Sunday, May 26, 2013

Obama Was Illegally Re-Elected

  1. The United Nation is going to make sure Obama wins the election. That is why they are overseeing the votes.

    If sixty percent of the United States vote for Romney, then the electoral college could still pick Obama over Romney. Do you call that democracy? The UN is going to do their best to keep people from voting for Romney. Most countries want Obama over Romney. Israel's enemies want Obama over Romney. This is a religious election. The whole world is watching.

    Even if 60% of Americans vote Romney, then Obama could still win. That means that our votes almost do not matter. It means that majority does not in fact rule. It means that we are leaving from our original values as a country of we the people for the people.

    Obama will tell you to vote, regardless of who you vote for. In other words, exercise your last bit of freedom while you still can.
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  2. A lot of people know that I was all over the Benghazi mess as it was developing, along with the other attacks we suffered during the 9/11/12 attacks. More
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  3. " Where's CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, MsNBC, New York Times ?"
    Via - John Tydlaska Jr. - The MIA misconduct cost the lives of Glen Doherty & Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs, Sean Smith, Information Officer, & U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chri...See More
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  4. The United Nation is overseeing our votes because they want to make sure Obama stays President for another four years.
    The United Nation is overseeing our votes because they want to make sure Obama stays President for another four years.
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  5. The United Nation is overseeing our votes because they want to make sure Obama stays President for another four years.
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  6. Father Of Slain SEAL Tyrone Woods Accuses White House Of Murder

    On Friday’s “America Live” on the Fox News Channel, Chip Woods, the father of slain Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods said the lack of response from the Obama administration on Sept. 11...See More
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  7. "Those same sources also say former President Bill Clinton has been “urging” his wife to release official State Department documents that prove she called for additional security at the compound in Libya, which would almost certainly result...See More
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    Jay Leno: "Obama was bragging today about the sanctions which are crippling Iran's economy. We should listen because if anyone knows about crippling an economy, it's Obama. . .
    "The sale of Obama Halloween masks are 30% hi...See More
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  9. President Obama is running a mostly negative campaign. With a failed record to defend and promising 4 more years like the last 4 years, it's no surprise that President Obama would resort to negative, divisive, personal attacks on Governor Romney.
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  10. A good friend told me that I cannot be her friend any more because I am against Obama, because she loves Obama more than she loves me.

    I am losing friends left & right because they do not understand life. People who support Obama are clearly lost. Allowing Obama to be our President of the United States is the biggest mistake we have made as a nation.
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  11. It is just so very sad. The CIA operatives were there and could have helped Ambassador Stevens and the 3 other Americans who were murdered in Benghazi. One operative had the lead terrorist shooter in his sights but when they contacted the W...See More
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  12. SHARE if you are ready for "WE THE PEOPLE" to take our country back! How many will type "YES WE CAN!"

    IN STORES or buy the DVD now & save 25%!
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  13. Don't you hate it when others tell lies about your friends? They probably hate your friends. That is probably why they are spreading the gossip. So, what do you do? You go to your friends & ask them what really happened.

    President Barack Obama has become our best friend. We seriously think that people must hate Obama. That is probably why they are telling lies about Obama, we think to ourselves. That is why we refuse to believe the lies. We refuse to believe anything that is against Obama.

    That is why we choose to only believe what Obama says.
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  14. Did you know that President Obama callously refused to support legislation voted on by the House this year that would have protected baby girls from the horrific practice of sex-selection abortion? Read the facts and then SHARE this graphic!
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