Saturday, May 25, 2013

Obama is NOT the USA President. He's a FROG

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    • Marilyn Mitchell likes this.
    • Timothy McCure Obama DID get the popular vote. When he won the majority of the electoral votes (sealed the presidency) he did not have the majority of the popular vote. BUT when all votes were accounted for, he DID get the majority of the popular vote... That is a fact ;P
    • Original Oatmeal They did NOT count all the votes. That is a fact. Many FAKE people voted for Obama as well. They found many fake names for the people that voted for Obama. Names like "Abraham Lincoln" and others. Obama was not born in the United States.

      Obama said he would reduce our debt in half. Our debt was around $5 trillion USD, back 4 years ago or so, and now our debt is up to $16 trillion or more. The USA is losing their freedoms and rights each day. They will take away your guns and privacy. They are becoming less capitalistic and more communistic and socialistic like Vietnam and China each day. The USA is falling apart.

      Obama is worse than a mere democrat, because Obama really is socialistic, communistic, not American, he operates under a fake name, and he is secretly a Muslim, a terrorist, and behind Occupy Wall Street.
    • Timothy McCure not everything u read on the internet is true man
    • Original Oatmeal I did not say that I read these things. These things are happening. I am not talking about isolated internet articles that are disconnected from history and what is going on the world. Certain things are happening. Many people all around the world are aware fo these facts. Sooner or later, you will see for yourself.
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