Friday, June 21, 2013

That means you are guilty.

That means you are guilty.

Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:14 AM (14 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are confusing and combining two unrelated systems and terms.
P.Thao Duong
1:26 AM (2 minutes ago)

to me
I will to tell you the true! 
The facebook Nguyễn Sĩ Hoàng is the real facebook of him! But the people is comment for you it's me!
Ofcouse Sĩ Hoàng agreed! He said - let do that! To know how much you fall in love with me - after that i will have the right choice about my love!

You know what Joey! I hear you said with my friend : I deserve to be treated badly
And my mother and father should go to the hell!

It's first!
A second : the facebook MiMi Tra Duong is of me too!
I use it to play game online! And my sister know that 
And she let me do!

So do you know why i have to posting on you fb acount when you posting my picture?!

If i don't do that! The new girl will never come with you!

We will stay in this point forever, and will up set on the hurt!

And! You never talking with my sister about the money!

Should try it for the first time!

She know you are my ex bf!

If you are good enough , if my sister own you some thing. Like you said = i help you familly - washing the dished bla bla

If it a real price you should get pay back

Talking to her - her better than my older sister (friend) and my mother , her can speak English!

And her control all my money , because her is my only close sister.
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:28 AM (0 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
That means you are guilty.

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