Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fake Gold

Marilyn Mitchell shared Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance)'s photo.
The Chinese received fake shipment from US to settle debt difference. Drilled in to discover they were made from Tungsten. These gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the US and had been stored in Fort Knox for years. After a investigation they discovered over 1 million gold bars were made during the Clinton Administration. 

The Gold Antitrust Action Committee suspects a big scandal after hearing Rothchild leave the gold business. They suspect the Federal Reserve has been manipulating gold prices for decades. This inspired GATA to file a second Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Federal Reserve System for documents from 1990 to date having to do with gold swaps, gold swapped, or proposed gold swaps. The Federal Reserve fails to provide the needed documentation. Stating that disclosures would undermine its operation.


Post by Sisnarf
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The Chinese received fake shipment from US to settle debt difference. Drilled in to discover they were made from Tungsten. These gold bars, containing serial nu...See More

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