Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oatmeal Can Have Babies

  • Conversation started February 10
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Hey, how can you afford to eat, now?? How can one person with one small salary afford a place to live in Saigon?? Just wondering. What happened to staying at the restaurant until you passed certification??
  • February 11
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not spending money.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    good. still need to get that certificate. update Jacquline.
  • Original Oatmeal
    do not worry
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she was trying to help you, that is all.
    I want you to be able to live outside of the USA, I keep praying for that, so far so good.
  • Original Oatmeal
    it cost a lot to get to her country
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Vietnam is fine, you seem to like it there.
    how much would it cost?
  • Original Oatmeal
    vietnam to tanzania is around as far as vietnam to america
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    but she has connections for people after they get their teaching certificate--to get a REAL English job. later, when you actually have the certificate in your hand, maybe. I can afford ONE ticket when and if you ever verify a real job.
    I wrote to you at your old site too.
    How did you find a house to stay in for this week? and what happens next week? this is scary. next pope is supposed to be the last pope, who helps the Antichrist come to power!?!
    you live well and I will pay attention to the politics of the world for you, though.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    my friend who goes to a Messianic church is concerned about who the new pope will be and she is happy for your opportunity so far in Saigon.
  • Original Oatmeal
    My email is
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I did write to you there. didn't you get a message recently??
  • Original Oatmeal
    good and why last pope?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    live feed about Pope resignation right now!!! shocking, Pope's always stay until they die!
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not get your email.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I wonder what happened, hmmmmm
    what happens next week in your life?
  • Original Oatmeal
    why is next pope last pope?
    I will still have a free place to stay next week and a job interview in a week too
    you have the wrong email address for me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    tradition says how many Popes there would be. I will see if I can find out more. My very smart friend thinks it is possible. changes expected in USA for March, right after this Pope steps down. this is significant when happening in the same time in two separate parts of the world. saying Homeland Security of USA will do something big next month. and dollar might go down. we'll see if Republicans can come up with any good ideas. I am glad you are not here right now as long as you have enough to eat and a place to sleep and some friends.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    he was Pope since April 2005 and is 85 yrs old now. He was a good, conservative Pope.
    tell me when you get your new visa.
  • February 13
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    have you seen this? :
    ===> Looney Lane <===

    Unlimited laughs only at--->
  • February 15
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    FYI a 10 ton meteorite hit Russia about 8 hrs ago. a larger asteroid 60yds across is due to come within 17,000 miles of earth in about 3 hrs, the satellites are 22, 000 miles away so it could hit one, maybe. we saw a movie called Safe Haven yesterday and it was good.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i drank too much tea and then started throwing up these last few hours
    i think i am getting better and drinking water
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I also tend to have that reaction with a lot of tea. lots of water, yes. then juice or fruit when you can.
  • Original Oatmeal
    good and i threw up 3 sets already... went to the bathroom 3 different times.... i am smart enough to get to the toilet just in time.... each set involved more throwing up but it feels better after u throw up.... but my throat hurts a little now so i want to wait a few hours before throwing up more to be nice to my throat... fruit and juice yes
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    small amounts of liquid slowly. how many minutes in between each vomit episode?
  • Original Oatmeal
    30 min t o an hour or so
    maybe 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, or so
    now it is 11:30pm
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that's not too bad, then. although quite draining. hopefully the germs or whatever are gone now
  • Original Oatmeal
    12:30am now i mean
    yes germs but also stomach ache of like too much in the stomach right?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    my clock says 9:36am right now
  • Original Oatmeal
    12:27am here
    or maybe 12:36am
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    is your temperature normal?
    tea by itself would not cause hrs of stomach trouble. it was a stimulant, but I'm not sure what else happened.
  • Original Oatmeal
    hotter here
    i am in Saigon now
    the biggest city of vietnam
    california weather
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    body temp. silly
  • Original Oatmeal
    where might the germs come from?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    germs are always present in the environment.
    watch out for pork.
  • Original Oatmeal
    my body temperature is not a fever.... maybe 98.7... instead of 98.6..... what is normal temperature?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i think i am normal
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I use apple cider vinegar to help kill potential germs in my food.
    1 tsp each meal is enough.
    lemon juice also works.
    1TB of lemon
  • Original Oatmeal
    super germs?
    super bacteria?
    like ones found in hospitals?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    yes, they are harder to kill. yes like in hospitals.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    more praying, more careful.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I take vitamin A to help build n
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    "natural killer cells" that attack anything harmful.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    my sentence got interrupted by the "enter" button. haha
    have you been getting enough rest.?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    found out that Dorner case was a false flag in Cal. wonder if he really shot anyone. getting public against the police force now.
    police keep executing people lately so they can't tell the truth.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    watching news carefully now. watching gun control because Larry uses rifles.
  • Original Oatmeal
    should i throw up until my stomach s almost empty?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    first interview for "Share the Knowledge" radio show is tomorrow.
  • Original Oatmeal
    yeah guns hmmmm
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    probably empty stomach would be good if that is possible. sometimes I drink a lot of water on purpose to finish emptying before I put something else in. but I have found that warm water is easier on my stomach and more tolerated. Aunt karen taught me that. so I always do very warm water when my stomach is touchy.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    don't want any germs remaining in your stomach. maybe water will force some out through the other end if there are any still left, though.
    I hope you didn't get "tourista". people get that when they visit Mexico sometimes. In some places the city water is not safe according to USA standards.
    normally the body adjust eventually to the unfamiliar little germs and builds up immunity.
  • Original Oatmeal
    warm water ok
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    it could have been some flu germs in the air from people coughing, this time of year, even though it is relatively warm weather.
  • Original Oatmeal
    everybody in vietnam drinks bottled water
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I always do warm water, how are you going to heat the bottled water?
    I know I am healthy again when I can drink something cold from frig.
    people in China have been breathing "canned air", oh my goodness!
    they keep getting SARS disease.
    respiratory infection.
    it is so late for you now, will you be able to sleep?
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes i will sleep
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    good. sweet dreams
  • Original Oatmeal
    is china air bad?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    they think it is. many people in the cities. I haven't studied the details, hard for me to understand, so far. like NYC --subways, etc. many people in one place, probably polution from factories.
    maybe the people have poor immune systems from so 60 yrs of communism.
    google has been reading people's emails, they say.
    I deleted google chrome, at least.
    I got spammed by a facebook app yesterday.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    what do you mean by that.??
    God had mercy on me this morning. what Larry thought was mold, was actually just clumps of dust! now I don't have quite as much work to do today.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i mean i am listening to u
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that was one of my choices for meaning.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I thought you were going to sleep, though?
    I was bleaching a floor pad a few minutes ago.
  • Original Oatmeal
    we have nets over our beds
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I used to hide under my sheet for a month or so.
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes mosquitos
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you should have registered couchsurfing under Joseph Arnold and not original oatmeal, is that what happened?
  • Original Oatmeal
    nets over beds instead of screen doors
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    nets are more specific.
    tropical areas do that in South America too
    where do you live in the near future, do you know yet?
    I had to use a thin sheet as a net sometimes in Forest Grove
    high sounds of electric guitar sound like mosquitoes to me.
    or tiny fighting cats
    Larry went up north today with a friend, back in afternoon I hope.
    he woke up happy, at least.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i just had my 4th round of throwing up
    i have a new 1 month host i believe in saigon
    guitars yes
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    the good and the bad. flu could last 24 hrs.
    how long ago maybe) did you have these symptoms before in your life? or did you?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i had 2 scramble eggs in te morning
    maybe egg not cooked enough?
    i think what i have is a normal thing
  • Original Oatmeal
    i started feeling tummy ache 6pm or so like 8 hrs ago
    i cooked the eggs myself
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    ok, like I said 24 -48 hrs maximum
    you cook well probably
    keep trying to replace liquids.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you must have lost quick a bit of water by now
  • Original Oatmeal
    a 12 year old male vietnamese boy reminds me of nathan williams since he speaks very good english and vietnamese
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that's nice
  • Original Oatmeal
    i have drinking 10 or more glasses
    he is 13 in vietnam
    everybody born 1 years old
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    good about the water. that is good, alive inside of mommy.
    do they know their actual birthdates??
    just wondering.
    so you would be 29, then
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes they tell me their birth years
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    birth yr is much different than birth month
  • February 21
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    North Dakota is booming due to the private drilling that has caused a boom. WalMart is paying $17 for clerks. GO TO North Dakota if you are unemployed. Not just oil jobs. Southeast Texas and Wyoming have boom too. Obama & his evil gang don't want us to be energy efficient because he owes The Saudis for his education & insertion.
  • February 22
  • February 28
  • Original Oatmeal
    I signed a 6 months contract to teach English for some public government schools in Saigon, Vietnam.
  • February 28
  • March 1
  • Original Oatmeal
    today was my first day of assisting in classes
  • March 1
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe you can tell me about it. I can compare you to Ricky now because he made a good future for himself in Oklahoma, after I tried to bring him back to Oregon! Ricky was right, and you were right.
    Larry showed a house today, and has one to show tomorrow. they recorded some musicians in Seattle on Thursday evening---they want to create a video to sell; it is hard work to perfect it.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    the other part of they is Jim who records Larry's cd's and Larry's radio show, which will be pitched to the radio station next week, I think, now that they have done 3 interviews.
  • March 2
  • Original Oatmeal
    Teaching English is the same as how you taught English to your children in Home School. You use flash cards.
  • March 3
  • Original Oatmeal
    Stopping a ceisure is the same as stopping a hiccup by force, right?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    i don't understand your question.
  • March 4
  • Original Oatmeal
    You know how people would try to stop you from shaking?
    but that is bad right
    or when a person has a ceisure
    or a hiccup
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    i call it a convulsion, now. more technical term I think. how can anyone actually stop me anyway. Larry is at church right now. when he gets home I will cook dinner.
  • Original Oatmeal
    can you research the american vietnam russian war?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    yes, bad to try to stop me, has opposite effect. the way Bill handled it was to reassure me or just ignore me--that was the best.
    Russian War???
  • Original Oatmeal
    why was america in vietnam?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    having soldiers employed helped keep the unemployment rate down and made Democrats look better, that's what I've heard.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    stupid police action. Kennedy wanted to get the soldiers out so the CIA killed him. Johnson immediately increased the war efforts. Bill called it a "Police Action". I don't think it was justified. I am still trying to figure it out. I don't think the USA had to have a Civil War either. All recent wars have been political, without much sense.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I don't know if you got all of my message. sometimes facebook is weird.
    Vietnam was a police action. Pres. Kennedy wanted to end the war. Johnson increased it as soon as Kennedy was out of the way.
    I don't think the Civil War was justified either.
    too many people killed. should have kept States rights. too much federal gov't now.
    did you say happy birthday to Crystal today?
  • March 7
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes i told her happy birthday and when is your anniversary with larry? is it march 15th?
  • March 10
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    i married him on April 20
    Quyen Nguyen said "say hi to your family for me". so I decided to tell you.
  • March 11
  • March 13
  • Original Oatmeal
    brent left me money again at my dads house
  • March 14
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    finally got to facebook again.
    I have to give your dad the girl's phone numbers so I can tell him about the money.
  • March 17
  • March 17
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Katie and Crystal. but I wrote to them and they called Dad.
    we plantered grass today in a blank spot.
  • March 25
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Joey, what is going on. Duong is very upset. she said that her mother saw you hit her!!
    are you doing your job like you are supposed to. Duong says you are in trouble and the boss has been talking to Duong about it. HOW DO I SKYPE? MUST i HAVE A CAMERA??
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I tried to explain to her about your Dad.
    Kathy says " and Joey said: I don't want to do that in my life, i never gilf for any person". did she mean "gift"??
    try to respect her customs. she is not dumb. this is what she has grown up with.
    Larry was always nice to me, even when he didn't understand me.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is lying.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    why would she lie???
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not hit her.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she says you hate her country's food.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I do not hate the food.
    do you like crab?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    did you make bad comments about it. Orientals are extra sensitive about some things.
  • Original Oatmeal
    you like oyster?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i did not like the taste
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    oyster maybe, I had some 1 1/2 yrs ago. in general it tastes weird.
  • Original Oatmeal
    she eats noodles each day
    i cant eat the same things
    bad diet
    she has split personality
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    when someone volunteers to feed you, you just live with it. that is how the world eats.
  • Original Oatmeal
    or a demon
    i do just live with it
    but she complains
    sometimes she is Nice Kathy and sometimes she is Mean Kathy
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she said you slapped her, and put you down, and that doesn't seem to fit with "love"
  • Original Oatmeal
    i spanked her
    she was trying to kill me
    everyday she goes crazy
    and she hits me
    and yells at me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    do her complaints make sense. you do not spank her. what do you mean :Trying to kill you"
  • Original Oatmeal
    she tries hitting me
    and biting my arm until it bleeds
    i have a job
    my job is fine
    my boss made mistakes
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you should not stay with a girl who would bite you.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i know
    i understand
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    only Christians are free to be "good" consistently.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    if your boss made mistakes, she is still your boss.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i know
    but i confronted my boss
    my boss is female
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I don't know if Kathy will be able to behave or not. You confuse her.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i told my boss her mistakes but the boss did not understand it
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    She told me about your female boss. I have been messaging both of you at the same time.
  • Original Oatmeal
    the boss was only upset about one thing one time
    the boss is not suppose to have Kathy;s phone number
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you have to do it the boss's way if at all possible, you can't be sure to change her mind.
    she claims that you gave the boss Kathy's number, I think.
  • Original Oatmeal
    the boss forgot to tell me which lesson to teach and i told the boss that and the boss denied it
    the boss lied to my face
    most vietnamese people seem to lie like this
    i did not give the boss kathy's phone number
    kathy tells many lies
    another friend gave the boss kathy's number
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    yes, their culture is different. She told me that you have slept with her.
  • Original Oatmeal
    we live in the same house
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you live in the same house, I asked her why she bit you and she said you were having sex.
  • Original Oatmeal
    that is not what happened
    that is a lie
    everyday she gets mad and attacks
    so i let her bite my arm
    so i have like scars on my arm
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    this is strange. does that mean she did not have sex with you and just wants me to think that she did???
  • Original Oatmeal
    it bleeded
    she wants you to be mad
    she is trying to make you mad
    she was attacking me
    when she is in a bad mood
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I told her about the bleeding. I told her I want you to learn your lessons in VietNam.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i think she is two people
    learn what lessons?
    right now you are typing to mean kathy
    so you may not get real answers from Mean Kathy
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she is bipolar then??
  • Original Oatmeal
    i asked her what she has and she does not know
    i told her i would try to figure out what disease she has
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    who is Tram, and this person wants one dollar, I think. that is not so bad.
  • Original Oatmeal
    she says i should just ask her family to figure it out and i say that i have to do more than just that
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    It does sound like maybe even "split personality".
  • Original Oatmeal
    tram is a friend that told me to go to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where I am right now
    certain things trigger the Bad Kathy Personality to come out
    Kathy thinks you are a bad person for divorcing my father
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    sounds like my late husband Bill.
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes like Bill
    Kathy got mad at me last night for something I wrote about my father somewhere on FB
    kathy always wants me to buy gifts for people
    kathy wanted me to buy a gift for my boss or else my boss will fire me, and i said to her that is called bribing
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I just told her some truth about your Dad. Oriental people buy gifts, it is a cultural necessity, apparently. bribing is required there. it is probably not wrong, because everyone does it. you might have to live with it.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Good Kathy wants to marry me and have my children and Bad Kathy wants to kill me
    i cannot afford bribing or tipping
    i refuse to give in
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that sounds like you need to take her to a good church first. you might need to give your boss something, just live within the culture.
  • Original Oatmeal
    the boss wanted me to buy cards, and i say she can reduct the cost out of my pay, but the boss has no clue to that concept
    the boss needs to remove herself from the culture because employers are bound my international laws and laws of each individual culture and country
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I would walk away from a violent part of someone's personality whenever it manifests, if I could. I always got away from your Dad before he hit me, and came back when he was asleep. how much would the cards cost and why would your boss believe that she could require you to pay for them??>
  • Original Oatmeal
    the boss could not require me
    that was a lie
    but Kathy thought it was true
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I don't think international laws apply to this incident.
  • Original Oatmeal
    but i am only bound by the contract i signed with the school and not bound by things the boss makes up on the spot
    maybe not international laws or international trade, exactly, but employers should be fair equally in all countries
    they should try to be
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    ok, but maybe we should look up Vietamese culture for things like this. Japanese have some weird rules like this.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i will not give my boss a gift
    unless if my boss tells me to
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I don't think USA is perfect either. we are just used to it.
  • Original Oatmeal
    but the boss can just deduct money out of my salary and buy herself a gift with it anytime she wants
    kathy thinks USA is perfect
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I hope boss can't take your money.
  • Original Oatmeal
    kathy wants to have my kids and move to the USA with me as soon as possible
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    most foreigners have quite the picture of USA
  • Original Oatmeal
    the boss can take my money. it is in the contract
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    if she moves to USA you will not have a job here, that would not accomplish much.
  • Original Oatmeal
    if i miss work or i am late then the boss can take some money out of my salary
    Kathy thinks we will get welfare and child support in USA
    on sunday, Kathy told me she wants to marry me in April
    everyday Kathy tells me that she really wants to marry me and then she says she hates me and then she loves me and then hates me and then loves me each day
    if you ask Kathy now then Kathy may say she hates me right now
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    tell her that the two of you must get Christian counseling.
  • Original Oatmeal
    her mother wants to take Kathy to a crazy hospital and then have her be a monk
    Kathy's younger sister wants to take Kathy to a crazy hospital too
    Kathy goes crazy everyday for the last few years or longer since her father died
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    tell her Mom how you can help Kathy. Tell her that your God is strong enough to fix her.
  • Original Oatmeal
    her father and mother use to hit her and lock her in her house with her other sister
    i am at school right now
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    does her mom ever hit her now.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i will teach in 20 minutes
  • Original Oatmeal
    her mother still hits her once a week or so
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I asked her about her father.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i have seen the mother hit Kathy a few times
  • Original Oatmeal
    and kathy says that her mother can hit her because her mother gives her money but i can't hit her because i do not give her money
    Kathy only cares about money
    Kathy says that if i do not have money then she will not love me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I wonder if that is cultural, I hope not.
    she said she already went to mental hospital before.
  • Original Oatmeal
    goes beyond culture
    she might go back to mental hospital
    her mother knows she goes crazy sometimes
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe her sister will listen to you.
  • Original Oatmeal
    last night, kathy was attacking me so strongly
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    attacking you how??
  • Original Oatmeal
    her sister knows kung fu and says she will find me if anything bad happens
    Kathy hits, kicks, bites, throws things at me like a five year old who is having a temper tantrum
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    oh, oh. you have seem her do kung fu?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i am not sure if kathy's sister knows kung fu in real life or not
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    do you get out of Kathy's way as much as possible??
  • Original Oatmeal
    of course
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I hope I get to talk to "nice Kathy"
  • Original Oatmeal
    i hope so too
    maybe in a few days
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she might have demons
  • Original Oatmeal
    it feels like it
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    does she remember what she did or said?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i am not sure
    she is like my dad
    sometimes she remembers somethings
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you need much prayer help in handling this, . she has problems because of the way her mother and sister treat her.
  • Original Oatmeal
    she threatens me
    she always says that i should go back and live with you
    she tells me she hates people with no job
    but i have a job
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I told her I don't have much money, I hope that helps. Doesn't Kathy have a job??
  • Original Oatmeal
    Good Kathy wants to drive me to school and Bad Kathy says hates helping me
    I told Kathy about you too
    Kathy says that her mother gives her money
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Her mom must be mad at her for needing the money, then
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy says that if her mother can do it then so can you and I told her that the USA is a different country and it is not that simple
    i am not sure
    Kathy says she is a slave to her mother and that she is not free and that she has to do whatever her mother says or else she cannot get money and live with her mother
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