choice for my life is very so stupid and i will choice a stupid failed again.

So now i have to talk with mom and fostersister every thing step by step.

I don't have enough time to conect with any your gf.
Just manager cos time 
Sorry about it.

Original Oatmeal Gmail

9:59 AM (6 minutes ago)
to P.Thao
Can you contact somebody else?

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