Monday, May 13, 2013

laptop yeah

  1. Which laptops have the longest battery life? Which laptops are the strongest in case I drop it or get in a bike accident? Which laptops has the longest lasting physical hardware that will not short circuit or break from being too cheap in low quality or other bad things? I want to find the strongest, fastest laptop that has the longest battery life (or solar power), which will then be the most expensive one, but then go and find the cheapest laptop that is close enough these goals since I can only spend around $200 USD or less total for a laptop.

    Find my contact info at
    — with Marilyn Mitchell and 2 others.
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  2. Which laptops have the longest battery life? Which laptops are the strongest in case I drop it or get in a bike accident? Which laptops has the longest lasting physical hardware that will not short circuit or break from being too cheap in low quality or other bad things? I want to find the strongest, fastest laptop that has the longest battery life (or solar power), which will then be the most expensive one, but then go and find the cheapest laptop that is close enough these goals since I can only spend around $200 USD or less total for a laptop. — with Original Oatmeal.
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  3. which laptops have the longest battery life? i want a laptop that i can drop and jump on..... because i carry my laptop in my backpack while i am on my bicycle and i may get in accidents..... — with Original Oatmeal.
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  4. "If we kill Osama (Obama) Bin Laden, would that solve anything?" my older sister asked 12 years ago, in this video below. She continues explaining to my older brother, "No, you have to get back to the root of the problem......" Original Oatmeal

    My Contact Info is at
    — with Marilyn Mitchell and 4 others in Forest Grove, OR.
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  6. How much money should I spend on a laptop or desktop and monitor? This is even harder than picking a cell-phone. Fixing my broken laptop could cost around $100 USD (2.000.000 VND) or more. I might as well just get a new laptop for just a little bit more maybe. I am still debating all of these things. I have to look at the facts and find a really good deal. Because if I buy a laptop, I really would like it to last for 10 or more years. Joey Arnold. Joy Dinh. Joey Arnold. Jen-jen Pableo. Marilyn Mitchell. Maria Arnold
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    • Jen-jen Pableo likes this.
    • Joy Dinh hey Buddy, what's up ? I think you should sell your old lap and then buy another one (maybe $200)
    • Original Oatmeal My laptop has a cracked screen
    • Original Oatmeal I can only see out of 20% of the screen
    • Joy Dinh in America, laps are cheap, u can ask your American friends to visit Vietnam and give you one.. heheeee... I prefer Ipad
    • Original Oatmeal You can type faster on laptops than iPads. I would love for an iPad with a external keyboard. If any American is reading this, here is the invitation. You heard it first from Joy and Joey.
    • Joy Dinh in 10 days, I will have an iPad with a nice keyboard. I use it to make my job better ... ... I cannot wait... 10 days left... so excited
    • Solomitxki Roman For work i'd still advice a laptop over ipad. Though it's your choice bro. And btw Joy Dinh you look freaking cute
    • Marilyn Mitchell a new screen will cost you that much??
    • Original Oatmeal A website said around $80 if I was in the USA.
    • Joy Dinh Roman: Joey told me I looked like a 16 year-old girl when he met me at my home... we was biking together around... " Freaking cute" noone told me that before..
    • Original Oatmeal I said, a 12 year old boy.... I mean, a 12 year old girl
    • Joy Dinh but I am 20 already, not 12...anyway, hope you will be ok with your lap
    • Original Oatmeal I told you that I look 20 instead of 28 without my beard. That is an 8 years difference. Without consciously thinking, I then reduced your age by 8 years as well from 20 to 12. Because you want to live longer.
    • Solomitxki Roman Lol, you do look younger than your real age, Joy. Me with beard or without beard i always look older then my real age which is 22 Original Oatmeal haha now that i think about it you'd look like a teenager without your beard
    • Joy Dinh I have no beard... if I had beard,I would be much older .. hahaaaaa
    • Solomitxki Roman It would be pretty weird, lol
    • Joey Arnold I found a laptop for 4.000.000 VND, but it's a Dell with a 1 hour battery life. At one store, a 5 hour 12-cells battery cost around 1.000.000 VND for a 6.000.000 Acer laptop. Some people think Acer is worse than Dell. Speaking of worse, I made my laptop screen worse while trying to fix it today by reverse-bending it to magically wield it back to deliciousness. Somebody said that 12 cell batteries do not exist in Vietnam but I found out today that Santa Clause is in fact real. I am using a computer at the hostel I use to live at for free.

      I tried asking people about no-reason refunds but nobody understands that concept. I will continue to talk to others and we will see. The best is yet to come.

      Vietnam opened back up their borders in the year 1985 (the year I was born) according to my Vietnamese friend that works at this hostel. The USA helped Saigon build up the tall buildings in that city of Vietnam. When USA left, those construction projects were abandoned for years until the opened-borders drew in foreign companies to come in.
  7. jOEy And jEn ....
    I jUst fInd It A LIL' bIt fUnny...

    bAck tO wOrk
    Am stILL bUsy :DD
    — with Joey Arnold and Original Oatmeal.
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  8. my laptop screen is on fire

    Original Oatmeal
    Like our page and help us get closer to hell fire!

    Tell your friends!
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