Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kathy Duong is a Free Bird

  • Your sister is always free.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    My sister is Autism , and may be my children will be autism , it not about the Gen , it about the parenting. And you with my sister are autism all.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not responsible for her emotions.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    My sister show me your email
    you crush she should go to the hell
    i still save in my laptop
  • Original Oatmeal
    Autism can be defeated.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    talk and crush the people go to the hell isn't make the people stress?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Life is about overcoming obstacles.
    I encourage people.
    I want people to get better.
    I ask questions.
    I believe in people.
    I read people.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    my sister is better , she is protected by me and my familly
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister needs to be accountable for her actions.
    Your sister constantly lies.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and my familly , special is my mother don't want you hurt my sister again
  • Original Oatmeal
    Lying is not an improvement.
    I never hurt your sister.
    I was saving your sister.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    did she sell you for another girl ?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister was killing herself.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    yes because she sick
    and when she meet you
    she sick more
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister blames her problems on me.
    I have nothing to do with her sickness.
    I am here for her cure.
    I did not make her more sick.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you make her stress
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother knew that I was making things better.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you are the person eassy to stress
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not make her stress.
    That was her biggest lie.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you should come to meet my mother again
  • Original Oatmeal
    She always say that I added stress to her life.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    to know what she really want to do
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother is lost and clouded.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i will have you to translate
    but my mother clearly said with me
    she don't want Joey and Kathy will get married
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not break up Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    one sick Kathy she can't take care
    now 1 sick Joey
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not sick.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and may be more children sick
    it's was my mother said
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are saying things that are not true.
    You are living a lie.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i'm not said it
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother does not understand.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i just mention what my mother said
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister stole from me.
    That is a crime.
    Your sister beat me.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she life with you at home and know you enough
  • Original Oatmeal
    But I was there for her.
    Your mother does not know me enough.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    my sister is really poor
    and sick
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother does not understand the United States.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she can't working to find money by her self
  • Original Oatmeal
    I was never the Boy Friend of Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and if she get married
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister can make money.
    I was there to help your sister.
    I am the best friend to your sister.
    I will always care about your sister.
    I wanted to buy Kathy some clay.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she should get married with the man generous enough to take care and understand what her real personality
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy told me that she does not want my money.
    But Kathy wanted all of my money.
    I can take care of her.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Kathy is a poor girl
  • Original Oatmeal
    I give everything to people.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I make wise decisions.
    Your sister can get better.
    Believe in your sister.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    did you think a sick guy can working to find money
  • Original Oatmeal
    You should like your sister.
    I am not sick.
    You might be sick to think that.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i'm not talking about you
  • Original Oatmeal
    Be careful of what you say.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Do not hate your sister.
    You should like your sister.
    Your sister can make money.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    We are different style
    but i always take care her
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister can go back to school.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and i pay money for that
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister can start her own business.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    because she didn't have money and my mother is too old
    this businesss is closed from two year ago
    because my father die and she get sick again
    she need the men is normal in the head and can control what's crazy she thinking
    i can't life with her forever
    i'm married now
    and i life with my husband and my husband's brother in my father in law house
    it's more busy for me when finish the job in the officer , come back home , cooking for the familly , take care the children
    and i will let my sister to the crazy hospital if she is sick to much
    but she really don't want to
    you make my sister get more stress
    your guy is the style person can't control the felling
    and have the same problem Crazy in the past
    I don't want you kill my sister
    and don't want you make my sister is killing you
    That's my sister asking me for help
    explain your mind
    and talking with your mother and your familly to help you can find another best
  • Tuesday
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am normal in the head.
    This is not about me.
    THis is not about what I want in life.
    This is not about what I want in life.
    It is about what Kathy needs in life.
    I do not kill people.
    Ask everybody that knows me.
    The "Crazy Hospital" hurt people.
    The loony Bin destroys sanity of the mind.
    The mental institutions are unstable and counterproductive to the depravity of humans in how we are to progress and improve in life in the mist of the situations that we all run into.
    Stop blaming me for your sister.
    You are living in denial.
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are no different than your sister when you say things that are not true. You are living a lie when you let these lies into your life. Communism and socialism is bad. You need Christ in your life. I care about you and Kathy and your whole family. I always will care. You say things that are not true at all. You need to think about what I am saying. Stop thinking bad things about your own sister. Your sister needs Christ in her life just as much as you need Christ in your life. Only Christ can fix these problems. You worry too much. You have a problem with stress as well. Your mother worries even more than both you and your sister combined.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    My sister didn't like to be a Christian.
    She devoive her ex husband because this reason. I remember this time she write a long letter for him, and i i'm go by my bicycle to give.
    In the letter she said : Because my familly is choice to be a Buddhist. And i like to a Buddhist too. That's why we should broken.
    And it happen with her
    For along time. And now she may be think : Or not religious or come to be a Buddhist
    Is there no way for her and my mother is come back to be Chirstian.
    The father in the Church look them like people betrayal
    And she clearly happy when she get more friend come from Buddhist
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    That's about my sister choice may be you don't know and can belive it
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister chose me.
    That is the choice of your sister.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    But it's happen , my sister choice to devoive the man she love but not want to keep in Christian again! I think if you want she come back a Christian it no way , even she love you or not
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister asked me everyday.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Yes i know
    if she not love you
  • Original Oatmeal
    I will always love her.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she didn't have the reason get you to my home
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy said she loves me.
    It is no longer your home.
    Kathy had reasons.
    Kathy wanted me there.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    But your love is not a good choice for her
  • Original Oatmeal
    That is not true.
    My love is the best.
    My love is agape love.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you can make her think back a bad past
  • Original Oatmeal
    Love is not about feelings.
    I have talked to Kathy many times.
    Kathy always lied to me everyday.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    when she choice to kill the children and devoive her husband but don't want to keep in Christian
  • Original Oatmeal
    It was always tough.
    Her feelings has nothing to do with me.
    You must do what is best in life.
    You must do what is right in life.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i don't talking about felling , i talking about the thinking in the habut of past
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy should not murder.
    The past does not tell you everything.
    Kathy should not kill.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Abortion is murder.
    Past habits do not determine future destiny.
    Love is like a ninja.
    I wanted Kathy to have love.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    we talking yesterday
    about you
    i asking her
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy needed a friend.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Kathy have some friend
    my husband
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy was always jealous of me.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    is the example
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is always making excuses.
    Kathy always try manipulating me.
    Kathy would say that she has too many friends.
    You cannot have too many friends.
    More friends is better.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    sorry my husband call me
    wait 15 minutes
    i will explan you more
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Ok i'm finish
    my sister is scared about you now
  • Original Oatmeal
    Only one religion can be right.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she asking me for help you come back your mind
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister is always scared.
    I am the same.
    I did not lose my mind.
    Kathy is losing her mind.
    Kathy is making up excuses.
    Kathy is blaming me for her problems.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you guy are closing mind both
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is always frustrated about something.
    Kathy would get in fights with you as well.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    I think my sister talking with you about that before?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy wants your mother to love her more than she loves you.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    when time my mother asking her should go to the crazy hospital
    because i full in my father love
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother locked you two in the house when you were younger. The toilet room was locked as well.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    if now i take love of my mother
    it's will not fair with Kathy
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is upset about her own father.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    yes it's happen
  • Original Oatmeal
    There are alternatives to Crazy Hospitals.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she locked the door and get both of us over the tolet
  • Original Oatmeal
    You do not just throw people away.
    Do not give up on your sister.
    Kathy is the artist.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    We just want to help her fine when using the right medicine of the right doctor
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are smarter than your sister.
    Kathy is more artistic than you.
    Medicine can be bad at times.
    Doctors make money off this.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    But my sister cousin is testing it before and make Kathy scared because they hitting people in this
  • Original Oatmeal
    You need alternative medicine.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    I'm strong than my sister
  • Original Oatmeal
    I may have heard about your cousin.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i'm normal
  • Original Oatmeal
    People can get better.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    my sister is sick
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is normal.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she will be a diabetter some day like my father
  • Original Oatmeal
    Humans are all normal and sick.
    We are all sick and normal.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    because my mother don't want she working
    she scared about Kathy mind
  • Original Oatmeal
    kathy can get better.
    I want to help Kathy.
    My mother can find a cure for Kathy.
    My mother is a doctor.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you can't help your self
  • Original Oatmeal
    Doctors do not cure people.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    how can you help my sister?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Some doctors try helping people.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you can't take care the money for your self
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy needs friends.
    Kathy needs advice.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    we have a doctor
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy needs love.
    I am here for Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    is TranThi NhaThy familly
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your doctor may not be good enough.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    husband and wife are doctor both
  • Original Oatmeal
    It depends on what kind of doctor he or she is.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    how can you know it?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Most doctors are not aware of natural cures.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    My mother want i talking with you
  • Original Oatmeal
    Doctors give into chemical medicals that are not natural enough.
    You are normal.
    You are also not normal.
    You are not perfect.
    Kathy is not perfect.
    I am not perfect.
    Your mother can talk to me.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    I just want to ask you a question
  • Original Oatmeal
    Ask me.
    I love Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    You still want to get be with my sister. Either you know you guy both crazy
  • Original Oatmeal
    Most people do not understand love.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and can't born a normal children
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not crazy.
    You do not understand.
    You are crazy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    austim is same like crazy
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are making up things.
    You do not understand autism.
    You should be arrested.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    it's my mother question
  • Original Oatmeal
    You should seek to understand these details.
    Your mother needs to understand these things.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    My sister is austim when she was young
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother is blind.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she be raper by two friend in class
  • Original Oatmeal
    Autism is not as bad as you think.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and she keep it to grow up for 10 year
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy told me she was raped when she was 7 years old.
    Kathy was young.
    Kathy had many boy friends.
    I was not the boy friend of Kathy.
    I am the friend of Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    after my familly know is to late to get those people come to the police
    and that's why she grow up not normally
  • Original Oatmeal
    That is sad.
    Those are excuses.
    Circumstances do not derail people.
    People can overcome these things.
    It does not matter what happens in your life.
    Things do not have to destroy you.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she jelious with me
  • Original Oatmeal
    You can get past those things.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and i have to help her to fix that
  • Original Oatmeal
    You must appreciate what you do have in life.
    Stop focusing on what you do not have in life.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i didn't know what happen with my older sister before
    i too young to know it
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy must see what she does have.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and my parent is very busy
  • Original Oatmeal
    Humans stay busy.
    All humans say they are busy.
    Kathy is free. I am free. You are free.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    my sister is the girl always have unfortunately things
  • Original Oatmeal
    We have the freedoms and rights to make our choices.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she always blam all her life
  • Original Oatmeal
    Unfortunate things happen to everyone.
    We all blame others for our problems.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    because it deseve to blame
    you too Joey
  • Original Oatmeal
    It is a common sway.
    Life is not that simple.
    It is not that easy to understand.
    Life takes years to understand.
    We are too quick to blame others.
    Who deserves what? That is a tough question.
    We all deserve things.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i scared my sister can't happy when she life with the person always blame about the life like her , it's you!
    both blame , who will be listerning?
  • Original Oatmeal
    I never blame.
    I do not blame.
    I am different.
    I think past it.
    I see past it.
    I listen to the truth.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    use to much the work Different
  • Original Oatmeal
    I go after what is best.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    every people always like the truth
    not just you
  • Original Oatmeal
    Happiness comes and go.
    Truth is hard to find.
    We are addicted to what we want over what we need.
    Our needs lies in the truth and what we want lies in depravity.
    We desire truth to an extent.
    However, we often compromise into convenience.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i belive your mother don't like Kathy to be her daughter in law
  • Original Oatmeal
    My name is Joey Arnold, the Original oatmeal.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    i can see what she write in your facebook wall
  • Original Oatmeal
    I seek after original oatmeal.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she call my sister is a trouble
  • Original Oatmeal
    My mother likes Kathy.
    Kathy thinks my mother hates her.
    I tell Kathy that my mother does not hate people.
    My mother cares about people.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she will not like Kathy
  • Original Oatmeal
    I love Kathy. My mother, Marilyn Mitchell, loves Kathy Duong.
    My mother loves Kathy. My mom likes Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    it's my familly question too
    how can you fix it?
  • Original Oatmeal
    The concept of "Trouble" is relative.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    your mother want you married a American wife
  • Original Oatmeal
    I can be there for Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she don't like Asian girl
  • Original Oatmeal
    My mother does not want that.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    may be just be your friend
  • Original Oatmeal
    You do not know what my mother wants.
    My mother love Asians.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she write it for my sister
  • Original Oatmeal
    You have to ask my mother.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and it make my sister up set
  • Original Oatmeal
    I have talked to mother for thousands of hours.
    You are speaking lies.
    You do no not know my mother.
    You are making up things about my mother.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you don't belive my sister can up set right ?
    she cry alot when you gone
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister is always upset.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and get more stress
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister cries when I am there as well.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    this is the first time she get the boy come to my home
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy cried before she met me.
    Kathy is always crying.
    I have nothing to do with the tears of Kathy.
    I am not the root problem to the chronic direction of Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    it's make my sister get more bad word form the neighbour. they said she are the bad girl take the boy to the home , and don't asking married
  • Original Oatmeal
    That has nothing to do with me.
    Those neighbors should mind their own business.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    yes because you leave
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not leave.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    just my sister have to hear it
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not go anywhere.
    You are speaking lies.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    if my sister make the neighbour hate her
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am still wearing a ring on my finger.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she can life at this home town again
  • Original Oatmeal
    Neighbors are always saying bad things.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    what's ring?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is always facing things.
    Ask Kathy about the ring.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you always think bad about my sister?
  • Original Oatmeal
    I do not speak bad about kathy.
    I do not think bad about Kathy.
    You think bad about Kathy.
    Kathy had a ring. I still wear a ring.
    So I could marry Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    what's i talk bad about my sister?
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not cause these problems.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    can you give me some example
  • Original Oatmeal
    You always talk bad about Kathy Duong.
    You say kathy is sick.
    You say Kathy is so sick.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    what's i can get back when i talk bad about my sister with you
    i don't have to
  • Original Oatmeal
    That means you are speaking bad abotu Kathy.
  • Original Oatmeal
    You speak bad about Kathy.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    to let you know what time she have to get sick
    if you still want to stay with her
    you will help her go to the hospital
  • Original Oatmeal
    I will always stay with Kathy.
    I never left Kathy.
    I do not leave people.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    I think you didn't know about wife and husband
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am always there for people.
    I will never leave you nor forsake you.
    I know about everlasting love.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    are you flirting me ?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy needs more water.
    I am telling you the truth.
    I care about people.
    Do not get distracted.
    Your ATM ate some of my money.
    Kathy Duong stole my money and bike.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Your statement is misleading too much
  • Original Oatmeal
    You must interpret what I say.
    It is misleading if you are misguided.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you want my sister get back your money ?
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not responsible for your moral code or character.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you want my sister get back your money ?
  • Original Oatmeal
    What do you think?
    Kathy Duong needs accountability.
    Kathy Duong needs character, integrity, commitment.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you are not her husband
    and if you are her husband
    we have the rules in VietNam
    the man have to pay the money for the women
    and never asking they back about this
  • Original Oatmeal
    Morality transcends national rules.
    I am not talking about those things.
    I am talking about theft.
    Kathy stole my money.
    Kathy is a robber.
    Kathy is a thief.
    That is a crime.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    why you didn't come to the police
    for the first time she did it
  • Original Oatmeal
    You should go to jail for these things.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    it's may be late right now
  • Original Oatmeal
    I care about Kathy Duong.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    why i have go to jail ?
    i just behalf my sister explain this
    when i married , my husband have to pay all for the wedding
    it's happen from VietNam
  • Original Oatmeal
    Get out of Vietnam.
    Vietnam is not the only country in the world.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    may be you can find some girl take care for your money from another coutry , India is a example
    but not in VietNam
  • Original Oatmeal
    Do not be so closed-minded.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Kathy is a VietNamese girl
  • Original Oatmeal
    We are not talking about those kinds of things.
    Kathy is a human.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she have to make sure she belive in the rules
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is not just a Vietnamese girl.
    The rules are not perfect.
    Rules can be wrong.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    if no , she will be get more trouble with orther people in my home town
  • Original Oatmeal
    I do not want girls to take care of me.
    You do not understand.
    I did not want Kathy to do anything for me.
    i did not ask Kathy Duong for help.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    you always said about money Kathy own you?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy will always get into trouble.
    I was not the girl friend of Kathy Duong.
    I did not have sex with Kathy Duong.
    Kathy owes me money.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    yes and after that (still now) , she didn't asking anything about you right?
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not asking Kathy for money.
    I am just talking about the facts.
    I am talking about history.
    It does not matter what Kathy asks.
    Kathy promised me things.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    History is the time your guy are datting
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy promised that I would get money if I sold my bike.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and i hear my mother said
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not date Kathy Duong.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    my mother is get back for you enough
    don't have to lie for me , my sister said you guy are alway have sex
    that's the reason my mother have to buy the Pill for her because she don't want you guy have a baby in the bad way
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am the friend of Kathy Duong.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    Your mother will be don't like this
  • Original Oatmeal
    My mother is fine.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    may be she will not continue loving you
    i think she don't
    if you want your mother fine
    married some girl she like , i mean a style girl she like
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy Duong speaks lies.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and leave my sister alone
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy Duong does not understand the details.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    now she really get more up set
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are saying things that do not make sense.
    My mother is fine.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she write in my facebook wall
  • Original Oatmeal
    It takes time to understand.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    uhm , i forget you can use google translate , it's a new world to life
    my mother said
    she don't want my sister still in date with you
    and meetting you
  • Original Oatmeal
    I can use Google Translate for sure.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I do not date Kathy Duong.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    waiting i finish pls
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy Duong started using improper words.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she scare some day your guy can not control the felling
    and get back may be just for sex
  • Original Oatmeal
    You do not understand.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    and it's a big problem my mother scared
  • Original Oatmeal
    You were not there.
    Your mother is wrong.
    Your mother does not understand.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she scared you and my sister will be born a sick children
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother is not thinking about these specifics.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    like my sister cousin , with her daughter
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother is coming up with lies.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    It's a history of my familly
    she not lies
    if you want to see the sick couple of my aunt , you should come back
  • Original Oatmeal
    Lies are all around.
    I have seen that aunt.
    People are not sick.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    she have two kid are sick
  • Original Oatmeal
    Do not make fun of people like that.
    Do not call them sick.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    a boy sick because he use the wrong medicine
    and the girl because when she pregnant and jealous with another girl friend of her husband
    and now
    she always get a pajamas to go out
    some people you don't know , they have a weak willpower in they mind
    and my sister is a person like that
    she always have a unlucky in all her life
    never have fun just 1 day
  • Original Oatmeal
    Nobody has weak will-power.
    We are all free to do what we want.
  • MiMi Tra Duong
    She be rape for the first time at 7 years old
    after that she be raped again
    when she grow up 16 years old
    it's for the first time of virgin
    never meet the person again because he leave VietNam to come back America
    and when my parents know it
    it's too late for asking help
    she need the adult men
    the man is have a familly before and may be broken
    just this men , is enough experience to take care the broken heart
    But the wrong way she choice You
    my sister talking with me
    you should try to dating with some girl
    may be two
    to can understand what problem she have to acept , and to let your mother forget to focus about her
    and if your guy still have a destiny to come back
    i will a translater for you i promise
    eassy to be the friend come to love , but it
    but it's not eassy to be the love come back friend
    it's the first time of you , but you are choice a wrong girl to be fall in love
    and it's happen for her too
    it's a rules of my familly and my sister have to make sure she comply with law
    my father choice me , to be teaching and take care , I'm the girl have the personality look like father and the appearance look like mom
    i'm is the boy in the house , and normal when i married the man have a personality like mother , and the appearance like father
    it's normally
    but my sister with you are not
    you and her will always talking about the boy should be like this , it's a normal boy. And the girl should be like this to be a normal girl
    it's will not a uniform when teaching the children when they grow up
    my sister said : may be she in date with a wrong guy
    and will be more wrong if this guy still be want to come back
    you and her is the like the same lesbian , she is a girl in her personality , and look like father in her look. She will be happy with the boy is a personality like his father , and look like mother body.
    that's not normal with your couple. married or not no matter.
    But it can make you mother will be thinking same thing like : Omg , i lost my boy , i can not see who is he after he in date with this girl
    and you mother will hate you , my sister don't want you get more up set
    she can not help this sittuation
    i write it for you. and i say it from my heart
    i hope you and your familly will get more better
    it's make my sister reduce remorse for sins she make it natural
    Let my sister gone. Delete all you memories you have with her , special this picture
    And thinking her like a Lesson you are study about the LOVE
    The next time you will have the experience to find a right girl to you in love forever
    I think my sister will know about it , same like you. She will have a lesson about Why she still always have a trouble in LOVE
    I just can do it for you guy
    Calm down my sister
    and tell you what my sister want : still now , she still want to broken up!
  • Original Oatmeal
    My mother is not angry.
    My mother is fine.
    There is no problem.
    There is no "BREAK-UP!"
    I do not delete memories.
    You must learn from your past.
    My name is Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal.
    I do not have relationship problems.
    I do not delete things. I keep things.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy Duong does not know what she needs, over what she wants.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy Duong does not understand the situations. Kathy doesn't know much
    about my mother. My name is Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal L4OJ of
    Oregon, United States. My real name is Joseph Scott Rasp. I did not break
    up with Kathy. We were never together in that kind of way. I am the friend
    of Kathy. I love Kathy Duong. I will always be here for Kathy. I do not
    delete memories. Do not tell me what to do. Think about what I say. My
    mother is not upset. You do not understand these details. Your mother is delusional. I never hit Kathy Duong. I never ran away from Kathy. I am
    always here. Kathy stole things from me. I am healthy. DO not listen to the
    lies of Kathy Duong. DO not listen to your mother. these situations are
    deeper than you understand.Open your eyes to these things. Perk up your
    eyes to these things.
  • Today
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are so lost & blind.

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