Saturday, May 25, 2013

On The Edge of Billy

  • 2Like · ·
    • Marilyn Mitchell this is bad!! even terrible
    • Matthew Kurtz Joey,Joey,Joey... leave well-enough alone. It never ends well when you start editing the videos, especially when you add clips from music videos. I don't think anybody gets it, or simply no one enjoys it, and you ruin anything funny that WAS in the original video. It even goes so far as to make me embarrassed to be in it. If it's just a Youtube trick to get people to watch, it's never going to work more than just to piss people off, and why post it on Facebook?
      Plus, I don't think Janet will appreciate this... since you highlighted the one thing you said about her. It was fairly funny in the whole of the video, as anyone watching knew it was all random ad-lib, but it's not funny like this.

      I love you man, but this should probably be taken down... really.
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