Sunday, May 5, 2013

Laundering Drugs & Students

  • Learned a new word from an article about Japan that reveals the truth about Japanese education system: school laundering, status washing. Seems like to be familiar with Vietnam.
    • Original Oatmeal Which word did you learn?
    • Dung Pham School laundering = status washing.
    • Original Oatmeal What do you mean when you say "Laundering." You are probably not talking about "Laundry" which is when you "Wash clothes." But laundering means like walking around or hanging out in a place that you do not belong in and it may also include selling or sharing drugs or illegal things or just selling things.

      Is that what status washing mean?
    • Dung Pham As the author wrote on the article that I read. School laundering = status washing and it means some students are graduated from unpopular university and join popular university as master student. They are called "school laundering". That was what I meant.
    • Dung Pham Is this definition okay with you?
    • Original Oatmeal What I was talking about was close, but not close enough to this. I was talking about people laundering around during their free time. Sometimes, people launder drugs. But you were talking about laundering people.

      In a way, school laundering is kind
      of like "Bar Hopping" but with schools. I mean, that the students go to the unpopular universities so that they can later get the chance to go to more popular universities. This kind of means they are taking advantage of the unpopular universities.

      Sometimes people go to a place just to launder their things to people. They want people to give them something. That is why they are laundering. They are laundering to get money or something.

      Instead of laundering things or drugs, students launder themselves for a chance to go to better schools later on. The person wants something from other people. The student wants something out of the unpopular universities, likewise.

      It reminds me of "The Status Quo" which has the word "Status" in it.
    • Dung Pham What you said really confused me....
    • Original Oatmeal I am agreeing with you. I understand what you are saying. However, I was comparing what you were saying with things I have seen in the United States. I am sorry for confusing you. You were talking about students who go from one university to the next. Students take those opportunities. I think that is what you were talking about. But then I was talking about things too about people who take other kinds of opportunities that are not directly related to academic perseverance.
    • Dung Pham It's okay, its just I dont understand what you said, you used the word "launder" and "laundering" so many times but I think what you meant and what I know is different...
    • Dung Pham so what do yo mean in these sentences: "People launder drugs", "launder their things to people", "students launder themselves...."
    • Original Oatmeal When I say that students launder themselves, I am saying what you were saying in a different way. You said that the students that go from one university to another university are called "School laundering" or the "School laundry."

      But then you have t
      o ask yourself "How do those students become the the school laundering?" Either the schools forced the students to go to the more popular universities or the students took those opportunities.

      If the schools are responsible for getting the students from their universities to better universities, then those students would not be called the "School laundering" but rather the "School's treasures" because the schools would be so happy that their students went on to go to other schools. The word "Laundering" means more that you do not want it. Laundering is kind of like spam.

      Since the schools did not launder the students from their schools to the better universities, then the students did it themselves.

      What do I mean that the students launder themselves?

      I mean that the students go to school, get good grades, and then they get accepted to attend other universities, and they move on and transfer to the other universities.
    • Brian Devereux Actually, "lingering" is when you hang around a place not doing much of anything. Once cannot "launder" drugs. But you can launder drug money. Laundering money means to take money that has been gotten illegally and putting it through something legal to to make the money seem "clean" or legally gotten.
    • Brian Devereux For the "school laundering". the student cannot get into the "status" university as an undergrad, but they can as a graduate student. So when they state where their degree comes from, it is the "status" university and thus they "wash" they low status with the higher one that comes from the status university.
    • Original Oatmeal Brian Devereux, I am talking more about what these things mean through the eyes and perspective of street slang. However, you are focusing more on what you learn in classes in schools from textbooks that are written by old men who are not aware of how the words are actually used in everyday conversation, because words change over time. The definition to words are interpreted and define by the context that it lies in.

      I was talking through personal experience of how I have seen these words in real-life context. And these more technical and specific definitions are more accurate and more important than the text-book definitions.

      I was not using the word "Lingering" on purpose because I did not want to use that word. Lingering does not sound as bad as laundering. I am talking more about the redefinition to these things. Plus, language is always changing. I make up words and redefine words like Shakespeare did.

      You can launder money. You use money for trade. Money is the new way orf trading. years ago, you would trade food for clothes or whatever that you had for something you want. Money is used for trading. You give them money and they give you things or services. Drugs are used in the same way. Drugs are traded for money or sex or other things. Money can be launder and drugs can be laundered. People can launder themselves. It happens.
    • Dung Pham Original Oatmeal: I dont wanna argue with you but Brian is a seasoned man, he is aware of that kind of thing much better than you.
    • Original Oatmeal Brian is not talking about what I am talking about. I am talking about sland and he is talking about text-book answers. Please do not say that "You do not want to argue/" I hate it when people say that. First of all, I am not arguing. I am just talking, period. Second of all, arguing is not bad.

      And you think Brian is more seasoned than me. You are judging and making a premature assumption about me about what you think I know and do not know. You have to be careful and you have to understand what arguments are and what arguments are not and this is a discussion and not a fight. I am not arguing. I am just telling you how these words are used in real life.

      What I am saying does conflict with what Brian is saying. I know what Brian is talking about but I am talking about different things. I am talking about street slang and not the original definitions to these things and words. I am more concern with relevant language as oppose to university-level hypothetical language that is rarely spoken in the real world.

      In the real world, people do not always follow the proper English grammar structures, rules, and what have you in life. The real world is full of crazy things. Brian was talking about how English was and I am more talking about what English is becoming.

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