Friday, June 21, 2013

You are not scared of me.

You are not scared of me.

P.Thao Duong
12:54 AM (1 minute ago)

to me
Joey! I will come back with Nguyễn Sĩ Hoàng

And i never want to see you again!

I said with you : my familly will angry me if they know i still conected with you - not just when they know i have a decided to give you money about some thing they don't know yet

So if you can talking with my younger sister, or her husband! They all have a facebook

Try to deal with them - now you are need money to much
Try to deal 

If they agreed! They will meeting and give money for you!
They control all my money - my father give money for my younger sister , and she give my mother money enough 1 month
And offcouse in this have my money enough 1 day!

I can help about the food , the clothes , but the money - special the money - i have to ask - and if they agreed , you have to meeting them , i scared you can kill me when we face to face. Same thing like can't control about that!
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:56 AM (0 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are not scared of me.

Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:35 AM (21 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You owe me money. That is a fact.
P.Thao Duong
12:36 AM (20 minutes ago)

to me
This money enough to buy my honor?
P.Thao Duong
12:37 AM (19 minutes ago)

to me
This money enough to buy the medicine to get away form the stress about the email you spaming to me every time and every day?

2013/6/22 P.Thao Duong <>
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:38 AM (18 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You stole money from me. That is a crime.
P.Thao Duong
12:38 AM (18 minutes ago)

to me
This moeny enough to take the belive of my neighbors back? Now i have scars were married and divorced in the resume!
P.Thao Duong
12:39 AM (17 minutes ago)

to me
You stole my time to now - It's crime too Joey
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:41 AM (15 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
There is a difference. Not exactly the same.
P.Thao Duong
12:44 AM (12 minutes ago)

to me
It's the same!
People use they time to life to working for find the money

Officials at the time the company used to manufacture products
There's people out of work ever!
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:48 AM (8 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
I did not need a bike. You begged me to buy a bike. Later, you stole the bike. You said you would give me the money for the bike. I did not get the money. I did not want the bike. I did not want to sell the bike. I did not want the Vietnamese classes.You made me buy a bike. You stole the bike. You stole the money to the bike. You made me take Vietnamese classes. I told you that I do not want Vietnamese classes. I did not want to buy the bike. I did not want to sell the bike. You stole the bike. You stole my money. You stole my time. You made me take classes I did not want to take. You made me eat and drink things I did not like. You ran me over with your bike.

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