Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kathy Tries Killing Me, Joey Arnold

I am a friend of Kathy. 

I am a friend of the sister of Kathy as well. I have met them both. I have met the mother of Kathy. 

I am friends with them. 

Kathy is not my "Girl Friend." 

Kathy never was my "Girl Friend." 

My name is Joey Arnold, as in Joseph Scott Arnold, Joe Cool, Ghetto Joe, of Forest Grove, Oregon, United States, the Original Oatmeal.

There is a language barrier between the Vietnamese and English languages. 

There are cultural, geographical, and social differences. 

Some things are not properly translated, interpreted, understood, defined, followed, or even considered.

Kathy stole money from me. 

I am friends with Kathy. I am not angry. I am not upset. I am stating a fact. I am sharing these life-lessons to cultivate character-development momentum in the lives of others.

We can learn from the past.

Kathy stole my electric bike. 

Kathy says she hates me. 

Kathy says I drive her crazy. 

There are many things that Kathy says that are not completely accurate, precise, or exactly true.

I am not frustrated. 

I just want to warn people about situations that may happen in life. I am writing about Kathy in order to education myself farther in understanding people better, so that I can help people more. 

This is about sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, theology, science, and the arts of hospitality, of caring for others.

I have not seen Kathy since 11 AM on Monday, the 8th of April of 2013.

Kathy let me stay at her house for the month of March 2013. 

Kathy drove me on her motor-bike to the different schools where I work teaching English at. I get paid some money for teaching English at kindergarten and elementary schools.

I met Kathy on in January of 2013.

I met Kathy in person at 4 PM, Sunday, the 17th of February 2013 at the house of Tram Pham near the Saigon airport in district Binh Tan or district Tan Phu or district Go Vap. I know Tram lives close to the airport, somewhere. I have her address somewhere.

Kathy took me to Lotteria in district 5 near a bridge that goes to district 8.

Tram is nice.

Tram dislikes being corrected in English.

Tram hates questions.

Tram is hospital.

Tram let me stay at her house for a few days.

Later, Tram kicks me out. Kathy asked me if I wanted to live at her house.

I agreed and moved to the house of Kathy.

Kathy told me she would drive me to school for a month or longer.

Kathy started buying me food as well.

Kathy said she does these things for me for free.

Free means free.

Later, Kathy tells me that she does not understand what free means.

I try many times to explain the concept of "FREE" to Kathy.

Many times I fail at getting my points across.

Kathy seems to think that "Free" means "To Borrow, Temporarily."

Kathy seems to want me to pay her back money.

Free Means Free

People think Free means Borrow.

But that is not what free means.

I appreciate others.

I appreciate the help of others like Kathy and Tram.

I have bought Kathy, Tram, and others gifts.

I do.

I tell people thank you all of the time.

I do not owe Kathy money. Kathy owes me dongs, as in money.

Kathy needs to give me money.

Kathy owes me around $4.000.000 VND Vietnamese Dongs money currency ($200 USD United States dollars cash bills).

I am not angry.

I am the friend of Kathy.

I am a friend with the friends of Kathy.

I am friends with the relatives of Kathy.

Kathy says she does not want to see me again.

I help Kathy.

I am here for Kathy.

I care about Kathy.

I love Kathy.

I care about people.

The love of Christ flows through me.

This is not about lust, premature passions for sexual intercourse.

I am talking about sacrificial agape love for humans.

Love thy enemy. Love your neighbors as yourself.

Kathy is not my girl friend.

Kathy was not my girl friend.

I was not the boy friend of Kathy.

I am not the boy friend of Kathy.

I am the friend of Kathy.

I try helping Kathy.

Kathy steals from me.

I give to Kathy.

Kathy is making hand-made hats, gloves, neckles, and other things.

Kathy loves art.

Kathy is returning to college.

Kathy is trying to get back on track.

Kathy wants to marry a man and start a family.

I am helping Kathy.

I give money to Kathy.

I help Kathy.

Kathy says she does not want my help.

Kathy also says she wants my help.

Kathy has problems.

Kathy is getting better.

I am not the girl friend of Kathy.

I am not the boy friend of Kathy.

I am not the dog of Kathy.

I am the friend of Kathy.

I write about Kathy.

I will continue to write about Kathy.

I believe in the potential of people.

I believe in the developmental evolution of people.

Pray for Kathy.

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