Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thinking Too Much?

  • Sinia Peach yes,thinking so much is very bad
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Original Oatmeal Why is thinking too much bad?
  • Sinia Peach just move on and live well,u will find ur real friends
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Jen-jen Pableo i am your friend joey 
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Original Oatmeal Why is thinking too much bad?
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Jen-jen Pableo if you are just in phils. i really can try to help you
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Sinia Peach because it doesnt help us to solve any problem,it just makes us more tired with thinking so much
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Original Oatmeal How much thinking do scientists do?
  • Jen-jen Pableo scientist are people who solves problems as well
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Original Oatmeal Do scientists think too much?
  • Jen-jen Pableo yes,they did but they did not complain unlike others 
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Sinia Peach i just want to make u feel better Duke,Dont talk like that.
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Jen-jen Pableo they were trying their best in order to dolve problem....even the huge one.
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Sinia Peach actually,i dont care,ok?
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Jen-jen Pableo in order to solve ...
    2 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • Original Oatmeal Thinking too much does not solve problems?
  • Jen-jen Pableo it solves problem... they think as much as they can until they figured out the solutions
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Sinia Peach but sometimes thinking to much will make u guys crazy
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Original Oatmeal How long do you go without thinking each day?
  • Sinia Peach thinking so much,i dont say thinking.And 1more thing,u are not scientist
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Original Oatmeal Why am I not a scientist?
  • Sinia Peach why are u a scientist?
    2 hours ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • Original Oatmeal What is the definition of a scientist?
  • Sinia Peach if thinking so much made people became scientist ,then there will be many stupid scientists
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Original Oatmeal How else would it work?
  • Godtitan AV it's so hard to live..
  • Nguyen Thao  God love you so much, Joey . God bless you.
  • Joey Arnold Scientists facilitates experiments. Likewise, I test people. I ponder calculations. Thinking is a tool. Thinking in and of itself is not bad. It depends on the kind of thinking. Negative circular thinking can keep people in a "Ground Hog Day" quantum l...See More
    42 minutes ago · Edited · Unlike · 1
  • Opa Tom Helus friend to friend..... and I won't enter a debate. I have some advice. Sarcasm and verbal manipulation may be an issue. I give one example: the other day you got into a back-and-forth with a Vietnamese fellow who didn't speak English well and you kept on giving him the business over liking or not liking Vietnamese people when he was clearly simply poor at using the correct endings on words. If you were to do less of that and simply try to be kind and understanding with folks you might have closer relationships. (I'm guessing I will now experience the same type of rhetoric, probably because he wasn't Vietnamese at all but Laosan or something else that skirts the point and makes fun of me instead of taking to heart my attempt to help you in your struggle. But, that's OK, maybe one of these days you'll simply say "OK brother, I hear you. and I'll think about what you said". You can take it or leave it then, but it should be given some thought). Much love my friend.
    25 minutes ago · Edited · Unlike · 1
  • Joey Arnold I should make some videos titled, "The Life And Day of Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal." How I may or may not interact with others online may or may not accurately portray who I may or may not be. 

    I try telling people not to take what I say too personally because I tend to say what I say to people to everybody. I try not to directly attack and destroy people. When I write, I may or may not be writing to just one person. However, too often, people assume that I am only writing to just them. I understand that is what we do. We tend to take things too personally at times. 

    For example, the younger I was, the more I did just that, especially when I was doing rEVOLution HAWAII from 2007 - 2008 in Hawaii of the United States.

    The younger I was, the less I understood of sarcasm, which I first remember from my younger sister, and I still avoid using it to this day as much as I can because it seems like lying in some ways and because I am kind of not so good at using sarcasm. 

    The older I get, the more I try to stray from using persuasive manipulation, but I am still guilty of doing what Bill Clinton does. I want to use charm and dance with words. I have always been about pulling people towards the Dark Side of Joey Arnold. 

    I do not see going back and forth in conversations as improper. I believe that it creates stories that is more interactive and potentially long-term in the results of what can happen. People call me crazy because I make up theories in my head and I base my entire life off a hypothesis here or an intuition there. I try to take a balance approach between thinking, feeling, intuition, my body, and my soul where I ultimately make decisions from.

    You have to remember that you are not with me all of the time. That means you do not know how I react to each situation. People who have known me from previous years are dealing with outdated data. To some extent, if you know me in real life, I believe that the negative parts of me are decreasing. 


    I believe in character development, and I am always trying to get better.

    However, people are not always aware of it because they assume that (based on what I say, how I react to criticism, and what I do) I never grow as a person. People say that I do not listen because I do not follow.

    I try telling people that there is a difference between the two. Listening does not mean automatic robotic assumed obedience to the well-being will of (the force) the advice and input and direction of the source of which I was listening to.
    about a minute ago · Edited · Like

    Sometimes in life, ur situation will keep repeating itself until you learn ur lesson !!! Good 9, everyone :)
    Like · · · 27 minutes ago near Ho Chi Minh City ·

    • 5 people like this.
    • Original Oatmeal When we fail to record and remember and reflect upon those lessons, we fall back into that loop and we repeat those situations. That is why I try to think and write as much as I can.

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