Friday, June 21, 2013

Mimi Hates Me

I don't know what you said about my trust?
Are you make fun of about my religion? When my familly change from Christ to Buddha?
Or you said about my love for my older sister? I should kill my sister because she live you?
Both of it, i don't want to hear it from you
If i have to choice about my sister and you, i ofcouse will choice to beliving into my sister!
Leave she alone Joey! And leave me alone too! I will close this facebook. Can control to much friend with two facebook!
If you want to find me and talking about my sister and her money
Find me here :
Hope you love your self enough to don't talking lie about my sister is own your money!
Is all help of my familly for you? It's all a dust?
I buy for you a men shampo! Did you buy for me or your mother buy for me, anything?
Tra Duong Thanh
Original Oatmeal
Your mentality is flawed.

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