Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Top 10 Things About Rick Arnold

What are your top ten favorite things about your family and friends?

I'm Oatmeal and this my bowl.

In honor of my brother's 32nd birthday, since he was born 1982 February 5th.

Here are my Top 10 Things About Rick Arnold.

My younger brother.

Hey, I'm not your younger brother?

What? You're not.

Oh, that's probably why I look up to you.

Since you are older and taller and smarter than me.

And since you got married before me.

10.  My brother is a guy version of my mother and my younger sister, since they don't wear glasses either. He got married. He is smart. He is funny. He is cleaver. 

09. My brother had this metal detective, a Ham short-wave radio. He is a smart person. He had smart-people things. Behind around him made me feel stronger. He would play Jeopardy. 

08. Rick likes Peanut-butter, or he at least did. He would come home from high school in the afternoons and make microwaved sugar peanut-butter in a cup and it would smell so bad to me because I wouldn't get any.

07. If it wasn't for my brother, then some of our friends (like Bill Bailey) may have got bored with me and stopped hanging out with me. Sometimes, friends would hang out with my brother, since he is like Donatello, the purple Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and I would get to go along for the ride. One of the reasons why I liked Billy, the Blue Power Ranger, so much was because Billy was smart and into inventing things like my brother and I aspired to be like my brother.

06. My brother introduced to me to video games, films, and shows to me that I'm beginning to like more. Some of those games would be similar to the Metal Gear Solid games.

05. My brother seem to be the only one that liked my singing back when others didn't.
 He would ask me to sing the Prince song from Aladdin. He would also call me while I was in high school in Oregon USA since he was in college in Oklahoma. I think that helped since it was hard to see my brother leave me.

04. My brother would play video games with me. When something was too hard, I could see if my brother could beat it. In 1994, for my 9th birthday, my dad bought me Rival Turf, a fighting game for the Super Nintendo, and me and my brother would be able to play the two-player mode to get almost to the end. The games starts in Washington, Oregon, or maybe northern California, and the later levels is down in Brazil, South America.

03. Rick would play and talk with me as we grew up. When I was about 10 years old 1995, he asked me to go to 7 Eleven. I thought it was so far away. He said to me, "But if you don't go now then you may never go anywhere, let alone Vietnam."

02. In the summer of 1995, my brother inspired me to be a film-maker. That was 19 years ago. My brother said that our dad could someday buy a camcorder. Our father brought home a camcorder Thursday night, 1996 February 1st. I've been making films ever since. My desire to make movies comes from me, movies, things on TV,  many other things, stories, and also from my brother as well.

01. My brother saved my life in 1988 when I was 3. My mom got hit by a car or a truck and my brother pulled me out of the way.

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