Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kathy Lies

  • ough.
    had a friend try to install "Tails" and he couldn't get it to boot from CD.
  • Original Oatmeal
    this new star is not related to the new star in Bac Ninh... i even asked them
    you do not have to really use 2 OSes at same time
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    good. need to have jobs. when is interview and how many hours per week have you been working, so far??
    i can open two different browsers, I should have know that
  • Original Oatmeal
    10 - 20 hours a week at $16USD per hour around 8 - 11am and 1 - 5 pm apx monday thru saturday
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Tails will keep me anonymous and not record things to hard drive which technician could discover if they confiscated my computer.
  • Original Oatmeal
    2 or more web browsers are nice
  • Original Oatmeal
    what is Tails?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    wouldn't you be able to rent an apartment for that kind of money?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i was not paid yet
    maybe April 5th i will be paid
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    hard to explain Tails but is security to keep people from knowing what you are doing, especially in another country.
    I realize that you would have to be paid first and maybe save a little depending on the expenses. Kathy keeps telling me you should live closer to the school.
    how long does it take to get to the school using public transportation, etc.
    what do ordinary citizens earn?? I wonder.
  • Original Oatmeal
    it takes 15 - 50 minutes maybe on a fast motor bike going 20 - 40 miles per hour
    each day i go to different schools
    most people in vietnam earn around $100 USD per month
    thats the average i think
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you might have to pay USA income tax, but that is ok, only prosperous people pay federal tax.
    if it takes that long how are you getting there and why don't you need to have your own bike??
  • Original Oatmeal
    i am not sure yet
    if io lived closer to the schools
    i live far away right now
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Crystal gets $22 an hour, but a regular small apartment could cost $1,000
  • Original Oatmeal
    crystal is waitress?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe if you start to think about moving, Kathy will start to miss you. Yes, Crystal is high-end waitress along with going to Manhattan Community College.
    Kathy was concerned about finding you and getting you to the school, that is how I knew.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    find a church and you will have church friends, Dennis says that he will come visit when he is there if I have your address.
    Kathy told me she was taking you to school on her bike.
    maybe she dreams while she is awake and believes her dreams!
  • Original Oatmeal
    kathy does dream and talk while sleeping in a way
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Dennis lived in Philippines for a while.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i still do not know who the real kathy is, Bad Kathy or Good Kathy or both or what
    who is the real kathy?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that is the sign of a split personality. Bill would go to sleep and wake up in a few hrs and be a different person!
  • Original Oatmeal
    bad or good kathy?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    the original Kathy is probably the good one, she has been triggered into the destructive personality too often lately I guess.
    speak scripture against the bad Kathy, that is a good strategy. we did that and finally Bill went unconscious and other voices started speaking out of him---I talked to a "Debbie" and an "Ann" personality inside of him. but it was after he had heard a sermon.
    Bill couldn't walk until he got home. He used to fall asleep every Sunday as soon as preacher started the sermon. after that confrontation he rebuked those other "demons" inside him and then was able to listen to the sermon.
    you must speak Bible verses, that was Jesus's defense, He is our example. Be courageous
    I have to water the plants now.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy threw my bags outside yesterday and told me to leave but then her mother came home and let me in and started yelling at kathy
    kathy threw me outside and locked the door but then her mom came home
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    my, oh my.
    some of my pea plants started to come up.
    Bill made me live in the garage for a while, I couldn't keep any of my things in his bedroom; that is similar.
    God had to protect me. One time Debbie attacked me physically when I was very tired. She kept accusing me of things to try to get Bill to be against me.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    our dinner was good. is this break time for you?
    debbie kept trying to find a way to kick me out the whole time
    we have been watching a show about Venus.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i work at 2pm

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