Monday, May 13, 2013

Best Battery

Which laptops have the longest battery life? Which laptops are the strongest in case I drop it or get in a bike accident? Which laptops has the longest lasting physical hardware that will not short circuit or break from being too cheap in low quality or other bad things? I want to find the strongest, fastest laptop that has the longest battery life (or solar power), which will then be the most expensive one, but then go and find the cheapest laptop that is close enough these goals since I can only spend around $200 USD or less total for a laptop.

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— with Marilyn Mitchell and 2 others.
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Which laptops have the longest battery life? Which laptops are the strongest in case I drop it or get in a bike accident? Which laptops has the longest lasting physical hardware that will not short circuit or break from being too cheap in low quality or other bad things? I want to find the strongest, fastest laptop that has the longest battery life (or solar power), which will then be the most expensive one, but then go and find the cheapest laptop that is close enough these goals since I can only spend around $200 USD or less total for a laptop. — with Original Oatmeal.
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which laptops have the longest battery life? i want a laptop that i can drop and jump on..... because i carry my laptop in my backpack while i am on my bicycle and i may get in accidents..... — with Original Oatmeal.
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How much money should I spend on a laptop or desktop and monitor? This is even harder than picking a cell-phone. Fixing my broken laptop could cost around $100 USD (2.000.000 VND) or more. I might as well just get a new laptop for just a little bit more maybe. I am still debating all of these things. I have to look at the facts and find a really good deal. Because if I buy a laptop, I really would like it to last for 10 or more years. Joey Arnold. Joy Dinh. Joey Arnold. Jen-jen Pableo. Marilyn Mitchell. Maria Arnold
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  • Jen-jen Pableo likes this.
  • Joy Dinh hey Buddy, what's up ? I think you should sell your old lap and then buy another one (maybe $200)
  • Original Oatmeal My laptop has a cracked screen
  • Original Oatmeal I can only see out of 20% of the screen
  • Joy Dinh in America, laps are cheap, u can ask your American friends to visit Vietnam and give you one.. heheeee... I prefer Ipad
  • Original Oatmeal You can type faster on laptops than iPads. I would love for an iPad with a external keyboard. If any American is reading this, here is the invitation. You heard it first from Joy and Joey.
  • Joy Dinh in 10 days, I will have an iPad with a nice keyboard. I use it to make my job better ... ... I cannot wait... 10 days left... so excited
  • Solomitxki Roman For work i'd still advice a laptop over ipad. Though it's your choice bro. And btw Joy Dinh you look freaking cute
  • Marilyn Mitchell a new screen will cost you that much??
  • Original Oatmeal A website said around $80 if I was in the USA.
  • Joy Dinh Roman: Joey told me I looked like a 16 year-old girl when he met me at my home... we was biking together around... " Freaking cute" noone told me that before..
  • Original Oatmeal I said, a 12 year old boy.... I mean, a 12 year old girl
  • Joy Dinh but I am 20 already, not 12...anyway, hope you will be ok with your lap
  • Original Oatmeal I told you that I look 20 instead of 28 without my beard. That is an 8 years difference. Without consciously thinking, I then reduced your age by 8 years as well from 20 to 12. Because you want to live longer.
  • Solomitxki Roman Lol, you do look younger than your real age, Joy. Me with beard or without beard i always look older then my real age which is 22 Original Oatmeal haha now that i think about it you'd look like a teenager without your beard
  • Joy Dinh I have no beard... if I had beard,I would be much older .. hahaaaaa
  • Solomitxki Roman It would be pretty weird, lol
  • Joey Arnold I found a laptop for 4.000.000 VND, but it's a Dell with a 1 hour battery life. At one store, a 5 hour 12-cells battery cost around 1.000.000 VND for a 6.000.000 Acer laptop. Some people think Acer is worse than Dell. Speaking of worse, I made my laptop screen worse while trying to fix it today by reverse-bending it to magically wield it back to deliciousness. Somebody said that 12 cell batteries do not exist in Vietnam but I found out today that Santa Clause is in fact real. I am using a computer at the hostel I use to live at for free.

    I tried asking people about no-reason refunds but nobody understands that concept. I will continue to talk to others and we will see. The best is yet to come.

    Vietnam opened back up their borders in the year 1985 (the year I was born) according to my Vietnamese friend that works at this hostel. The USA helped Saigon build up the tall buildings in that city of Vietnam. When USA left, those construction projects were abandoned for years until the opened-borders drew in foreign companies to come in.

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jOEy And jEn ....
I jUst fInd It A LIL' bIt fUnny...

bAck tO wOrk
Am stILL bUsy :DD
— with Joey Arnold and Original Oatmeal.
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my laptop screen is on fire

Original Oatmeal
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The screen to my laptop is cracked. This means I may not be on the internet again for a long time, if ever again. You may not be able to find me for a long time, if ever again.

I am only working 15 hours teaching English in Saigon, Vietnam for this month of May 2013. That means not a lot of money. That means less money. My laptop ha been giving me problem for the last 5 months or so. It was sick with cancer and it finally bit the dust. It might be hard to get in contact with me now because laptops are overpriced in Vietnam, mostly due to illegal governmental import tax and also kind of by the supply and demand curve and maybe other factors as well. You could try to find my cell phone number and text me if you do want to find me. I may not have enough money for a laptop for the next few months, if ever again, because I barely have enough money for rent, let alone other things on top of that. I could try to buy a screen/monitor and connect it to my laptop. I may if I can find a cheap enough LCD screen. In the USA, I did that in 2011 after sleeping on my old laptop back then. I use my laptop to find out how to get to work. My schedule is on my laptop. My life is done on my laptop. I kind of feel like my pet puppy or wife just died in the body of hardware. With Joey Arnold. In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. — with Joey Arnold.

I live around:
Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22, quận Bình Thạnh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Call and text me: my cell phone service is Viettel:
(84) 0-163-425-1695
— with Joey Arnold.
  • Original Oatmeal i am using a corner of my screen that is not cracked right now
  • Original Oatmeal i do not have enough money to have it fixed.... screens cost more money to fix than new computers cost often times..... i do not know where to go to get the screen fixed.... most things in vietnam are overpriced and too expensive due to import tax, greed, corruption, supply and demand, and other things too..... i would need help with fixing the screen or with buying a new laptop.... i have no idea where to go or how much money to spend.... buying a laptop is not like buying noodles... it is much harder than that
  • Original Oatmeal in the USA, you can buy really good laptops for around 400.000 VND and you can find many really cheap things in the USA that still has a higher quality to them.... i have looked at the prices for laptops at many stores in vietnam.... i have looked at how much it costs to fix things and i have been to many stores in saigon and the prices do not make sense to me..... it seems they are trying to keep the poor people from buying things and they must be forcing the rich people to spend more money... vietnam is acting like unjust monopoly
  • Original Oatmeal i know... i am trying to find vietnamese people to help... i am still trying to find help..... i have been asking for help with these things for the past 5 months.... i have been in vietnam for the past 5 months..... my laptop started breaking back then.... so it has been many months now and i have talked to over 20 different vietnamese people in person and more online..... the search continues.... the quest continues... the sage continues
  • Original Oatmeal the saga continues.... not the sage
  • Original Oatmeal people do not always have technically detailed enough answers and experience and wisdom and knowledge to get the most thorough enough answers or responses that i am looking for
  • Trần Bảo Tân what are you looking for
  • Trần Bảo Tân what are you really want to help
  • Marilyn Mitchell I haven't been able to call you, ever, and don't know why.
  • Marilyn Mitchell you need an additional school to work at
  • Original Oatmeal Trần Bảo Tân, I am looking to fix my laptop. I want to fix my screen. I want to see how much it could cost to fix the cracks in the screens. If the cracks are not repairable, then I would also want to see the prices for replacing my laptop screen with a new one. I would also want to look at the different prices for buying external monitors (screens) that are separate from the laptop itself, since it is often cheaper to buy monitors than it is to buy exact replacements to laptop screens that have to fit the exact size and model and details of the exact individualistic laptop that you have.

    I also would want to look at the prices of laptops and computer desktops and think about the different prices between these following 4 options:

    How much money does it cost to:

    1. Repair cracked flat-screen LCD laptop monitors

    2. Replace flat-screen LCD laptop monitors

    3. Buy external monitors (screens = like a TV)

    4. Buy computer laptops and desktops
  • Sinia Peach What is ur laptop brand?
  • Original Oatmeal Lenovo 3000 G530
  • Original Oatmeal Replacing laptop screens, at times, are over 50% (percent) of the total cost of buying a brand new computer laptop and/or desktop. Replacing laptop screens, at other times, do cost twice as much as the total purchase of buying a brand new laptop computer.

    Why spend half to twice as much on replacing a screen when you can just buy a brand new laptop for half to a quarter of the cost?

    Laptops, at times, cost around $200 USD (that is 4.000.000 VND) and yet laptop screen replacements costs, at times, around $500 (10.000.000 VND). In the United States, at Best Buys, they charge $5oo. At other times, they may charge around $100 (2.000.000 VND) which is still quite a bit compared to the cost of buying a new laptop or desktop.

    These kinds of things are tricky.
  • Original Oatmeal Online, it says an replacement screen for my laptop costs $100 USD. That is 2.000.000 VND, not including the cost of installation. But you can get laptops at around that much money at the same time. So, is buying a replacement worth it, or a waste of money?
  • Trần Bảo Tân in vietnam they dont repair anything of laptop, if you want to replace, cost around 2000.000 vnd, if you want a screen live a TV cost around 2.500.000, but cost around 1000.000vnd if you have a second hand screens Nhật Tảo computure market (Nhật Tảo Str, quận 5, hcmc), cost around 500.000 0r 300.000vnd for a CRT second hand in Nhật Tảo market,
  • Trần Bảo Tân
    Thiết Bị Tin Học,Monitor,17",Máy vi tính giá rẻ, sửa chữa máy tính, bảo hành máy...See More
  • Original Oatmeal there are flat screen LCD monitors in USA for 400.000 VND or so

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