Monday, May 13, 2013

Which Laptop Can Eat Me?

  1. I am free until 1pm every morning for this month of May 2013 (except for this coming Friday). I am an English Teacher. Just ask me about this. I am free on the nights of Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday each week of May 2013. I may be free at other times as well. Just ask me.

    We could meet together in groups or not. Just contact me and we can talk about the details. It can be 1 on 1. Just me and you. It could be me and you and other people. It could be almost anything. Just ask me.

    I can teach you English or guitar or we can just talk, or go walking, or play basketball, biking, or anything maybe. Just talk to me and we will see. If I agree with the details, then we are good to go to rock and roll.

    How much money will I charge?

    We can talk about this later. You could give me 50.000 VND (or more) per hour and buy me some food and drink. I prefer 100.000 VND per hour but just tell me how much you can pay or not pay. We could work something out.

    We could meet at like Caffe Fresco on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai in district 1 or somewhere. Just talk to me about this. Talk to me while you still can.

    I am an English Tutor. I am a Life Coach. I am a friend. I can teach you how to play guitar, piano, how to sing, dance, tell jokes, smile, laugh, play, live, learn, travel, play basketball, sports, math, history, philosophy, science, theology, ethics, morality, how to build websites, how to draw, how to use PhotoShop, computer programs, video games, biking. I can teach you about the Bible. Just tell me what you want to do or learn and I will try to make it happen.

    Just Contact me.

    We can talk about this more.

    Just contact me.

    Original Oatmeal Marilyn Mitchell Maria Arnold Jen-jen Pableo Joey Arnold The Page of Joey Arnold Joy Sanchez Mea Omnia Minh Ngoc Couchsurfing Saigon

    My contact information is at
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  2. Which laptops have the longest battery life? Which laptops are the strongest in case I drop it or get in a bike accident? Which laptops has the longest lasting physical hardware that will not short circuit or break from being too cheap in low quality or other bad things? I want to find the strongest, fastest laptop that has the longest battery life (or solar power), which will then be the most expensive one, but then go and find the cheapest laptop that is close enough these goals since I can only spend around $200 USD or less total for a laptop.

    Find my contact info at
    — with Marilyn Mitchell and 2 others.
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  3. Which laptops have the longest battery life? Which laptops are the strongest in case I drop it or get in a bike accident? Which laptops has the longest lasting physical hardware that will not short circuit or break from being too cheap in low quality or other bad things? I want to find the strongest, fastest laptop that has the longest battery life (or solar power), which will then be the most expensive one, but then go and find the cheapest laptop that is close enough these goals since I can only spend around $200 USD or less total for a laptop. — with Original Oatmeal.
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  4. which laptops have the longest battery life? i want a laptop that i can drop and jump on..... because i carry my laptop in my backpack while i am on my bicycle and i may get in accidents..... — with Original Oatmeal.

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