Friday, April 26, 2013

Finding a Job

Let me ask my friend working for English center if there's any vacancy. Then I can ask her email for your contact. Good luck!
Quinny LêPrivate_message
hi Samuel!!!
Welcome to Vietnam.I believe that u have a good trip,good memories when u stay in VN.^^
I see that u want to get a job to support for ur finance,right? So,althought i don't know exacly what the job for u, i recommend that u should go to the "language center" to find a help,i mean that there are a teaching job a lot which ur needs,u know what i mean....And addition,"the private teacher" maybe suitable for u,Do u think so? :)
I just help u a litlle ^^ hope u 'll find job as soon as possible...
Khang NguyênPrivate_message
Most of the school only employs native speakers, even in some big English centre like ILA or VUS, teaching certificates like TESOL are required. However I think, if your English is really good, there are still changes for you to find job in small school.

And about teaching German, Goethe Institue is the best place that you can apply for a teacher possition. This is the website of this, it is even written in German :P
Mai HoangPrivate_message
Good luck Sam :)
I live in District 1. I teach English to 3 teenagers at New Star in Tan Phu District and I teach English at many kindergarten schools in many districts in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam through the Tan Van Foreign Language school.

I do not have a TEFL or TESOL or college degrees or college diplomas but I still work at schools in Saigon, I will be trying to get a real TESOL or other like teaching degrees or certificates as soon as I can.

I was born and raised in the USA. I am a native English speaker.
Samuel SchoepePrivate_message
Wow, so many answers! Great!
I'll try the English centers first. Maybe I'm lucky. I'll also try the Goethe Institute.
Thanks for your help!!
Anastasia Y.Private_message
smaller language centers will be your best bet. Good luck!
Samuel SchoepePrivate_message
Yeah, that makes sence!
Does someone know smaller language centers? Cheers
Chau NgoPrivate_message
I think Anastasia will get you some information about the small langguage centers. Good luck! :)
Minh HaPrivate_message
It would be better if u have degree. Some famous language centers such as VUS, Apollo, AMA provide high salary, supports as well as good experiences for teaching job. Im not sure about smaller language center but you can try to check out those above. Good luck :)
Anastasia Y.Private_message
Lots of smaller language schools all over the city, you just gotta drive around. As for me, it was a bit of challenging -eventho im a qualified teacher, most schools said they cant hire me because I'm asian - most of the parents prefer their kids to be taught by a white person (probably even if they are not qualified) anyway, I got a job after about 2 - 3 weeks driving around the city.
The fact that you're white (foreign looking) is a big plus.
Anastasia Y.Private_message
Good luck with the job search!
That makes "Sense" not "Sence."
Samuel SchoepePrivate_message
Oh, yes that's right. :) Does the word 'sence' even exist? It doesn't right?
Candy SnifPrivate_message
hihihi Joey dont be so serious to adjust this word from @Samuel Schoepe, otherwise that word "Sence" doesn't exist heheh =))... English is not our mother tongue, so sometimes get mistakes always happen normally. You can try to guide us as well by your mother tongue instead, Be friendly to make good friends ya ^^ PEACE 
Thien AnPrivate_message
this is some information for you in case that you still want to check out: ( choose Tranining or Educaton funtion).
Many English teacher jobs here above.
Good luck and enjoy your time.
If you need some one to walk around, do not hesitate to contact me.
The word "SENCE" is a word in the Turkish language that means "Do you think." And in Vietnamese, Sence means "bạn có nghĩ rằng." That is what Google Translate says.

Plus, sence is also a jewerly brand as seen at this link:
Samuel SchoepePrivate_message
haha, thanks for the quick update on that word!
So I definitely meant 'sense' since I don't speak Turkish and I'm also not much into jewelry :D

PS: "jewelry" (or "jewellery" for our British friends) not "jewerly" ;)
I just misspelled a word. If a native English speaker can get the word "jewelry" AKA "jewellery" spelled wrong and totally incorrect then to non-native English speakers, I will tell you that even I make mistakes.

But looking on the bright side of things, it seems that "Jewerly" is not a word yet. That means one of us could make up the meaning and get this new word a bright future.

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