Wednesday, May 1, 2013


President Obama, Please HALT "RING OF FIRE" Nukes NOW!

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

President Obama, not only are you 
the President of these United States. 
You are also designated as the 
US military's 
of the United States of America.

NO major military operation can take place without your review and full release.

NO major covert military black operation and false-flag event can ever take place without your full knowledge and approval and release as well.

It is therefore impossible for such a massive, highly coordinated and major covert US military black operation as "OPERATION RING OF FIRE" and other related military black operations, designed to bring America irrevocably under martial law for a world globalist agenda, to ever take place without YOUR FULL KNOWLEDGE AND APPROVAL, SIGNATURE AND RELEASE.

With this in mind, I am beseeching you to order a halt to these anti-American and anti-Constitutional military operations of covertly authorizing military black operations, including the deliberate detonation of  these deadly nuclear devices, planted across America, with the full intent of ultimately triggering martial law and suspending our Constitution at last....every NWO globalist's dream-come-true for America.

Millions of Americans are finally waking up and realizing what is happening to our nation and our freedoms. They now understand the nature of "false flags" and "black ops" designed to undermine our freedoms and take America down for the globalist agenda.

President Obama, if you allow these horrific and deadly military black operations to proceed as planned, not only will millions of innocents lose their lives or suffer needlessly. 

Not only will martial law be declared. 

But you will also have a full fledged civil war on your hands as well. 

Because millions of Americans finally KNOW THE TRUTH about the NWO's martial law agenda for America. 

And as my reporting has revealed through interviewing thousands of Americans in the past 18 years, they are not going to stand for their Constitution being rescinded and their freedoms abolished without a battle.

As a peace-loving and non-violent American Patriot of America's true Christian heritage and descendant of America's original founders, I am beseeching you by the mercies of God to give the orders to RESCIND AND HALT THESE DEADLY COVERT MILITARY OPERATIONS NOW.

No true Christian or American Patriot ever wants to see war, bloodshed and fighting on American soil. No true American ever  wants to witness civil war in our nation.

There are peaceful ways to resolve national differences, ways that spare the innocent and do not destroy innocent lives.

But I can promise you that IF the US government and US military proceed as planned with their staged "false flags," including "OPERATION RING OF FIRE" designed to bring America into a state of "national emergency" and MARTIAL LAW, itWILL tragically come to war at last on American soil.

I have prayed against this for many years now. Oh, GOD...hold BACK martial law! Hold BACKthe black ops that will cost millions of innocent Americans their lives! This has been the prayer of my heart for years.Through years of research, I know what MARTIAL LAW means for my people and my nation.

President Obama, I write this to you, on behalf of millions of my endangered fellow Americans, as a Christian speaking from the Word of God. Do not authorize these deadly military actions to proceed as planned.

The word of God declares that all unrepentant murderers will suffer eternal damnation at the hands of a just and holy God, for all eternity. President Obama, read what the eternal word of God has to say about this:




Covert military operations such as I have described and potentially able to take place nationwide, will cause millions of innocent Americans to be murdered and maimed.
And these covert US military operations cannot proceed as planned WITHOUT YOUR FULL AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT as America's President and COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the US military.
If you therefore give your consent and approval for the US military and cooperating US agencies and consenting foreign military powers to proceed with these false flags and black ops, the blood of millions of innocent Americans who will die, will ultimately be onYOUR hands, President Obama

God forbid.
The Word of God is therefore calling both you and all who are complicit in these types of murderous and deadly military covert operations to REPENT of these intentions. 

To HALT this needless and senseless plan for the destruction of millions of innocent American lives.

To RECEIVE mercy and grace and forgiveness through receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Jesus Christ loves YOU and died for YOURsins, as well as mine. I have prayed for you and your family continually throughout the years now. So have millions of other well-meaning Americans.

You realize perfectly that everything I have just written about martial law plans for America is total truth. Many who are  complicit in the NWO agenda in the US military (and foreign) also realize everything I have just written is truth. I serve a God of ALL TRUTH. "Father, Thy word is TRUTH."

And I therefore am compelled to speak up for the truth in this hour.

And millions more Americans are waking up to the tragic truth about where America is being taken, and the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

President Obama, for the sake of the destiny of your eternal soul, and on behalf of the lives of millions of my fellow Americans endangered by these operations, PLEASE STOP THESE MILITARY OPERATIONS DESIGNED TO LEAD AMERICA INTO MARTIAL LAW.

As Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the United States of America, you have this power to do so.

I beseech you by the mercies of God, that you do so today. 

And none of these words above are to be misconstrued as any form of threat. I remain peaceful, non-violent and unarmed by choice in this hour.But these are words of truth that must be spoken in this desperate hour, sir.

The message of Jesus Christ to the world is not communicated through weapons of violence that destroy men's live, but rather by  His love and His words that saves mankind from destruction.

We the endangered Christians across America continue to pray for you. 

And to pray for the life of the Constitutional Republic of these United States and the well-being of her Patriotic and God-fearing citizens as well.


Sincerely and in Jesus' name,
Pamela Rae Schuffert

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013

Navy SEAL Interview and FINAL WORDS of WARNING

"It is too dangerous now for us 
to meet together again...."

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

These were the final words I heard from my Navy SEAL contact this morning, after having spent several hours together in a private meeting area out of public view.

The General in Washington DC that he had been in communication with up to this point, had received an internal military death threat recently, and he now no longer answers the phone. My contact believes that this General was murdered last night. I am hoping he simply went underground and has simply disabled his cell phone to avoid being tracked and monitored. We simply don't know for sure at this point what has happened to him. 

This whole series of interviews has evolved into something very risky now. He is ready to go underground, and admitted that it was too dangerous for us to ever meet again.

I thank God that before this final parting, I was able to give him a new compact KJV Bible to go into his backpack, plus other Christian literature filled with encouragement, which he was so happy to receive. Thank God for the anonymous donor who provided me with these precious books to distribute for my ministry (and you KNOW who you are, precious reader!)

He looked at me this morning as we sat at a table together, his face assuming a very serious expression. He was deeply burdened over this potential loss of his very dear military friend, the General. He believes that they succeeded in apprehending him last night, and that he was terminated by the military opposition who support the NWO agenda in the military, following his receiving the terse death threat note, "YOU'RE DEAD."

Personally...until I have irrefutable proof that this good man is dead, I am holding out through faith and prayer that he is yet alive and was able to escape and get away. I continue to pray for him until God shows me otherwise. Pray for General DLK. I can say no more.

My head is still spinning at the volume of information he shared with me this morning. He admitted he had to attempt to share as much information as possible in a short time, because he feels time may be very short now.

It is impossible for me to publish an in-depth article covering everything he mentioned to me at this time. I am only going to share the highlights for now. It will take a long to to perform background research, to sort out everything, and write an article about everything he shared.

"PROJECT ORION"-He revealed to me that the general military code name under which the NWO MARTIAL LAW agenda for America falls is called PROJECT ORION. He admitted that it has MANY tentacles, reaching all around the world. And again, the Illuminati play a major role in all of this, also the Masons.

"THOR'S HAMMER"- He said that the code name of the military program to terminate NWO resistance and all enemies of the state with several kinds of weapons and methods, was referred to as "THOR'S HAMMER." 

This program included the FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camps. It also includes more advanced military technology perfecting the art of TERMINATION OF ENEMIES.

High tech weapons include the MICROWAVE weapons, particle beam weapons, and even sonar frequencies. "Sonar turns the brain and body organs into jelly...flesh can liquefy in the presence of sonar waves...."

He also mentioned the following:

-HIGH TECH INTELLIGENCE GATHERING and DISSEMINATING COMPUTERS for future control of ALL information that the public will be allowed to know under  the NWO. And a major hub and control base will be in ARIZONA, connecting from there to computers interacting in this system all over the world.

-Huge deep underground military base beneath Salt Lake City, Utah, that dwarfs the one beneath the Denver International Airport.

-Microbiologists involved in the ongoing process of developing deadly incurable viruses for future world population reduction.

-NEXT GENERATION COMPUTERS that will be enabled to operate without a human. And which will actually be used in the process of world population reduction.

-The artificial cloning and creating of "military soldiers" who are designed to obey orders without question and kill upon command.

And so much more. Yes I am already aware of some of the above.

But I then explained to him that my major focus in reporting to the American people now is to warn them of dangers to come and to prepare to face America's future, and to emerge as overcomers through being forewarned.

I finally got us back into the subject of the coming potential nuclear threat previously code-named "OPERATION RING OF FIRE."

"Do you think that they will actually detonate these planted nukes on May the 5th, OR are they going to begin this operation on the 5th, with it leading UP TO the eventual detonation of these nukes?"

He finally admitted he did not know. Much of this is frankly unknowable unless one is a vital internal and integral part of such highly classified military black ops and false flags.

But he then admitted that there are other people across the nation who are  convinced that it will begin on the 5th, and that "...already the underground military opposition to the NWO is quietly mobilizing across the nation in anticipation of this coming down..." This underground military resistance to the NWO agenda  also includes multitudes of Patriotic military veterans as well.

He then went deeper. "We have some of our people working on disabling these nukes through hacking into the actual military computer systems that controls them...they are all controlled through computer programming...."

I asked,"Are your men making any progress???"

He looked at me, and said nothing. But he then raised his hand with two fingers crossed. "We HOPE so,"he replied. 

Again, much of this is unknown. Covert military NWO resistance working on such projects cannot communicate with the outside in such operations, or risk exposure, discovery and immediate retaliation.

Friends, do you know what all this tells me? 


Why are we waiting for a formal martial law declaration??? 

We are in the middle of a powerful and deadly military operation potentially preparing to take place in our nation which may cost the lives of millions of innocent Americans if it is not successfully intercepted and taken down. 

In fact, when I mentioned to him the words "martial law, " he interrupted and said to me bluntly without hesitation,"AMERICA IS ALREADY UNDER A STATE OF MARTIAL LAW...."They are simply not openly declaring it to the American people. But let their oppressive actions speak to us louder than words.

The continual trampling all over the Constitution to enact new anti-freedom legislation. The many recent black ops leading to martial law takeover of cities like BOSTON. And the many "drills" in which they are actually creating the disasters accompanying them, like the WACO explosion. Homeland Security and other government agencies are buying up millions of rounds of ammunition. DHS is steadily delivering armored vehicles across this nation. 

Freedoms are slowly being eroded across America. In some places, people do not even OWN the rainwater that falls upon their property! Americans are being CHEMTRAILED daily and made sick or dying as a result. The Obama administration is working furiously to take away gun rights from the American people. And so much more.

Why do we even have to wait for a formal declaration of MARTIAL LAW anyway? Look at what's been happening across America without it...already.

Frankly, friends and readers, this IS war. And isHAS been war against the American people and their rights and liberties for a long, long time.

Finally, near noon today, he announced to me that the interview was over, and that it was not wise for us to ever meet again. I thoroughly agreed, after the  threat involving the General he was formerly  in contact with. That really unnerved me. But then, it really shouldn't surprise me...

I hope to publish the radio broadcast schedule on MONDAY regarding my interview on April 30th, 2013.

Christians readers, please continue to pray over the information I have received from this information source.

None of the enemy's plans are written in stone. Their will is in total opposition to both the word and the will of Almighty God.

There is ONLY ONE THING unchangeable, and that is THE WORD OF GOD.

Everything else can be changed. Even the minds and the plans of wicked men.

"For with God, nothing shall be impossible."
~Jesus Christ~

God be with you all. 

Pray for our departing friend.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert-

Obama Signed Covert Exec Order for THE COMING NUKE ATTACK USA!

"The General in the Pentagon.....has held the covert Executive Order in his hands... OBAMA himself signed this Executive order for the nukes to be detonated..."

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

Late last night my SEAL contact called me to share more. He is sensing his time is short to be able to communicate with me, and he admitted he will be disappearing soon this week. I urged him to do so for his own safety...and for the battle that is to come.

Because of the importance of accuracy in journalism, to the best of my ability, I pressed him once again about this nuke-detonating operation and the date. "How do you know for certain, though, that the military is planning to conduct this operation this on May 5th, 2013?"

I am never comfortable with date-settingand have told my readers this many times. First of all, if the anticipated event I reported on does not come to pass, it tends to serve to discredit my accuracy in reporting. Readers forget that dates CAN be set, and people can later change their minds for various reasons. It happens all the time, and you and I have done this ourselves at times throughout our lives.

Also, prayer changes things. God can move the hearts of men and change their plans, even as the Bible faithfully records.

Let it be fully understood that I DID NOT SET THIS DATE NOR GIVE IT. It came from my contact, who was assured that this was initially accurate.

My SEAL contact replied that, "The General in the Pentagon that I have been communicating with has held the  covert Executive Order in his hands. OBAMA HIMSELF SIGNED THIS EXECUTIVE ORDER FOR THE NUKES TO BE DETONATED...."

I remember just sitting there in my vehicle, horrified, speechless and in shock. How could any national leader be so evil, as to use those elements in our US military that are supportive of the NWO agenda, to destroy thousands upon thousands of innocent lives in America???

But then, hasn't Obama been working hard to eliminate from the US military those people who will refuse to fire upon their fellow Americans under a state of martial law? It is the US military who run the very FEMA camps that will someday incarcerate and terminate millions of fellow Americans under martial law. 

Hasn't DHS been buying up millions of rounds of ammo, and delivering huge military armored vehicles to police departments nationwide, obviously in anticipation ofSOMETHING BIG TO HAPPEN IN AMERICA??? I have also received reports of large military convoys moving across this nation in various locations, including just the other day in Washington state.

Clearly, there are those elements throughout the US government and military who are willing to murder their fellow Americans in the name of implementing the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for America. Let's look at the mute evidence.

Over 800 FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention ( actually, TERMINATION) camps scattered across America cannot lie. Thousands of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES cannot lie. Thousands of MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES stockpiled in  military bases cannot lie. Numerous foreign troops prepositioned throughout America and Canada and Mexico cannot lie. Deadly CHEMTRAILS sweeping through the skies of America cannot lie. Deadly MONSANTO seeds of death for a world population reduction agenda cannot lie. AND SO MUCH MORE.

The truth is, Americans have been marked for DEATH by the NWO planners and by her very own government and military. 9/10th's of the American people have already been marked for death, in fact, for the globalist population reduction agenda.

The SEAL's brother, also military and working with him in this covert work, is very ill now from radiation poisoning after the last nuke detecting/disabling operation a month ago. "He feels he is dying from radiation poisoning now..." Christian readers, pray for him. None of this is a hoax or a game. We are dealing with real-life people and the potential for a deadly national crisis to come, and the lives of millions at stake as a result all across America.

My life is obviously on the line completely at this point as well. When you intercept such high level information, and the General mentioned above has already received a death threat and may not even be alive this morning, as my SEAL contact admitted,  I fully realize that my reporting has taken me to a much higher level of danger than ever before. But who can remain silent in this hour, if such information is true??? I cannot.

I am scheduled to go on BLOGTALK RADIO on April 30th, 2013, for two hours. It will be 11 PM EST.I will post more details later today.

I may have a "guest" on the broadcast with me,with the help of voice distortion equipment to protect his identity. My SEAL contact is considering doing this before he disappears.Pray that "the powers that be" do not pull a "Breitbart" on me before this broadcast timeor block the lines of communications (as they did frequently in the past when I had my own radio broadcast  during previous years.)

What is a "BREITBART?" Read the following articles. The US government is getting bolder to terminate people who know too much and talk to much and expose too much. Under the Obama administration, it has reached a new frenzy with percieved "enemies of the state." The bloodlust of the NWO against her enemies is obviously increasing at a frightening speed, including through the recent staged black ops/false flags.

After Breitbart declared that he was going to expose something publicly regarding Obama, he mysteriously died. An "official explanation" declared it to be of "natural causes."BEWARE OF "OFFICIAL EXPLANATIONS". And  his coroner following his death, also died mysteriously.

Many are convinced Breitbart was covertly murdered to silence his upcoming revelations on Obamaand that false evidence was used to cover up his termination to silence him. But why should anyone be surprised? This kind of assassination and cover up tactic happens quite frequently with "enemies of the state."

As I think about this, I am so thankful that I am a born-again Christian! Yes, they may move to kill me someday, but I do not live in a state of paranoia or fear. Jesus has delivered me from the fear of death. I have been given eternal life through faith in my Savior. I do not fear death nor how it comes. What a wonderful gift He has given me, this gift of peace within!  And the grace to continue in this kind of reporting. It is only by His grace.

Furthermore, Jesus Christ Himself ultimately died for SPEAKING THE TRUTH to His generation. His powerful words and exposing of sin so angered the religious leaders of His day, that He was delivered up by them to be executed. Christians are called to follow Jesus and His example, who did not compromise the truth even when He knew it would ultimately cost His life. HE WAS ON A MISSION FROM GOD from which He could not turn back. 

And as Christians, so are we. There is no turning back.

I am going to do everything I can today to find out if this brave General is still alive following the death threat last night. My SEAL contact admitted he is no longer answering the phone. Pray for him: God knows who he is.

Pray against "OPERATION RING OF FIRE." It is one thing to write about such an operation so many years ago, when I first received information about this evil plan in 1995. Here are some of the articles written long ago about "OPERATION RING OF FIRE." While I knew this information about their NWO plans, I never knew the date/time they would finally decide to pull it off someday.

It is quite another thing to suspect it may take place soon.

God have mercy on us ALL.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert-


Important Message From Navy SEAL Contact TODAY


By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

Following this article is a copy of the actual email that I just received from my new friend and Navy SEAL source. He was not certain that I was going to be able to meet with him again, and so he sent it in email form. But I did spend time with him today. 

When I met with him today, he showed me this email and urged me to post it. I promised him I would do so.

I then asked him a very important question that both I and many of my readers are wondering about. 

MAY 5TH, 2013? 

His answer still has me very shaken. But it perfectly confirms everything that both I and many other alternative news journalists have been warning people about regarding the NWO. It is totally run by the ILLUMINATI. Here was his answer:

There was a NWO planning session in 2000 in Moscow. 

It was attended by high level Illuminati from all over the world. Also present were Rothschilds representatives and the Bush Illuminati members as well. Other people also attended, some from the Club of Rome and the Committee of 300, Bilderbergers, etc. 

He admitted to me that the Bushes played a major role in all this, in fact.

He told me that in this very meeting, the NWO determined that this would be their planned date, at that time, for the  planned collapse of America finally, to bring it under martial law and usher in the "dawning of the NWO" for America.

My SEAL source also admitted that they chose this date due to it's occultic symbolism, including the occult number "13", and "May" being the FIFTH month (the number of the satanic pentagram is FIVE points,) and the FIFTH day. As both I and others have written previously, occult numbers are frequently chosen for their major dates of advancing their NWO agenda.

He also stated, "I am hoping that by releasing this information to you to get out to America, that we can buy more time for America...they don't like to pull these kinds of operations IF THEIR COVER IS BLOWN and the people know the truth..." 

This is true. The public backlash would be TREMENDOUS if the America people realized that a multiple nuclear disaster event of this  magnitude was indeed A GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ACT OF TERROR AGAINST THE AMERICA PEOPLE!!!

Furthermore, the power of millions of Americans praying to God for mercy and for this to be restrained and exposed, is tremendous. The same forces from hell who plan such events on such dates, can also change their minds.

Yes, such dates CAN BE CHANGED through the power of prayer and people united to take action against such terrible plans. Or why even bother to pray at all??? But in fact, God is ALMIGHTY, and not the leader of the NWO, Lucifer himself. Jesus Christ died and rose again to defeat Lucifer/Satan and all his plans!

I was further informed by him that the Patriot military underground (he said they call themselves "THE PATRIOTIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS")is fully aware of this terrible black op/false flag, and that they are already working intensely behind the scenes to do what they can do on many levels to oppose this terrible nuclear holocaust planned for our nation. And to fight the NWO agenda for our nation as well.

"Many of us are going to die in opposing this...." he admitted. But he and many others throughout the US military, including informed veterans, realize that this is what they have to do to stop this NWO agenda for America. 

Let me be extremely honest with my readers.This may be the final series of articles I ever write to my nation, America. These revelations are real, they are extremely serious, and my life has been put in extreme jeopardy beyond anything I have ever revealed previously. He now considers himself as good as dead, and his DC superior over him has already received a death threat note (last night) stating "YOU'RE DEAD." 

This man in DC knows my USAF family background, he is fully aware of my reporting, and he made an interesting statement to my SEAL contact, which he shared with me yesterday. "D_____ told me, that you are one woman who can be fully trusted...." I never expected to hear anything regarding me from such a high level man in the Pentagon.

Please, pray for my SEAL contact, and for his superior in DC. None of this is a joke, a hoax, or a game. It is deadly serious. My SEAL friend added, "I don't expect him to be alive by tomorrow...." I reminded him however that GOD IS GREATER, and tonight I will be in a gathering of Christian intercessors to pray about all this, to pray for his safety and his superior's as well.

In my articles, have written several times in the past that the US military has secretly been divided into several opposing factions: those who SUPPORT the NWO agenda for America, and those who vehemently oppose it. 

I have previously reported receiving information from one Pentagon source about both officers and enlisted men being quietly arrested and terminated, once it was determined that they were secretly against the NWO agenda in the military and working against it.

Call it gut instinct. Or Holy Spirit revelation. But I have always sensed that I would someday give my life for this kind of reporting and my testimony. But when God calls a Christian to do something for His purposes and for His glory, you cannot say no, and you cannot turn back. Furthermore, when God has a divine purpose for your life, NO MAN can take your life until God is finished using you. 

This is the only reason I am alive to this very day. Please, continue to pray for me. This level of information is very hard to deal with at this time.

However, I refuse to retreat as a coward in the face of those who worship a defeated foe called Satan. I refuse to retreat in the face of death. Jesus Christ has not called me, or any other Christian, to be a coward. For what army of cowards has ever won a battle throughout the history of mankind???

Below is the email he sent me. He admitted that there is a coded message for certain people among my readers, who will understand. THis was copied and pasted from the original email, to eliminate his email nic and his name.

-Pamela Rae Schuffert-


This is a message to you and your readers.  The time has come to strike back, and we need to get this word out.  If you feel unsafe in doing this, just blame a bunch of zealots for what this message says. Peace be unto you.

It has come to be the FINAL COUNTDOWN.  We are making a strike back at the heart of the demon. The story is told in music, and you just have to hear the words.  It has been my honor to have known you, but it is the the final countdown. We will stop this on the day they wanted to stop America[May 5th, 2013].  We are in place and this will not be what they wanted.  

The Order, and the freedom fighters will strike and take back what is ours and the rest of the world's.  This message will be for the most part a good-bye.  

Cry not for us, for this is what we are bred for this is what we live for this is the reason we have been here.  The NWO agenda will stop or we will die making one hell of a dent in this so-called NWO.   

There is no one else to make the changes, so we will! 


Freedom is the only word we know from here on!  FREEDOM!  No more hiding in the shadows! They will be the ones to hide.  

We will at least go out in a Blaze Of Glory.  Let us unite become one loud voice one strong people one force that is worthy of God's chosen Soldiers.
Stop hiding! Stop whispering! Stop crying! 

AMERICA, wake UP! The time of the FINAL COUNT-DOWN IS HERE!!!!!!! 

Time to take the stand or at least go out in a GREAT BLAZE OF GLORY.  IT IS OUR COUNTRY, IT IS OUR GOD, Stand and fight.
This is our message to all the world! We WILL NOT FADE INTO THE NIGHT. WE WILL LIGHT THE SKIES WITH THE BLAZE OF GLORY THAT WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN!  Stand and fight...or shuffle off to the long sleep!  

But we will NOT.

The ORDER OF FREEDOM: Brother to brother, Sister to Sister, Brothers to Sisters, yours in life and death. May God be with you and may
 God protect you all.


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