Friday, June 21, 2013

Why Block Me?


Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
9:29 PM (22 minutes ago)

to Dieu, P.Thao, Tram, Tram, travelmate, Tyler
Why did you block me?
P.Thao Duong
9:39 PM (12 minutes ago)

to me
I have to have a new bf Joey - i want a new familly
You and you familly (your mother - your sister is can't make me happy)

So why i have to get conected with you facebook!

I want you LEAVE! 
I said it very serious. Pls go out my life forever!
Do you understand English?
P.Thao Duong
9:42 PM (9 minutes ago)

to me
what you write about me! I see it! But i don't want to blame on you!
You angry, you can write everything you want!
And i will keep silence, but you still give me the link of the picture you take my email

I have to said : Thanks you about that!
If my father still alive he can be hurt because he have a slowly daughter like me!
But you are not my father!
And talking about the girl you said you "LOVE" - like this 
Just make this girl scare you can KILL HER some day if she have a real meeting with you

2013/6/21 P.Thao Duong <>
P.Thao Duong
9:43 PM (8 minutes ago)

to me
Did i want all your money? Like your Lie about me on your facebook?

2013/6/21 P.Thao Duong <>
P.Thao Duong
9:47 PM (4 minutes ago)

to me
I have a friend (he is a men) - i didn't have anything with him - event sex
But now he delete my facebook account because of you! 
Because a stupid scandal i have with you!

Really Joey? I want all you money?
Did you mother give me the money?
Did she help me to make a breafast?
Did she wash my clother?
Or did you buy anything gilt for my mother?

Or still now - you just blame on them - crush them will blind because everything they help you 
I dissapointed about it!

2013/6/21 P.Thao Duong <>
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
9:47 PM (4 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You told me you want to stay connected with me.
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