Saturday, February 8, 2014

Me & Another Side of VN on FB 0003

  • Jarek Niskiewicz Ahh, lets be honest, the war between VN and US finished not too long ago. As far as I am concerned VN managed to get over it very quickly and I am sure the main reason had to do with money. Further given that many of the VN people are just US crazy -...See More
  • Ian Wilson Joey Arnold - go somewhere else and dribble your 'free speech' ! I'd be only too happy to be a member of the firing squad for you 'Oatmeal -sh*t-for-brains' - but unfortunately I'm told that requires me to be a full Vietnamese citizen, with all the papers, plus be a member of the Cong An and specially selected for that duty. SUX !
  • Jack Ardill Guernica is pure genius. My point re Picasso and Dali was, just like Banksy, they weren't short on self-promotion and indulgence.
  • Ben Robinson Yeah totally agree with your point regarding artists self-promotion, they were both vain, fame seeking self publicists, but I think the real difference between Picasso and Dali, as opposed to Banksy and Warhol etc., is that the former had substance to back it up, whereas pop artists really have no content, just superficiality.
  • Xu Do Hi Jarek, actually Vietnamese history is mysterious, that's the reasons why many Vietnamese in US and France now, but the photo of Kim Phuc is a true pain...
  • Jack Ardill I'm not a huge fan of pop art, but I'd suggest not all art needs substance to be good. To be great yes. Of course "substance" is a slippery term anyway.
  • Jarek Niskiewicz @Xu Do, I understand that we should forgive and move on - however wearing an US flag by a VN person to me is the same as seeing a Jewish person wearing a swastika...
  • Joey Arnold The photo is not really a pain. That is your opinion. You may have been brainwashed to think that the photo is bad. The photo is just a window into history and history will repeat itself if we do not learn from it. Do you guys want to have the freedom of speech? Would you guys rather not have those freedoms?
  • Robert Crockett I have family that have fought on both sides of the war here. I have to say I'm amazed with capacity of forgiveness my Vietnamese family has.
  • Joey Arnold USA was trying to take over Vietnam? Why was the south of Vietnam still fighting the north for 2 years after the USA left Vietnam from 1973 - 1975? Why was the south still fighting the north? That was not a civil war? Uncle Ho Chi Minh says that Vietna...See More
  • Ben Robinson That's totally ridiculous and way off the mark Jarek.
  • Ian Wilson Joey Arnold - you moronic piece of garbage ! - where you PERSONALLY here to witness any of this past history ? NO ??? Didn't think so - SHUT UP YOU IDIOT !
  • Jarek Niskiewicz Ben Robinson US had no business sticking their nose into it. You can call it whatever you want, still it will not change the number of Vietnamese people killed by the US army...
  • Jarek Niskiewicz Ben Robinson US had no business sticking their nose into it. You can call it whatever you want, still it will not change the number of Vietnamese people killed by the US army...
  • Joey Arnold The USA was not in Vietnam from 1973 - 1975. They were not there. They left.
  • Joey Arnold The girl looks happy.
  • Ben Robinson It was a war that had 2 sides Jarek, civilians were killed by the NVA, VC, ARVN and the US, not to mention the other forces involved such as the South Koreans (who actually committed the worst atrocities of the war, but have somehow gotten away with it)
  • Stivi Cooke Joey.. are you aware of the Vietnamese saying, 'The empty can makes the loudest noise?'
  • Joey Arnold The USA troops were leaving in 1971.
  • Ian Wilson Joey Arnold - She just heard that you are being DEPORTED !
  • Joey Arnold The USA began training the south Vietnamese army, as the USA was leaving VN.
  • Ben Robinson Take a look at this list, and start to wonder about shopping in Lotte Mart, eating at Lotteria... nobody ever mentions what the South Korean troops did in the war.
  • Joey Arnold Blood has to be spilled for freedom.
  • Joey Arnold Some of the people in the south wanted capitalism, and now Saigon is getting more capitalism.
  • Jack Ardill This thread has taken quite the turn.
  • Ian Wilson Joey Arnold - GOOD - now go and cut your own throat and give us all freedom from you mindless dribblings - YOU IDIOT ! '
  • Peter Pomeroy Joey Arnold, are you a total moron? Have you seen the effects of Napalm? I have and that little girl is suffering indescribable pain. "She looks happy", you braindead fuckwit!
  • Joey Arnold Jack Ardill, no, it has not.
  • Joey Arnold Peter Pomeroy, I am just talking about how the USA was leaving around 1971. That is all I am saying. I am also not saying that she "WAS" happy. I am saying that she "LOOKS" happy, and not that she "WAS" happy.
  • Ben Robinson Stop digging Joey
  • Ian Wilson Joey Arnold - " Some of the people in the south wanted capitalism, and now Saigon is getting more capitalism." Oatmeal aka Sh*t-for-brains - you've just proven, ONCE AGAIN, that you know NOTHING about the things that happened here, or why they happened, during the American war ! You've been brought up on the usual media one sided BULL SH*t ! You just proved it !
  • Joey Arnold Ben Robinson, you believe in evolution?
  • Ben Robinson I did until you showed up, now I'm not so sure...
  • Joey Arnold Ian Wilson, Vietnamese people tell me that they do not like Uncle Ho Chi Minh. Vietnamese people tell me that they do not like communism or socialism. Vietnamese people want to live in the USA because the USA has capitalism. Unfortunately, the USA is actually more socialistic and communistic nowadays, and capitalism isn't perfect either, but we have to try our best with what we have.
  • Joey Arnold I would rather die than live a lie.
  • Jack Ardill Oh ffs, I've kept quiet, but that is the most idiotic thing I've read on this entire site, Joey Arnold. Yes the US is becoming a communist state. That's beyond stupid.
  • Xu Do forget about politics Joey, you're even not a man for what your ex gf and her family have done for you!
  • An Nguyen Omg, "Joey would rather die" , his last words. haha
  • Stivi Cooke You're a monster, Joey!
  • Joey Arnold In the USA, the government can take your land that you own. For years, the government has been getting bigger in the USA. Americans are losing freedom. I do not like that. I partly left America because America appears to be like the Titanic.

    The Ameri
    ...See More
  • An Nguyen Sorry Joey, we don't have that much amount of fucks to give.
  • Jack Ardill Joey, that's sounds like a job application for a sweet gig on the Fox News Channel.
  • Joey Arnold Jack Ardill, you don't like Fox?
  • Jack Ardill So all those reasons you left the US and you chose to live in Vietnam of all places. You don't lack irony. You maybe lack awareness of this irony, but you don't lack it.
  • Ian Wilson " Xu Do - forget about politics Joey, you're even not a man for what your ex gf and her family have done for you !" "v "v "v Xu Do - Oatmeal's "ex gf" was & still is, his right hand !
  • An Nguyen hang on, omg, a clue , nice one Ian Wilson
  • Peter Pomeroy Joey Arnold, I don't know you, nor you me. I have lived over 21 years in Vietnam, and though I am not there right now, I do maintain a home there. I have travelled all over Vietnam and enjoyed all of it. I love the people, and would happily live out my days there. Then I see the drivel you have been spouting. Are you just trying to be controversial or are you really that stupid?
  • Ian Wilson An Nguyen - THANKS !
  • Lockie Harris Admin Take that disgusting pic down and close this F!@#$ thread Please ,
  • Joey Arnold Jack Ardill, when Frodo went into the volcano to destroy the ring, do you think he was in love with fire and possible death, as seen in the third The Lord of the Rings Trilogy? I am aware of the irony. I love the word Irony. I started my own pretend company called Ironic Mystic that I started in 1995. I came to Vietnam to help regardless of the problems in VN. Plus, I believe that VN is kind of better off than the USA in some ways. Regardless, my destiny lies in helping others in other countries.

    Other countries have less, so they need more, and America has more, so they need less. I choose to be in Vietnam because I like Vietnam and I like Vietnamese people and I like Vietnamese food.
  • Robert Crockett Joey I gave you fair warning not to do this here. You are truly fucked now.
  • Joey Arnold Robert Crockett, what did I do wrong? I like Vietnam. I love Vietnam. I am not allowed to like Vietnam? You are making fun of me because I like Vietnam? You want to ban and kill me because I love Vietnam? I love Vietnam. I want to live in Vietnam forever. Why is that bad?

    Why am I the bad person for loving Vietnam?
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