• I live in Ho Chi Minh City (HCM), Vietnam (VN). I have been in Vietnam for the last 6 months, since the 29th of November of 2012. I am living in Saigon, right now. I first came to Vietnam via the Hanoi airport on a 3-months multiple-entry tourist visa. I extended my visa in HCM, since my visa was expiring on the 22nd of February, 2013. You can find my contact information at


    I am planning on staying in Vietnam for the next few years.

    I gave my passport to a Vietnamese person who better make me a new visa. This time, I am not going for a multiple-entry visa. I asked for a 3-months single-entry tourist C2 (or something) visa. I hope they can go over the Cambodia border on my behalf, so I do not have to spend around 20 hours going to Cambodia and back. Some say that you have to go over the border yourself, while others claim that you can pay somebody else to do it for me. My 1st extension of my 1st ever visa does expire on the 22nd of May, 2013. They say I can buy a new 3 months visa, plus 3 more additional months (extension), plus the border stamp into my U.S. passport book, for almost $150 USD. That is almost 3.000.000 VND. I am learning about how visas, passports, and the other things work.

    I was born and raised in Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon, United States. I attended 4 different colleges over 5 years in New York, West Virginia, & Oregon. I graduated from the Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York. I attended the Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia. I worked for the Salvation Army for 9 months in Hawaii as a missionary. I worked for 5 different years as a counselor at camps in New York, California, Oregon, and Hawaii. I have worked around 5 or more years in different states as a dishwasher, and in maintenance, landscaping, housekeeping, laundry, food prep, bakery. I have worked in a traveling children ministry team for 2 years around New York. I have worked in many ministry teams with different churches and ministries in different states. Been on mission trips in Idaho, Quebec, & Hawaii. I have worked at an after-school program, at a basketball camp as a counselor, as a basketball manager, as a freelance film-maker, editor, web builder, actor, inventor, song-writer.

    I am teaching English all over Saigon, Vietnam.

    Contact me if you want to meet me. I can teach you English. I can teach you anything you want to learn. You can ask me questions. I love making friends. We can bike. We can play games. We can play basketball. There are so many things we could do. Find me on Facebook with my email address:



    I love making movies, building websites, writing songs, writing books, fixing problems, playing piano, playing guitar, inventing things, telling jokes, coming up with things, playing basketball, sports, video games, board games, other fun things like Apples To Apples, Risk, War Craft, Star Craft, Tetris, Sim City, Star Wars, fighting, Mario, racing, adventures, mysteries, puzzles. Love movies, shows, learning things, traveling the world. I love telling people about Christ.

    Meet me. Talk to me. Text me. Google my name. My name is Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal. You will find me if you search my name. It is that easy. I am everywhere. Find me and talk to me. I have connections. You want to be my friend. You will not regret it. You can see my videos at


    Like Me on Facebook at:


    Skype: OriginalOatmeal
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    I need a Room For Rent & laptop, bicycle, phone, visa, & cheap restaurants to eat at.
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    Who wants to marry me? I want to stay in Vietnam forever. I may be currently single.
    Kim FreemanPrivate_message
    what's your phone number?