Thursday, July 4, 2013

How Else Would It Work?

People say they have bad experiences with me. The closer I get to people, the farther apart I get with them, at the same time. That is an ironic paradox that is dipped with Original Oatmeal

I feel like I have no real friends. I may have a few friends. Through the course of my life, friends and family members abandon me when I least expect it.

My name is Joey Arnold, but people say that I try superimposing my views on them. People say that they may be friends with me and I may be a "Good Guy" but they may not want to hang out with me all of the time or at all.



How can you be my friend if you do not want to see me, talk to me, or even hang out with me?

Even my own mother calls me stubborn, bossy, closed minded, and obsessive to an extreme with my own Joey Logic.

People ask me to change. Daily, people tell me to alter the course of how I do things. I tell them no.

I refuse to go with the crowd. I refuse to go with the flow of society. People hate me because I am weird, because I am not normal. I do not want to be liked. I do not want to give you what you want.




I want to give you what you need. I want to do what is right. I want to go after what is best and everlasting.


What is the meaning to life?

In one of my English classes today, I asked my 10 - 13 year old (5) female and 1 male students, "What is the meaning to life?"

Their answers included improving their English, getting better grades in school, obeying their parents more, travelling, and helping others around them.

You can NOT help others if you only give them what they want.

The closer people get to me, the more they begin to hate me. It shouldn't be a surprise that I am single and always have been single. I do not want to be single but it may be my fate and destiny.

I teach English, make websites, movies. I write, sing, design, invent, counsel, play, learn, basketball, video games, sports, activities. I am always trying to help others. I am always trying to learn new things. I am always trying to get better at everything.


However, I try my best not to be bad.

It does not matter if people say that they do not like me. It does not matter if people say that I am a horrible American that should return from which it came. What matters is doing the right thing, even if the world is against you.

I am not always trying to force people to think like I think. I am not always doing that. People make premature assumptions and judgement statements about me that are not completely and technically accurate and interpreted and understood enough.


I feel lonely, but it does not matter. I will not compromise the things I believe in order to gain access to fake friends or other temporary emotional stimuli that humans spend their entire careers going after. We are all guilty of going after our desires, our wants, and we lose sight on the things that really matter in life.

We forget the meaning and purpose in life.
(84) 0-163-425-1695
191/37b Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22: Quận Bình Thạnh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Oo Joey Arnold. Marilyn Mitchell. Restore Main Street. Mea Omnia. Ironic Mystic. Rick Arnold. Maria Arnold. Jen-jen Pableo.

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