Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Kathy is Still Lying

Original Oatmeal Gmail <> 
2:33 PM (1 minute ago)
to P.Thao 

The police 

will arrest you, 

if you call them. 

Stop lying. 

My mind is clear. 

I am not crazy. 

I told you not to sell my electric bike. 

You still sold it. 

I did not want the Vietnamese classes. 

I told you that. 

You used my money to pay for something I did not want. 

I like basketball. You let me play basketball only 1 time. I hate swimming. You wanted to go swimming. You wanted to take me to the schools. 

You wanted to feed me. 

You wanted to house me. I never asked you for any of those things. 

You forget these things. 

You tell lies about me. 

You beat me up. 

I tell you things. 

I do not ask you questions. 

Kathy, you say that I ask questions. 

I do not always ask questions. 

I use to tell you things & you would say "Stop asking me these questions." But I was not asking you questions. I am posting all of this on the internet for everybody to see. Kathy stole my money. Kathy lies to me. 

Kathy is not honest. 

Kathy is bad. I care about Kathy. I love Kathy. I want to help Kathy. I am not dating. I do not date.
The email of Kathy is Her name is P.Thao Duong. Kathy is telling lies about me. 

Kathy owes me money. 

I am not asking Kathy for anything. I am just sharing information for others to consider. That is it. 

I was not a boy friend of Kathy. 

I am the friend of Kathy. 

I always will be a friend to Kathy, even when Kathy is not a friend to me.

I am here for others.

See me?

P.Thao Duong
2:13 PM (22 minutes ago)
to me

Some people talking to me i should forgive you because you are crazy.

Some girl talking to me : I'm not the only girl you said : Oh you are so much beautiful ! I love you! (TrĂ¢m) - and she hearing you said with some girl. 

So i think i have to responsibliety about you because i'm same thing like your girl friend. 

Leave me alone Joey , if not i will call the police! 

To much people can help me to take you come the police station or psychiatric hospital

And i think the person mental illness same like you , who want to hire for a job! 
If they know you are person mental illness , the will layoffs some day!

Why i still want to datting with a men is mental illness and without the job!

No i don't want to.

Thanks you!

We broken up 1 month! Remember! 

And i didn't asking your money still now! 

Just you asking me again and again about the MONEY!

Want to asking my friend to help you money and i will pay it for you? 

Sorry I'm not IDIOT !

You are fishing in the coughsurfing! 

Datting with some ingenuity girl. And asking they help you money again! 

But this action is so blatant. 


Make another and another account again in the place every people is understand who you are? 

I didn't have to talk bad about you for any person!

I write this stt because i don't want people think we still in dating. 

Because you using my old picture to they see and think you still in date with me. 

And after you asking they money , and talking they follow me to payment for this. 

It's so disgusting.

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