Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Arnold Married?

  • Nicholas Littlejohn are you getting the married?
  • Nicholas Littlejohn with the kathy girl?
  • Original Oatmeal She has a ring on her finger too.
  • Nicholas Littlejohn she is a cutie, a kind girl. good for you both
  • Original Oatmeal Kathy gave me this ring.
  • Jen-jen Pableo joey and thào, i hope you guys will be okay soon...
  • Original Oatmeal Kathy Thao Duong told me not to say bad things about my father. I am a writer and I write what I see. Humans make mistakes. We do good and bad things. I do not hate my father. I just do not want to make the same mistakes my dad makes in life. I do not hate people. I just want to help people change from their errors. I talk about history so that we can learn from it. History repeats itself when we fail to take those life lessons to heart to change us for the good. 

    Life is about relationships and learning. We cannot learn if we are too afraid to learn. We cannot grow if we are too scared to be convicted. We have to be pulled out of our comfort zone. 

    Life is about honesty. I cannot lie about my father. I cannot just tell people about my dad's strengths apart from his weaknesses because that would ruin the recipe to his humanity. We cross a line when we refuse to speak the truth. Once we start lying about others then we begin lying about ourselves. That is the problem. We begin believing the lie after that.

    Too often, we are so conflicted in life. Deep inside us lies demons and angels. We are all a reflection of Mr. Jeckle and Dr. Hyde, the Yin & Yang. We are as the man in the film The Fight Club starring Brad Pitt. We live dualistic lives that bear no communication or relation between the two. 

    Humanity is flawed when left alone. We are all crazy and we are all in need of something special and truly amazing.

  • Jen-jen Pableo eheheh ya indeed joey
  • Jen-jen Pableo thanks for that encouraging words and we meet people as an examples,challengers.. There is no negatives in life,only challenges to overcome that makes you stronger. You can make it through. The challenges are not suppose to paralyze us all,they're supposed to help.
  • Original Oatmeal Love never ends.
  • Original Oatmeal Everybody needs love.
  • Original Oatmeal You are sounding sarcastic, conflicted, intoxicated.
  • Original Oatmeal I did not run away from you last Friday.
  • Jen-jen Pableo eheh Ms.Thào , I'm out. I don't want to be like in the middle of an argumentation if possible. And now,I'm kinda sad to hear you guys arguing and it includes about joey's family or of his past.. As for my own opinion, i won't care about anybody's past because that was already done and just forget and forgive
  • Original Oatmeal It is not exactly an argument. It is mostly a common misunderstanding. It happens all the time with me. People are always not understanding what I mean when I say this thing or that thing or whatever that I am saying. Even people who are native English speakers are still blown away by the  way I use language. I rape language. 

    I reinvent vocabulary and the meanings to each word or phrase. I make up my own rules to how I live and to everything. People are always not understanding me. it is sad but it is mostly because we live in dark cloudy world that has cursed our eyes from understanding proper perspective about things.
  • Jen-jen Pableo ahah ok okay joey might be only misunderstanding to both of you
  • Jen-jen Pableo and thank you for that but still looking forward to make things get okay to both of you and hoping so soon
  • Original Oatmeal Sometimes we get drunk. Sometimes we say things we do not mean. Sometimes we have split personalities or demons. Love means sticking with a person for better or worse, for sickness and in health until death do you part. Sometimes we go a little crazy. Sometimes we get temper tantrums like 5 year olds. Love means seeing past such vulnerability and short-comings.
  • Jen-jen Pableo very well joey.... and I'm sorry,I'm just not feeling good of hearing that my name was being mentioned "find new girl friend like jen-jen " eheh as if like I'm one of the reason but it's alright coz i might misunderstood it as well ... good luck to both of you guys
  • Original Oatmeal I did not get drunk. I was not talking about me. I do not drink. I do not like beer. I have only had a few drinks in my life. I was making general statements about humanity and about how we work. I am talking about psychology and sociology and relationships and pros and cons to each individual.
  • Marilyn Mitchell do you have to move??
  • Original Oatmeal Ask Kathy Thao Duong because I am not sure. Each day she tells me she hates me and loves me. She tells me to stay and to leave every day. It is leaving me confused. I am not really sure what to do. I still care about Kathy Thao Duong and I always will.
  • Original Oatmeal Kathy Thao Duong does not have money. Kathy Thao Duong cannot give her mother money she does not have. Each day, the mother gives Kathy some money. I have told Kathy that she is free to do what she wants to do in life.

    I am always listening to people.

    Kathy plays the victim. Kathy blames me for her problems. Kathy says I keep her from getting an art degree at a university in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Kathy says I will not let her get a job. Right now, Kathy can work teaching art at schools. Instead, she says that she has to take me to schools.

    Kathy says I cannot live without her. Kathy says I am lost without her. Kathy says that she completes me and fulfills me. Kathy says she hates me. Kathy says that I do not know how to read maps. Last Friday, I walked 10 miles to my school. I work teaching English at schools. I found the school by myself. Friday, Kathy was yelling at me. I had to get to school. I started walking to school. Kathy started chasing me with her motor-bike. I have burn marks on my legs. Want to see. My legs are bleeding. My heart is bleeding. I went to school today by myself as well. I know how to do things by myself. I am thankful for Kathy's help of course but Kathy is not my slave.

    Kathy was trying to kill me. Kathy was trying to run me over with her motorcycle. Want to see my wounds on my legs?

    Kathy takes me to schools because she begged me to. She really wanted to. There are two people inside Kathy. Sometimes Kathy is Good Kathy and sometimes Kathy is Bad Kathy. I do not hurt her. I do not hit her.

    Kathy lies about it. Kathy hits me. Kathy yells at me. Kathy dumps water on my head. Kathy ran over my legs with her motor-bike. Kathy screams at me. Kathy tries to kill me. Kathy continues to lie about so many things. Kathy throws stuff at me. Kathy tells lies to her mother and relatives and friends. 

    Good Kathy wants to marry me and have my children. Good Kathy is a cute kitten that listens and cares about people. But she has some kind of bipolar split personality disorder. She has temper tantrums like children do when they do not get their way.

    Kathy does not have to take me to school. I never asked her to take me anywhere. She wants to do these things for me for free. That is what Good Kathy says. Bad Kathy thinks I need to give her money for things but that was never part of the deal. Kathy made me a deal. Kathy said I could stay at her house for 1 month for free. Good Kathy knows this but Bad Kathy is trying to sucker me out for money. Bad Kathy hates me. 

    Smoke is bad. Gasoline is bad.

    I can stay at Kathy's house 3 months longer. Good Kathy promised me 3 more months. I do not make deals with Bad Kathy.
  • Rick Arnold · Friends with Joey Arnold and 2 others
    Sounds very complicated. Lord Jesus, help us all, we all need your help.
  • Original Oatmeal Kathy stole over $180 USD (3 million VND) from me. Kathy forced me to buy an electric bike with that. Kathy then said that I had to give the bike to her friend. Kathy sold my bike and ran off with the money. Kathy then makes me pay money for a class to learn Vietnamese at a university in HCM.
  • Original Oatmeal You will never forget about me.
  • Original Oatmeal You are always free.
  • Original Oatmeal When I tell Kathy she has demons, Kathy responds with evil laughter. I do not know who the real Kathy is. Sometimes Kathy is Good Kathy. Sometimes Kathy is Bad Kathy. I do not know which Kathy is the real Kathy.
  • Katie Can You deserve the best Joey!
  • Gordon Jones · Friends with Jenny Nguyen and 1 other
    Joey Arnold, maybe if you said you were sorry to Kathy.
  • Original Oatmeal I tell Kathy sorry everyday.
  • Katie Can your the last Arnold not married Joey but feel free to take your time
  • Joey Arnold Crystal is married?

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