Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Who is Oatmeal? 0001

  • Cathy T Mac Haaaa. Which show Robert Crokett?? And what gave out the idea that I'm looking? .
  • Ian Wilson That's one of the problems for a guy looking to find a really good VN lady for his wife !!! The good looking, smart, younger ones are either already dating someone else, married already, not interested in men because they're too intense on being successful in their studies and / or their careers !!!
  • Robert Crockett Sorry guys for the shameless plug but when a beautiful woman asks...
  • Robert Crockett Ian sometimes some of us get lucky.
  • Vu Ho Ian, my problem was dealing with the long distance, cultural difference and language issue. Damn, I sound like an expat. LOL
  • Cathy T Mac Haaa. Are you an Ageist , Ian?? Were you looking for a much younger girl before ur VN wife appeared?? . 
    And can't be there Robert, I'm not in SG. Thanks for the invite thou. It looks fun!!
  • Hoang Thao Wow Robert Crockett where's ur show? Maybe i come. I am taking holidays in saigon now. Grt 
  • Ian Wilson Cathy T Mac - we met by pure chance through another ex-Oz army friend of mine and his wife who visited VN about 8 years ago. They got us in contact with each other through an on-line chat site - I needed someone to get me passes to some 'off limits' places, to translate for me and make sure I didn't do anything stupid and end up in jail. We chatted on-line for a few months - with webcams for safety. I arrived in VN, she way waiting at Tan Son Nhut for me - got me an apartment, took me shopping for food and clothes.etc. NEVER intended to be anything but friends. I NEVER once 'hit' on her - she made the choice !!! Which totally stunned me !!!  It's that simple ! Except it has taken my mother-in-law 6 years to speak to me directly, face to face or call me by my proper name !   
  • Hoang Thao Oh maybe he doesnt invite me, jist Cat 
  • Ian Wilson OK - so I've had this 'THING' about the sweetness and beauty of the young ladies of Vietnamese since I was here the first time during the American war ! ALRIGHT - I ADMIT IT !!!!  BUT I HAVE BEEN PROVEN RIGHT IN THE END !!! (even if some of my former army 'friends' do now call me a traitor !) F*CK THEM ! We're happy together and that's all that matters !  Time for sleep - NITE ALL 
  • Aleksandra Nguen Has anyone in this group met this dude in person? He's residing in Vietnam, right? And as far as I remember he stated a school where he is/was teaching, so might pay him a visit and talk sense into him.
  • Ian Wilson Aleksandra Nguen - you can't talk sense into someone who's head us as thick as a cement wall !!! THAT'S A FACT !!!  NITE ALL 
  • Aleksandra Nguen Uhm, that's the least we can do, but there are harsher options, though I'm all for the human ways of dealing with people that haven't hurt others, but just trolled very hard. But if he's in Vietnam and teaching, I'm sure he wouldn't be able to pay his fees and stay here at all, if reported to school by number of people. It's bad already that he might be out there teaching kids with his mental problems.
  • Lockie Harris Ian Wilson Your not A traitor , F%$# them you and many other ex service men have ended back over here and are contributing in many ways throughout Vietnam for many different causes and doing a great Job , Stuff those stupid Dumb F$%# sitting back in their own little world collecting Government money and feeling sorry for their fat lazy selves  Sorry for the Language but thats a sore spot with me having Family members there as well, I love this Country and the people I will die here of a ripe old age 
  • Chau Nguyen If he's a teacher.wat can students learn from him haizzz
  • Robert Crockett Hi Thao it's at Cargo / Q4
    23 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Ian Wilson Lockie Harris - AGREE with you 1000% ! To be honest, I was VERY surprised how many ex service vets are living here now & how much time / effort (& of their war pension) is being put into doing whatever possible to help ! ie - volunteer work to help homeless kids at pagodas. Free help teaching maths, English, etc. War pension payments to provide food, clothing and medicines, etc. The narrow minded f*ck wits can say whatever they like. Simplest response is - " Have YOU been back and seen for yourself how things are there today ?" Just to totally piss a couple of them off - on a Sunday bike ride, when we stopped for lunch and took off our helmets, jackets, etc - guess who went in for lunch wearing this T-shirt ???   
    21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 6
  • Hien Bui I have met a few ex service vets whilst travelling the country and very grateful for what they are doing to help the poor people.
    21 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Ian Wilson There was so much mumbling and black looks at me - I said - " OK - I'll change my T-shirt then ! " (smiles all around) Went back out to my bike, opened the top box & changed T-shirts. Went back inside wearing this one !    F*CK them if they didn't like it !!! 
    21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
  • Lockie Harris Classic mate and good on you   
    19 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Ian Wilson "Wesley Hargis - i don't " <--- you don't like my comments or ideas ??? Feel free ! It's a more ore less free world and it would be REALLY boring if everyone thought and acted the same way ! OR - to put it another way in words you would not understand - - - רע מדי בשבילך! אני לא נותן חרא מזוין על הדעות הדפוקות שלך! 
    17 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Lockie Harris Wesley Hargis Do you reside in Vietnam ?
    15 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Mik Stockden Ian Wilson you sound like a alright bloke.
    15 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Ian Wilson Mik Stockden - THANKS Mik ! 
  • Ian Wilson - Simon B Jonston - OK ! Now I feel highly insulted !!! WHY isn't my name anywhere on the -----> <------- list ?????????? Thought I would have made it somewhere in the top dozen or so of that list !  Going to go and sulk about this unforgivable omission now ! Simon - by the way, your second list --> " " <----- keeps coming up as a blank grey sheet on my laptop. 
  • Simon B Jonston link works fine... anyway its just a video of original mental disorder demonstrating exactly that.
    4 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Simon B Jonston check out more at his awesome page (28 likes = 28 original profiles?)
  • Ian Wilson Simon B Jonston - THANKS anyway ! Time for this thing to go back to SONY ! First the 'shockplayer' plugin stopped working, now the bloody thing won't open emails and when opening any other site - the bloody thing scroll straight to the bottom of the page and can't be made to return or stay at the top of any site page !  Someone's put a curse on my laptops !!! 
  • Jack Ardill You've been oatmealed, Ian Wilson!
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Ian Wilson Jack Ardill - May the fleas of 10,000 camels make their home in Oatmeals nose !!! May the Blue Bird of Paradise shit on his birthday cake from a great height !!! 
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Hoang Thao oatmeal ^ ^
    Hoang Thao's photo.

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