Sunday, February 9, 2014

Me & Another Side of VN on FB 0005

  • Đỗ Vân Hường I'm here because of cute Joey Arnold :)))
  • Đỗ Vân Hường Joey Arnold anyway else? :)))) but with humor eyes, my dear!
  • An Nguyen Like this
  • Joey Arnold I am a sensitive person around the ladies. Some people call me handsome. Some call me ugly. Some call me clever. Some call me retarded. Some call me comedic. Others may call me a sad excuse of a human. I have learned over the years to not worry too much about what people think about me, because the opinions of others is not always as accurate as they may want you to believe.

    I am, however, very gullible. Whenever a girl looks at me or says that I am cute or something, I naturally want to believe that they mean it, but they may not always be as honest as I may want them to be. Nowadays, regardless of whether you call me evil, dumb, ugly, smart, pretty, cool, or whatever, I try to laugh it off and try not to take the comments too personally.

    At the end of the day, I'm oatmeal.

    No matter what anybody says.

    And by the way, we were all born naked.

    Time to go to McDonalds.

    And Ride on Splash Mountain.
  • William Allen Waxing poetic or waxing your wand Joey?
  • An Nguyen Let's just stop , Joey ! You're probably too weird for us , just go away and enjoy the life of yours. And , the most important thing, don't flirt that obvious.No offence. Peace.
  • Đỗ Vân Hường Joey Arnold I gonna cry... Go to McDonalds now for your breakfast!
    Anyway, I'm not a lady my dear! I have a penis!
  • An Nguyen The internet wins. I'm officially out.
  • William Allen Joey Arnold, I'm actually becoming a fan of yours.
  • Robert Crockett Ahahhaahhaa
  • William Allen Yes, but... I did. Đỗ Vân Hường
  • Stivi Cooke Oops... here we go again... hamster soup anyone?
  • Ian Wilson Stivi Cooke - not tonight thanks Stivi. Grilled Aussie beef steaks and salad tonight.
  • William Allen Anyone have a pommy salad?
  • Stivi Cooke Waaaaaa.. wa,wa,wa,,, aussie steaks... miss 'em... well, not really.. just kinda expensive to get in Hoi An!!!
  • Robert Crockett Not to change the subject and do a shameless plug for my show this week at Cargo but....
  • Ian Wilson We used to buy our beef from LotteMart like everyone else. One of our nieghbours told us where there was an Aussie butcher nearby. NOT cheap - but bloody delicious and fresh enough that it's worth the extra cost. The butcher imports it, and other A...See More
  • Stivi Cooke Thanks for that Ian! And good luck Robert Crockett !!!
  • Robert Crockett If you want Aussie Beef check out Veggys. Excellent selection and quality.
  • Stivi Cooke In Hoi An, mate... no can do, unless I go to the pub.. muc qua!
  • Robert Crockett My bad yikes yeah that would be expensive.
  • Stivi Cooke thanks anyway, Robert! Im outta here for tonight, tks, Ian and An Nguyen !!!
  • Ian Wilson Stivi - Aussie beef eye fillet - one piece 1.8kgs = 850K VND per kg. Or same price for a per cut 200g slice. T-bone = 550K per kg. Too much for the weight of bone in each slice (IMHO) Porterhouse steaks, 300g approx per slice = 600K VND per Kg. Also he...See More
  • Stivi Cooke Ian Wilson - I"m outta here in a min, but thanks for the info.. with some luck and planning, this year I'll be able to afford these cuts of meats! cheers
  • Ian Wilson Stivi Cooke - OK - Take care. The stupid Adobe in my laptop keeps crashing every few minutes now. Have to get the HD wiped and a new copy of Widows 8 installed sometime VERY soon. See ya !
  • Joey Arnold Đỗ Vân Hường, you seem to misunderstand what I was writing earlier. I was not writing about you specifically. Do not take things so personally. I love Harry potter. I get really sad when people tell me to kill myself. That is very sad. But Youtube is full of those kinds of people that tell me to beep my mother.
  • Đỗ Vân Hường Joey Arnold no, I meant , u can free talk to me dear little Joey, cuz I'm not a lady. But never mind. I don't really care. Time out! I'm not in office anymore. See u around!
  • Jack Ardill Stivi Cooke, I imagine you're very familiar with Dingos Deli in Hoi An?
  • Jack Ardill Again, Joey, you really do yourself zero favours. Why not take a minute and try to work out how and why you are upsetting so many people, and maybe attempt to curb that behaviour. A little self-awareness goes a long way.

    Anyway, I’ve learnt one good thing from this, that I need not ever respond to anything you say again.
  • Joey Arnold Jack sounds like a politician.
  • Joey Arnold Life is about doing what is right, even if that means upsetting others, because truth and purity is more important than lust.
  • Alan Ritchie hitler thought the same way.
  • Joey Arnold Me & Hitler are brothers.
  • Ian Wilson OH NO !!!! SHIT-FOR-BRAINS Oatmeal is back again ! ANOTHER day ruined for everyone else !
  • Joey Arnold Why do you insult people?
  • Joey Arnold You continue to mock people.
  • Joey Arnold They say that sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Do you think that is true?
  • Ian Wilson NOT PEOPLE ! ONLY YOU SHIT-FOR-BRAINS ! The reason is obvious to everyone else ! YOU'RE A BRAIN-DEAD MORON !
  • Alan Ritchie "me and hitler are brothers" you dont think thats offensive ?
  • Ian Wilson Alan Ritchie - hope he really is like Hitler ! If that's the case, then we can look forwards to him shooting himself in the head and ending the misery for everyone else !
  • Joey Arnold I think it is offensive to dehumanize people. I did research about Hitler. He was an artist like me. Hitler is just a person who made wrong choices in his life. Hitler was not exactly born a monster. We are all defined by our choices, but if Darth Vader can be redeemed, then, hypothetically speaking, Hitler could have came back from the dark side of the siege.

    If Vietnam can hypothetically and theoretically forgive Americans for things that we did in the past, and for things that we did not do, then we should also be able to forgive monsters who have done horrible things.

    Dexter stopped killing people at the end. Spoiler alerts for those eight seasons. People change over time. The Governor, in The Walking Dead, almost changed, as seen in season 4, in the first half. People can change.

    We should not just put people in boxes and say that some people are always going to be bad. There are many variables that goes into it.

    They talk about this specifically in the Metal Gear Solid video game series, where you see soldiers fight on both sides of a war, and the different soldiers are not always necessarily good or bad. Instead, they are simply fighting for what they believe is right.

    Sometimes, we all think that we are right about certain things and that others are wrong, and sometimes we are not always correct about our views.

    When we call certain people monsters, we run into the danger of become monsters ourselves, potentially speaking, as we make certain assumptions and judgements that are not always true.

    We run the risk of going down a slide that we may never be able to slip back up. We run the risk of going down a path that may destroy our own sense of morality and integrity of our own character.
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