Saturday, February 8, 2014

VN Was Not Divided?

  • Joey Arnold Ben Robinson, the exploitation occurred 40 years ago when the original photo was taken of the naked girl. Now, 40 years later, things are different. She is not a little girl any longer. Things are different. They say there is no such thing as bad publi...See More
  • Ben Robinson That wasn't exploitation Joey, that image was taken by a war photographer who was documenting and showing the world what was going on, which in turn helped turn the tide of public opinion heavily against the war and helped bring about the end to the US participation in it. You really have no idea what you are talking about
  • Jack Ardill "All about Banksy first and promote himself."

    I imagine you're similarly troubled by Dali and Picasso, Ben?
  • Xu Do You think that the richie give money to charity and could do whatever they want? Then better to bring it to the hell with them!!
  • Jack Ardill Not to mention every pop artist.
  • Robert Crockett Joey this is not America and you do not have free speech here. There are repercussions for acting the way you are. If you have been in Vietnam as long as you say you have you know that our community and this city is VERY small. You cannot survive here without help and you my friend are digging a very deep grave for yourself very quickly. Chill Bro!
  • Joey Arnold No. I will practice my free speech in Vietnam. I am willing to go to jail. I am willing to be killed because doing what is right is more important than living. I would rather die an honest man than live as a criminal.
  • Robert Crockett You can voice your opinion but you need to show some tact.
  • Ben Robinson Well, in my opinion, pop art is trash. I'm not alone in that. There is a difference between creating an image of your own and self promotion, and exploiting someone else's trauma for your own gain. And please, Banksy spray paints stencils on walls, he is not Picasso, Dali, or even someone as talentless as Damien Hurst. Banksy's work has about as much artistic merit as a burger wrapper.
  • Robert Crockett You will get your point across a lot more effectively if that is your goal.
  • Joey Arnold My opinion is that charity is good. How is that bad? Is charity bad? All I am saying is that charity is good. I like charity. I like helping people. I want to help people. That is all I am saying. Why is that bad?
  • Ben Robinson Picasso was an interesting one to bring up though Jack, do you really think that this Banksy image stands up well against Guernica?
  • Jack Ardill Fair enough, Ben. Though I find that an extremely limited and conservation view on contemporary art. To your great credit, you back up your claims rather than a superficial dismissal.
  • Robert Crockett I agree and you are right just package your views and message being cognisent of others.
  • Jarek Niskiewicz Ahh, lets be honest, the war between VN and US finished not too long ago. As far as I am concerned VN managed to get over it very quickly and I am sure the main reason had to do with money. Further given that many of the VN people are just US crazy - which you can see by them wearing clothing with US flag and so on, it makes me scratch my head- either those people are completely clueless or just don't give a flying f. With all that said, I am surprised that some of the elders do not slap those doing so over their head for being what I would call disrespectful...

    I think the message that is presented in this 'art' is strong, and I do understand it.
  • Ian Wilson Joey Arnold - go somewhere else and dribble your 'free speech' ! I'd be only too happy to be a member of the firing squad for you 'Oatmeal -sh*t-for-brains' - but unfortunately I'm told that requires me to be a full Vietnamese citizen, with all the papers, plus be a member of the Cong An and specially selected for that duty. SUX !
  • Jack Ardill Guernica is pure genius. My point re Picasso and Dali was, just like Banksy, they weren't short on self-promotion and indulgence.
  • Robert Crockett Dali definitely
  • Ben Robinson Yeah totally agree with your point regarding artists self-promotion, they were both vain, fame seeking self publicists, but I think the real difference between Picasso and Dali, as opposed to Banksy and Warhol etc., is that the former had substance to back it up, whereas pop artists really have no content, just superficiality.
  • Xu Do Hi Jarek, actually Vietnamese history is mysterious, that's the reasons why many Vietnamese in US and France now, but the photo of Kim Phuc is a true pain...
  • Jack Ardill I'm not a huge fan of pop art, but I'd suggest not all art needs substance to be good. To be great yes. Of course "substance" is a slippery term anyway.
  • Jarek Niskiewicz @Xu Do, I understand that we should forgive and move on - however wearing an US flag by a VN person to me is the same as seeing a Jewish person wearing a swastika...
  • Joey Arnold The photo is not really a pain. That is your opinion. You may have been brainwashed to think that the photo is bad. The photo is just a window into history and history will repeat itself if we do not learn from it. Do you guys want to have the freedom of speech? Would you guys rather not have those freedoms?
  • Robert Crockett I have family that have fought on both sides of the war here. I have to say I'm amazed with capacity of forgiveness my Vietnamese family has.
  • Joey Arnold USA was trying to take over Vietnam? Why was the south of Vietnam still fighting the north for 2 years after the USA left Vietnam from 1973 - 1975? Why was the south still fighting the north? That was not a civil war? Uncle Ho Chi Minh says that Vietnam was not divided, but it was still divided after the USA troops left. The north had to come to Saigon in person to stop the fighting. Many left Vietnam because of the north. If Vietnam was not divided, a bunch of Vietnamese would not have left in boats.
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