Friday, June 21, 2013

Illegal Combination

You are confusing and combining two unrelated systems and terms.

Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:00 AM (14 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are not scared of me.
P.Thao Duong
1:02 AM (12 minutes ago)

to me
yes - i scared!

When i have sex with some man have a mental issues, I fear I will be killed and then raped. I'm not afraid of coercion, not afraid to die too, but death and forced a turn is two different issues

Who know you will doing?

Did you write in CS Ha Noi you are have some mental issues?
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:05 AM (8 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
No. I did not say I have mental issues to people. I do not say that. I tell people that premature perceptions of things life can have adverse oversight.
P.Thao Duong
1:09 AM (5 minutes ago)

to me
did the normal people is blaming father or his ex gf is in the hell?
And her mother will deaf and blind?
P.Thao Duong
1:11 AM (3 minutes ago)

to me
event she have this person to have a house , washing his clothes , buying for him a breakfast , and planning to open a wedding for him , still she know him didn't have enough parent to come her house , and enough money to get back for her after end of that?

2013/6/22 P.Thao Duong <>
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:14 AM (0 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are confusing and combining two unrelated systems and terms.

Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:48 AM (26 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
I did not need a bike. You begged me to buy a bike. Later, you stole the bike. You said you would give me the money for the bike. I did not get the money. I did not want the bike. I did not want to sell the bike. I did not want the Vietnamese classes.You made me buy a bike. You stole the bike. You stole the money to the bike. You made me take Vietnamese classes. I told you that I do not want Vietnamese classes. I did not want to buy the bike. I did not want to sell the bike. You stole the bike. You stole my money. You stole my time. You made me take classes I did not want to take. You made me eat and drink things I did not like. You ran me over with your bike.
P.Thao Duong
12:54 AM (20 minutes ago)

to me
Joey! I will come back with Nguyễn Sĩ Hoàng

And i never want to see you again!

I said with you : my familly will angry me if they know i still conected with you - not just when they know i have a decided to give you money about some thing they don't know yet

So if you can talking with my younger sister, or her husband! They all have a facebook

Try to deal with them - now you are need money to much
Try to deal 

If they agreed! They will meeting and give money for you!
They control all my money - my father give money for my younger sister , and she give my mother money enough 1 month
And offcouse in this have my money enough 1 day!

I can help about the food , the clothes , but the money - special the money - i have to ask - and if they agreed , you have to meeting them , i scared you can kill me when we face to face. Same thing like can't control about that!
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:56 AM (18 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are not scared of me.
P.Thao Duong
Who said that ?
12:58 AM (16 minutes ago)

P.Thao Duong
12:58 AM (16 minutes ago)

to me
I said i scared you! And it's mean i scared you! Don't you can't understand English?

2013/6/22 P.Thao Duong <>
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
12:59 AM (15 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You have never been scared of me.
P.Thao Duong
12:59 AM (15 minutes ago)

to me
I give you the address of my sister!
And if you can talking with me - try to talking with her again!

2013/6/22 P.Thao Duong <>
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:00 AM (14 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are not scared of me.
P.Thao Duong
1:02 AM (12 minutes ago)

to me
yes - i scared!

When i have sex with some man have a mental issues, I fear I will be killed and then raped. I'm not afraid of coercion, not afraid to die too, but death and forced a turn is two different issues

Who know you will doing?

Did you write in CS Ha Noi you are have some mental issues?
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:05 AM (8 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
No. I did not say I have mental issues to people. I do not say that. I tell people that premature perceptions of things life can have adverse oversight.
P.Thao Duong
1:09 AM (5 minutes ago)

to me
did the normal people is blaming father or his ex gf is in the hell?
And her mother will deaf and blind?
P.Thao Duong
1:11 AM (3 minutes ago)

to me
event she have this person to have a house , washing his clothes , buying for him a breakfast , and planning to open a wedding for him , still she know him didn't have enough parent to come her house , and enough money to get back for her after end of that?

2013/6/22 P.Thao Duong <>
Original Oatmeal Gmail <>
1:14 AM (0 minutes ago)

to P.Thao
You are confusing and combining two unrelated systems and terms.

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