Saturday, June 22, 2013

Power Rangers Return to the Cinema?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Reboot Trailer

silverlightsaber silverlightsaber·85 videos
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Uploaded on Mar 17, 2010
THIS IS A NON-PROFIT VIDEO MADE PURELY FOR FUN This is my best attempt to make a "serious" reboot of MMPR. I tried to blend epicness and a child-friendly atmosphere to make kind of a Transformers-Percy Jackson tone to it. I hope you enjoy it. This was not easy to make. Here's a respectful tribute to one of my BIGGEST childhood treasures.

Footage from "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" "The Fifth Element" "Transformers" "300" "The Mummy" & "The Two Towers"
20th Century Fox Pictures
Paramount Pictures
Dreamworks Pictures
Universal Pictures
Warner Bros. Films
New Line Cinema Productions
all rights reserved

Music from "Percy Jackson" & "Clash of the Titans" trailers (The Used - Bird and The Worm)

Honors: #41 Top Favorited (today)
#75 Most Discussed (today)
#72 Top Rated (today)

Top Comments

  • NeioGeo
    I said it once, Ima say it again - fan-made or not, I love the shit out of this trailer. THIS is what I want to see some day on the big screen - a Power Rangers movie for the ones who grew up with the franchise, with nods to new fans.
    · 8
  • WarriorBoy
    Well, this was fucking fantastic. The only thing this is missing is the lack of the original theme somewhere in the trailer. That 90's rock should've come in when you introduced the Power Rangers. That being said I would watch the SHIT out of a cinematic, PG-13 adaptation of the first season.
    · 6

Video Responses

All Comments (3,356)

Joey Arnold
  • GinHNetoRyu
  • Mikayla Anderson
  • boredood
  • boredood
  • Jonathan Urbano
    they're making a reboot in 2016. francis lawrence and bryan spicer are the director and producer of the movie and its set in the times before angel grove when the first power rangers imprisoned rita and all evil. hopefully its more of an adult type action movie and not some corny kids film like the first one.
  • rogersterling1960s
    You mean something like a Watchmen type Power Rangers? With prison violence, gory maiming, existential nihilism, intense sex scenes and all that? Like explore on a very deep level the consequences if Power Rangers were to actually exist in our real world? Envision the costs imposed on society and emotional trauma that haunts the rangers themselves. Really target the now-adults who watched the show as kids in the early 90s.
    · in reply to wolf1893 (Show the comment)
  • TheTeladras
    Nineties generation!!!
  • Quang Vũ Trần
    Wow, this is awesome !!!!
    If only this would be an official trailer for a real movie. It will DEFINITELY a block buster.
  • samoht2911
    ... I think I have to apologies to the people who live below me, for my jaw that just broke through their ceiling
  • DamageIncM
    Well, I don't necessarily mean "reboot" in the literal (or usual) sense of the same story and plot. It wouldn't be the series remade, it would be a film based on the series (again quite like the first movie, which I don't think necessarily really fit in between the series anywhere), and it doesn't matter if you take some liberties in the adaptation of the story, especially if it's for a different audience. I've noticed fans preferring the original actors anyway.
  • ColetheAero
    as long as Super Sentai is around Saban is not going to throw away his money maker for what ? 3 motion pictures. . . then who knows what ? and making this film at the same time as the series is going to be really confusing to audiences AND risk people losing interest in the show due to a lack in the same level of acting,writing,and effects by comparison
    be cool if someone could come along make it work without it being laughable
    but it's very improbable
  • DamageIncM
    Well, I've been thinking about it for the last days, and what I would do, is take the original actors, who are now older, and kind of "spin it off" from the MMPR-seasons. Then really take all the essence of that and make it a bit more serious. Because this movie, if I would do it, would be for a broader audience than just kids. Keep in mind, the original fans have become older, and there's a different market.
  • DamageIncM
    Also, what has been in the series has been all over the place. With craploads of different Power Rangers together and what not? So, I don't think doing a movie parallel to the current series, with the originals actors who aren't in the new series anymore (apart from one or two?). would be so weird...
    By the way, I would make it "dark & gritty" and "realistic", cause that's BS for such a series. I would like to approach it more spiritual, much like, again, the first movie, but with less cheese.
  • DamageIncM
    crap!... I meant WOULDN'T make it "dark & gritty" etc... Cause I hate clichés...
  • ColetheAero
    i would prefer a straight out rewrite of seasons 1-3 but that's me
  • DamageIncM
    That's pretty much what I meant as well. At least in terms of story, but just make it more... say, sort of believable, a bit more sincere, not so flashy, like removing all the things that is aimed at and awesome for kids, but is not so exciting for older fans anymore. There needs to be a certain level of quality in the writing and story indeed, otherwise it will just be a noisy kiddy-movie again. That's for the series and that's fine, that's just what it is. It's all about adaptation.
  • ColetheAero
    i agree but as i said as long as super sentai is still around it's improbable that saban will agree to this
    (also i'd like new actors i'm mean this a reboot after all and they're WAY to old to be teens again)
  • DamageIncM
    Yeah, I'm not really seeing it happen. I really wonder how the heck the indie-production (that on Kickstarter) is getting away with the rights and all. Even some of the people from the original show are on it. Just what the heck.
    As for the actors, to me it wouldn't be the meaning for them to be teens, but more like a semi-continuation after MMPR, albeit not the exact same thing. They could play slightly younger than they are though, but I doubt it would really even be mentioned.
  • DamageIncM
    Also, personally, I would love to challenge the original actors to give their best performances. I'd put them through the wringer, see what's in them, what they're made of in their profession, in a positive way of course.
  • ColetheAero
    i guess since it's "non-profit" Saban doesn't really mind and people like Ron Wasserman did it because. . . well why not ?
    and all i'm saying is just if you're going reboot season 1 YOU HAVE TO RECAST the characters, it's part of the whole point of rebooting anything (you don't see jack nicholson playing the joker in 'the Dark Knight')
    and if you wanna do a continuation like the kickstarter that's fine but i just don't that's point of doing something like this
  • ColetheAero
    as long as Super Sentai is around Saban is not going to throw away his money maker for what ? 3 motion pictures. . . then who knows what ? and making this film at the same time as the series is going to be really confusing to audiences AND risk people losing interest in the show due to a lack in the same level of acting,writing,and effects by comparison
    be cool if someone could come along make it work without it being laughable
    but it's very improbable
  • DamageIncM
    Well, I've been thinking about it for the last days, and what I would do, is take the original actors, who are now older, and kind of "spin it off" from the MMPR-seasons. Then really take all the essence of that and make it a bit more serious. Because this movie, if I would do it, would be for a broader audience than just kids. Keep in mind, the original fans have become older, and there's a different market.
  • DamageIncM
    Also, what has been in the series has been all over the place. With craploads of different Power Rangers together and what not? So, I don't think doing a movie parallel to the current series, with the originals actors who aren't in the new series anymore (apart from one or two?). would be so weird...
    By the way, I would make it "dark & gritty" and "realistic", cause that's BS for such a series. I would like to approach it more spiritual, much like, again, the first movie, but with less cheese.
  • DamageIncM
    crap!... I meant WOULDN'T make it "dark & gritty" etc... Cause I hate clichés...
  • ColetheAero
    i would prefer a straight out rewrite of seasons 1-3 but that's me
  • DamageIncM
    That's pretty much what I meant as well. At least in terms of story, but just make it more... say, sort of believable, a bit more sincere, not so flashy, like removing all the things that is aimed at and awesome for kids, but is not so exciting for older fans anymore. There needs to be a certain level of quality in the writing and story indeed, otherwise it will just be a noisy kiddy-movie again. That's for the series and that's fine, that's just what it is. It's all about adaptation.
  • ColetheAero
    i agree but as i said as long as super sentai is still around it's improbable that saban will agree to this
    (also i'd like new actors i'm mean this a reboot after all and they're WAY to old to be teens again)
  • DamageIncM
    Yeah, I'm not really seeing it happen. I really wonder how the heck the indie-production (that on Kickstarter) is getting away with the rights and all. Even some of the people from the original show are on it. Just what the heck.
    As for the actors, to me it wouldn't be the meaning for them to be teens, but more like a semi-continuation after MMPR, albeit not the exact same thing. They could play slightly younger than they are though, but I doubt it would really even be mentioned.
  • DamageIncM
    Also, personally, I would love to challenge the original actors to give their best performances. I'd put them through the wringer, see what's in them, what they're made of in their profession, in a positive way of course.
  • alextectom
    rebooot e meu pau !!! 
  • sm4carnageihope
    I just wanna say that the gritty, serious power ranger reboot of our dreams is happening as we speak. It is a fan series called MMPR you have to see the trailer on youtube, it looks amazing. Plus David Feilding is voicing zordon, zedds actor is in it and ron wasserman is doing the music. POWER UP.
  • 123dracorex
    i would so pay to see that if it were real
  • glock31357sig
    Nice!!!! Best fan made trailer I have ever seen!!!!!!!
  • NeioGeo
    I said it once, Ima say it again - fan-made or not, I love the shit out of this trailer. THIS is what I want to see some day on the big screen - a Power Rangers movie for the ones who grew up with the franchise, with nods to new fans.
    · 8
  • TheHorrormoviefan01
    Best fan-made trailer I've ever seen. Made me wanna go see it right now. Lol
    · 2
  • BortaMaga NFS
    Comment removed
  • ProAomai
    what a BullShit :D the 5th Element with Power Rangers! CRAP!!
  • AaronRamm
    This was very well put together. Very enjoyable, nice job.
  • tomisnot18
    There needs to be a 'Dark Knight' style movie reboot. With the original cast returning as the parents of a new group of specially selected teenager
  • skippytons
    of corse not a film u dim wits if u notice in it had bit from lord of the rings and the film 5 elementsards
  • Suratman Sahir
    are it's related to Star Wars ?
  • Gn Lazarus
    i dont think this is a movie because the villain just same..
  • temi ohue
    aahhahah i ve seen all the power rangers that has ever existed till date.. but i haven't seein anyone with the monsters from lord of the rings loooool.. nice one dude u could have left those monsters out.. cause it was already cool by itself no hating
  • ROBL0Xfilms
    Kill me already, I'm sickin' tired of Power Rangers.
  • Erik Bernardes Oliveira
    Ainda sonho com essa produção, juntando transformes e matrix em uma mega produção dos rangers
  • Erik Bernardes Oliveira
    Eu acho que seria um filme legal. "O RETORNO" parecido com os sentais de especial onde une todos, mas com a qualidade e tecnica holywoodana
    Usando a vida contidiana deles, e do nada eles serem atacados por inimigos do passado, mas varias gerações de Ranger. Poderia ser feito em 3 filmes, ou mais, onde eles sofreriam o ataque, o mundo cairia em trevas, eles de alguma forma loca teriam que recuperar os poderes de ranger, e tipo no fim poderia ter as lutas supremas, os zordes se levantarem
  • SolvexxAU
    i would watch the shit out of a adult mighty morphin power rangers.. must have jason david frank. :3
    · 46
  • Audra Barrella
    How is this not a movie? And how can this have 822 dislikes!?
    · 2
  • TheArcaneMusic
    Me: "Please be a real thing please be a real thing..."
    Me: :<

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